Sunday, July 25, 2021

Democracy, a gift from Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde?

 It’s been 135 years since the novel, “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” was published. If its author, Robert Louis Stevenson meant it to be a metaphor representing the human condition during his time, he should be laughing in his grave knowing that the metaphor has proven valid even now more than a century later.


It is that nowadays, there exists a creature which goes by the name United States of America (USA,) and tries to shove a medicine called “Democracy” down the throat of everyone America meets. There was a time when the people of Planet Earth thought of America as being a Dr. Jekyll going around healing the wounded and the destitute. But there came a time when most of the Planet began to see the American creature as a Mr. Hyde that tries to shove down the throats of people, not the real thing, but a poison that was concocted by a Yiddish speaking terrorist leader who called his poison: Za Damacracy of za Shamir.


If you want to know why the democracy that’s peddled by America these days, represents a system of governance that no longer exists in the American practice, you may read the article that came under the title: “Washington’s Democracy Dilemma,” and the subtitle: “Crafting a Democracy Strategy in an age of Great-Power Politics,” written by Frances Z. Brown and Thomas Carothers.” The article was published on July 23, 2021 in Foreign Affairs.


This is a well written, long article that should be read in its entirety. While referring to it once in a while, I shall take a different approach discussing the subject at hand, as I outline my point of view. What I see, are claims to three kinds of democratic systems. Here they are:


The first claim materialized when the Industrial Revolution entered its most callous phase. It was a time when the industrialists of Europe saw their peasant countrymen as disposable parts attached to their production machines. They also saw the inhabitants of the non-industrialized world, as beasts of burden, perhaps more useful than a donkey but no more useful than a horse. And they saw these people sitting on huges piles of natural resources that could not be theirs, and must therefore be relieved of them by force of arms if necessary.


When their own people revolted — the peasants as well as the skilled artisans who lost the competition to the production capacity of the machine — the rulers of the European countries started to make life more bearable for the common people by enacting socially oriented legislation. It was easy for them to do it because they did not have to rob the usual Peter to pay Paul. The Peter they robbed this time, were the foreigners that sat on natural resources they didn’t know what to do with, according to the industrialists of a bygone era.


A consequence of making life more bearable for the people, was the opening of the system of governance. Once this trend began in one jurisdiction, it was improved on and duplicated in other European jurisdictions. Step by step and over time, the system kept approaching what we know today as the Western European system of democratic governance.


The second claim to democracy materialized shortly after the European conquest of the “New Worlds” where the victors massacred the unarmed indigenous people and robbed them of their possessions. Now, having vast stretches of lands that can be turned into productive farms, and having inexhaustible amounts of natural resources that can be manufactured into products, the victors beckoned people from Europe to come and settle into a new life that was promising beyond any dream they could have.


Of the four victors that conquered the new worlds, France and Britain, pushed Spain and Portugal, out of what came to be called North America, sending them to Central and South America where they colonized the land there. When they were defeated in Europe as well, and their navies were sunk, their colonies in the Americas were left to hack it on their own. They have been doing just that ever since, at times running a democratic system of government; at other times running an autocratic system.


France and Britain continued to fight over the North American Continent. Britain won this war but then lost the USA part to rebels who called themselves “patriots.” They had British ancestry, to be sure, but felt no allegiance to a British monarch whom they felt was exploiting them without offering them a democratic form of representation.


Those patriots turned America into a Republic, drafting a Constitution that spelled out the democratic system of governance, which America is supposed to follow even today, but does not all the time, as pointed out in the Frances Brown and Thomas Carothers article. What happened, in fact, is that the American system was contaminated by the rise of the third claim to democracy. More about that in a moment.


If we can ignore the massacre, the looting and the system of slavery that was adopted by the Americans, we may say that for two centuries, America was able to follow a reasonably good system of democracy for the part of the population that was generally white. This was possible to achieve because the subsequent generations of whites, detached themselves from their ancestors. As well, the newly arrived immigrants detached themselves from the “old country” where they were born. And both detached themselves from the sins of their forefathers, concentrating instead on the future.


Now to the third claim to democracy, which materialized in Israel. It is a system of governance whose components are improvised, implemented, discarded and reimplemented to suit the political changes that occur elsewhere, mostly in America. The Israeli system started as a Marxist-Stalinist concoction, kept morphing into different things to finally become an extreme form of Likudist-Trumpist whatever. It is maintained afloat by the charity of American donations, both official and private, as well as the extorted money from foreign governments whom America blackmails into paying to Israel or be impeded.


The influence of Israel and its followers on America has, for all practical purposes, frozen out the instructions of the American Constitution, contaminating the culture and giving the people the democratic choice of praising the Jews or shutting up. When the Jews felt secure in the knowledge that they made this situation ironclad in America, they pushed the State Department and the White House into forcing onto the world, “za damacracy of za Shamir”.


This is why, every time that an American speaks of democracy to the world, people ask if that means a gift from Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde.