Friday, July 30, 2021

He tries hard but fails to politicize Cuba

 Let’s do a thought experiment. Imagine Joe Biden, who is President of the United States of America, deciding to speak out for Cuban freedom. To that end, he allows Cuban refugees to benefit from his open border policy. He instructs his cyber nerds to restore internet service to Cuba. He asks Congress to pass a resolution condemning the regime of the Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel. And he demands that freedom be allowed for all Cubans.


Then what? Well, if President Biden stops here, nothing will happen. But if he decides to act as America usually does when pressed by the special interest groups that never let an opportunity go to waste without exploiting it, Biden will have several models from which to choose. He has the Bay of Pigs model. If he doesn’t like it, he has the examples of Korea, Vietnam, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. Does anyone of these models, sound better than the Bay of Pigs? No. Of course not. They are all as bad.


Well, we must admit that the thought experiment has led to a dead end. But do you know why, my friend? It’s because these ideas were suggested by Jed Babbin who always comes up with dead end ideas. This time, he put his ideas in the form of a written article that came under the title: “Time for Biden to liberate Cuba and denounce communism,” and the subtitle: “Cuban protestors chant ‘we are not afraid’ and carry American flags.” The article was published on July 24, 2021 in The Washington Examiner.


To elaborate on his point, Jed Babbin followed the pattern you would expect from someone like him. It is that he began with an observation, which he exaggerated. He then made another observation that was related to the first. This gave him the opportunity to state the preconceived conclusion which is the familiar talking point that’s frequently disseminated by people such as himself.


Here is the observation he exaggerated: “tens of thousands of Cubans across the nation have been protesting against the oppression of the regime that has banned such demonstrations for sixty years”.


Here is the observation that’s related to the first: “President Biden issued a statement of support for the demonstrators, asking the regime to hear and serve its people”.


And here is the preconceived conclusion that was cited by Jed Babbin: “The Biden administration actions prove that he didn’t mean what he said”.


Okay, Jed Babbin, you believe that President Biden did not mean it when he said he supports the Cuban demonstrators or when he asked the regime to hear and serve its people. So, what are you going to do about it? Actually, Babbin answered this question. He did so by lecturing the American President about the harshness of life in Cuba. He said food is scarce in that country. Electricity is often interrupted. Medical services are inadequate. And the response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been a failure.


It is too bad that Jed Babbin did not have the humanity within him to do what’s required in such a situation. Before lecturing to the American President, the first thing that Babbin should have done was alleviate the pain of the Cuban people. Because he does not have the material resources to do that, he should have done what the people who are blessed with high morals usually do. That is, he should have consoled the people of Cuba. The quickest and easiest way to do that, would have been to tell these people, they may be living a hard life but at least, they don’t have to sleep under a bridge. They don’t have to urinate in the parks. They don’t have to defecate in the streets of big cities like a growing number of people are forced to do in some places where life is even more miserable than in Cuba.


Such talk would have caused the Cubans who carry the America flag to instantly realize that because they are better off than some Americans, they are better off than many around the globe. And that would have alleviated their pain more than anything Biden or Babbin could have said to them or done for them.


Had Jed Babbin thought of this, and had he taken steps to communicate the message to the protesters in Cuba, he might have incentivized them to dig deeper into the subject matter by, for example, checking out the reasons why their country has asked the United Nations to probe into America’s treatment of its own citizens. After all, Babbin is alleging that Cuban troops shot and killed one protester. But how does that compare with African Americans routinely getting a hail of bullets in the chest or the back of the head. They get it – not for protesting or anything like that – but for pleading with the killer cop: I am sorry, I am scared”.


It becomes increasingly clear, day after day, that what the world needs now is love, sweet love – like goes the song – but that’s not all. The world needs something else too. It needs to remind Jed Babbin and those like him of the saying that goes like this: Ye hypocrites, first get rid of the log in your own eye; then you’ll see well enough to deal with the speck in your brother’s eye.


The unchallenged reality is that – nudged by the Jews who wish to fashion the world into a form that suits their caprices – people like Jed Babbin are further instructed to nag America. They ask it to deal with matters that neither they nor it, can see with clarity, having their vision blocked by a forest of lies from which they harvest more logs for their own eyes.