Sunday, July 18, 2021

The lie was ugly then, the truth is pretty now

 In adding his voice to the ongoing debate about the need to tell or to hide the truth, Jimmy Quinn has exposed the full extent of the evil tapestry that was infused into the American culture by the rabbis who worked on conquering America as far back as half a century ago.


At the start of his article, Quinn told his readers what it was that prompted him to write the piece which he did. He said this: “Secretary of State Antony Blinken issued a cable to American embassies worldwide, encouraging diplomats to reckon honestly with the darkest chapters of US history.” Quinn went on to quote the following passage from Blinken’s cable: “That means we acknowledge our imperfections. We don’t sweep them under the rug. We confront them openly and transparently”.


Quinn’s article came under the title: “Antony Blinken’s Risky Wager,” and was published on July 16, 2021 in National Review Online.” Whereas Blinken’s performance would give any well-adjusted reader great satisfaction at the aura of honesty that’s starting to blow in American politics under a new administration, it is not how Jimmy Quinn feels about the matter. Instead, this is how he expressed his sentiment: “Blinken is poised to further aggravate the controversy over racism and human rights in US foreign policy that he stirred this week”.


Quinn’s beef is that America’s foes have weaponized American history to their own ends. Is this guy, Jimmy Quinn for real? Or does he believe his readers are idiots? Who in the world does not know about America’s colossal effort to destabilize other countries with broadcasts that came and continue to come after a quarter of a century — under such names as Radio Free Europe and Voice of America? Now that the other countries have decided to give America some of its own medicine, “weapons, weapons, they weaponize our history,” cry the knee jerking pundits of the American media.


From where do you think, Jimmy Quinn got those ideas? In case you missed it, here is the passage that answers that question: “This has drawn fire from conservatives who view the move as an act of self-flagellation. This is INSANE, former US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley told Fox News.” She explained that authoritarian regimes will exploit the opportunity to weaponize the reckonings with slavery and other historical ills.


What Nikki Hailey did not explain is why she thinks those regimes have waited for Antony Blinken to talk about America’s human rights record to weaponize the thing when in reality, Blinken made the move that he did in response to the concerns that the foreigners have been raising about America talking a noble discourse about human rights, while at the same time wiping its mouth with hands that drip with the blood of the innocent Blacks in its midst.


Moreover, according to Quinn himself, this is not the first time that China — which is supposedly one of the authoritarian regimes — has pointed its finger at the hypocrisy of a so-called democratic country. It did so to point out that Canada’s treatment of its indigenous population does not look any better than China’s treatment of its minority populations.


Another utterance of Nikki Haley that points to the bizarre nature of the knowledge which the Jews pumped into her skull when she was at the United Nations, is the saying that America must whitewash its own history lest the authoritarian regimes whitewash their history. Does this not mean, let’s become authoritarian so that the authoritarians become democratic? Or did she mean something else?


By now, this line of thinking had gotten so messy, Jimmy Quinn could not wait to hit the escape button. He did so, and then turned the argument on its head. Here is how he did that:


“Conservatives criticizing Blinken’s move should acknowledge that there’s a method, one that could sound solid in principle. This approach to discussing human rights can also be something like a high-stakes wager. Blinken hopes that by addressing America’s own historical injustices, Washington’s competitors will look far worse by comparison when they stonewall efforts to highlight their human-rights atrocities”.


Whereas this sounds like the start of a good competition for telling the truth between opposite regimes, it is unfortunate that Quinn could not stay with it. He quickly plunged into the cesspool of crass politics, thus demonstrated a crucial difference between the “reviled” regimes of the East and the “beloved” regimes of the West. It is that the East has reformed and continues to reform whereas the “West’ was and remains averse to reforming even after it reckoned that it is rotten to the core in some places. Here is how Quinn has played the dirty game of the democracies:


“Acknowledging [the truth] among friends, is different from doing so at the UN Human Rights Council. At the most recent session, the Biden administration hailed the passage of a resolution on police brutality and discrimination against Africans and people of African descent, including in the US. The problems with this are many. The council’s authoritarian members continue to play a significant role in its proceedings. Last year, amid the worldwide protests for racial justice sparked by the killing of George Floyd, they took the occasion of a council debate to castigate Washington’s human-rights record. There’s nothing wrong with America’s top diplomat speaking honestly about his country’s history. But where he does that matters, and with whom he does that can either show weakness, or be an effective strategy with which to promote human rights in the world”.


In essence, Jimmy Quinn is saying: We have two sides to the mouth for a reason. Let’s use one side for talking among ourselves, and the other side for talking in a world forum such as the United Nations. So very disgusting. So very Jewish.