Sunday, September 30, 2018

The Political Weinsteins and the retarded Uncle

Ever since the Jews have shown how easy it was for them to fool the political elites of America, and use them to bankroll the most horrific sort of crimes you can imagine, other groups and individuals started imitating the Jews at taking advantage of America's retarded system of governance to advance their own criminal agendas.

These groups and individuals continue to do it at the expense of the hard-working American people who keep paying for the unforgivable crimes being committed out of sight and thousands of miles away from them and yet, committed in their name. But none of these groups or individuals––separately or jointly––come close to milking America at a rate or frequency as do the Jews.

As it happens, Michael Makovsky and Charles Wald summoned all their wits and worked hard to put together a narrative that illustrates as well as can be, the techniques used by the Jews to take advantage of the retarded Uncle Sam. They have his people pay top dollars for the Jewish crimes committed in the Middle East and elsewhere, and they have his country take moral responsibility for the horror that results.

When all is said and done, after each of the never-ending train of operations incited by the Jews, the latter collect the spoils generated at a high cost in life and treasure by America's sons and daughters. In addition, the Jews get the accolades for a job described by the media they control, as being executed in accordance with the highest level of Jewish moral standards. And after the completion of each hit on someone, the Jews expect and get America's political elites to stand shoulder to shoulder with them –– showing no daylight between the pair –– to express America's pride at having served Israel well … and pledging to do better still next time.

The Makovsky and Wald article that illustrates all those points, came under the title: “Beating back Iranian aggression by supporting Israel,” published on September 25, 2018 in the New York Daily News. The article's first paragraph can be condensed to read as follows:

“With the battle of Syria underway, the media is focused on chemical weapons. But the larger issue is Assad's drive to take back his country. How dare he? In any case, this means Israel will most certainly start yet another war to destabilize the region”.

To make sure that America will bear the cost for what the Jews have in mind, and for it to take the blame for what they want to implement as soon as possible, our two clowns, Michael Makovsky and Charles Wald are recommending the following:

“The U.S. Should gird Israel for war. The 2016 understanding to provide Israel $38 billion in assistance over ten years, is a start. Israel needs an acceleration of this assistance by frontloading it. Give Israel additional F-35 squadrons, Kc-46 air refueling tankers, mobility and transport aircraft, GBU-39, GBU-53/B and Hellfire precision munitions, JDAM kits for unguided bombs, UVAs and semi-submersible naval vessels. Replenish precision munitions and other stockpiles of prepositioned war materiel in Israel, and make it a base to support operations regionwide. The U.S. and Israel should also explore a defense treaty to protect Israel's economic viability. The U.S. should treat Israel as it does Britain and Australia. Share with Israel information, military equipment and technology, directed energy and hypersonic weapons, hyperspectral military satellites, cyber operations, artificial intelligence, unmanned vehicles and counter-hybrid warfare, special and maritime operations, littoral defense of critical infrastructure”.

Is this for real? Does the pair of clowns who wrote that article believe that someone will take them seriously and turn on the machinery of America's government to implement that set of recommendations? The answer to this question is most likely no. But like the old saying goes: if you keep throwing the stinky stuff against the wall, something will stick eventually. And the pair, as well as their buddies in occupied Palestine, will be happy to scrape the wall and collect what's there.

In addition, Michael Makovsky and Charles Wald are Jews. As such, they have something else in mind. Well, to be more accurate, they have something else written in their DNA. It says that when talking about themselves to impress someone they wish to scare, they must think in terms of extreme bluster. Instructed to do something that will scare the Iranians, that's how much bluster the two clowns decided to inject in their dissertation.

But if this explains how the Jews operate, it does not explain how it is they could talk in the manner that they did about America. Worse, they were able to put the stinky stuff out there in the public domain without someone that’s acting in an official capacity, coming out and attaching a disclaimer to these Jewish pretenses … indeed to any of the previous pretenses put out over the decades.

After all, having seen this kind of claims put out regularly by the Jews without being repudiated, the world has come to believe that the Jews are acting as the politico-diplomatic Weinsteins of America. That's bad enough, but what's flabbergasting is that the retarded Uncle Sam is letting them rape his women, even his little boys, without lifting a finger to stop them. And the world is not getting scared … least of all the Iranians.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Abbas says no to the Jewish Peace of the Grave

Benny Avni wrote a column under the title: “Abbas says no to peace,” without specifying what kind of peace was offered that Abbas said no to.

And so, in the interest of intellectual honesty and truth-telling, we must now go over Benny Avni's piece of writing and determine what spins, if any, were used by him to make the points that led to such a conclusion. The column in question was published on September 27, 2018 in the New York Post.

Avni makes clear that the thesis he constructed regarding what he believes has transpired, is based on his understanding of the differences which exist between what President Donald Trump of the United States wants, and what President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority wants.

Here is how Avni formulated his understanding of what the American President wants: “Trump said in his rambling press conference he started to realize that peace between Israel and the Palestinians was very important.” And here is how Avni formulated his understanding of what the Palestinian President wants: “Everyone must pitch in for peace. The United States alone? No, because they are biased toward Israel”.

Based on that, Benny Avni concluded that Mahmoud Abbas –– the Palestinian leader whose country is under brutal Jewish occupation –– does not want peace. From there, Avni went on to develop a full-blown article in more than 700 words to expand on his point of view.

The first thing he did was hit the reader with two irrefutable facts. One is that Abbas is aging; the other is that Palestine is not quite a state. But despite these limitations, Abbas: “aims to lead a worldwide anti-Trump resistance movement,” says Avni.

The next irrefutable fact that Benny Avni took pain to mention was that “talks between Ramallah and [occupied] Jerusalem were mostly chaperoned by Washington,” and that Mahmoud Abbas made clear “this will no longer do.” His alternative is that “everyone must pitch in for peace. No to the United States alone because they are biased toward Israel.” Well, my friend, to you and me, this is as clear as two plus two equal four … but apparently not to Benny Avni the Jew.

To explain the rules of his math, Avni begins by quoting Abbas as saying that “Any country can join the Quartet [composed of] America, Russia, the UN and the EU.” Obviously, Abbas aims to expand the Quartet, thus turn the approach to peace talks into a multilateral endeavor that will eventually replace the Quartet. But for some weird reason, Avni says that this “ignores basic arithmetic laws,” without saying how so according to his math.

But seriously speaking, is there something else that's causing Benny Avni to believe that Abbas is rejecting peace? Well, to be fair to him, it must be said that he did allude to something. It is this: “Trump said his preferred outcome is a two-state solution, which means the establishment of a Palestinian state.” But despite Trump's utterance, Avni explained that Abbas assailed America in his UN speech. And Avni took that to mean that Abbas does not want peace. Whoa! This is a mouthful that needs to be parsed.

First of all, Trump did not stop at saying what his preference was. He went on to say that he'll agree to that outcome if both sides ask for it. And the fact is that the Palestinian leaders, including Abbas, have been asking for that outcome since Oslo. It was Israel that always came up with a last-minute trick to torpedo the peace effort.

Moreover, the Palestinians have been saying that America had the leverage to force Israel to accept the two-state solution. So, the question is this: What happened to that leverage? Believe it or not, Trump handed it to Israel on a silver platter without asking for anything in return.

Like they say: Fool me once; shame on you. Fool me twice; shame on me. And the “aging” Mahmoud Abbas proved old enough to have smelled and recognized the brand new Judeo-American rat. He ignored it to avoid being fooled one more time.

And there is a good reason for Abbas to have rejected the new trick. It is that the Jewish goal has not changed. What the Jewish syndicate is trying to hand the Palestinians yet again, is the peace of the grave. Its new game like the old game, is as clear and simple as two plus two equal four.

The Jewish effort has always been and will always remain the cultural genocide of Palestine, and where possible, the physical genocide of its people.

And Mahmoud Abbas is calling on the world to help him prevent this new holocaust from becoming a reality. More power to him.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Stop the Earth, America wants to get off

It is easy for someone that's no longer a teenager to understand why teenagers get confused at times, and go through a difficult period during which time they try to sort out the different feelings that haunt them. All of us, adults, were there at some point in our life, and we remember those moments.

On the other hand, it is hard to understand why some teenagers feel so dejected at that age, they sometimes respond by taking so drastic an action, it can turn into a tragedy. But when you probe these cases, you invariably discover that the teenager in question was not inherently prone to being self-destructive. Rather, he or she would have been pushed to extremes by the circumstances that surrounded them. This usually means that someone was stealthily exerting a bad influence on the inexperienced youngster.

This reality suggests that every time we hear of a teenager exhibiting extreme behavior, we must automatically suspect that the circumstances surrounding that youngster are toxic, and that we must intervene where possible to identify the problem, and to work on alleviating it, thus diffuse a potential tragedy before it happens.

Well, given that organizations (which are put together by the organism that is us – human beings – and are operated by us) behave like we do, we must treat them like we treat human beings. With this in mind, we consider the government of a country to be an important organization whose behavior is critical to the survival of the human species. In fact, it happens that the United States of America is a country whose government is exhibiting a worrisome kind of behavior … and we must worry.

At this point in time, the United States of America is acting like a teenager that's going through a difficult moment. Therefore, it behooves us all, citizens of the world –– and not just the Americans –– to pay close attention to the phenomenon. We must make the effort to try understanding what's happening so that we can start working on fixing the problem before it develops into a serious threat.

To that end, we begin by suspecting that the circumstances surrounding the government of the United States are toxic, and that they must be dealt with. This means, we should try to identify who or what could be the stealthy agent that's exerting a bad influence on the government of the United States, and when we find it, deal with it.

An article written by Benny Avni could prove useful in that regard. It came under the title: “How Trump is sticking it to the globalists,” published on September 25, 2018 in the New York Post. What follows is a condensed version of the article's content:

“Trump is sticking to his vision of America-first sovereignty. He told world leaders, we ask that you honor our sovereignty. He questioned he ICC's authority to adjudicate war crimes. Smart move for the US. The JCPOA is international law. Trump withdrew from it. The Europeans, Russians, Chinese and Iranians vowed to save it. They promise a new banking vehicle to evade Washington's restrictions on US dollars for doing business with Iran. Trump said he'd sooner or later negotiate with the Iranians. Hassan Rouhani's position is that any dialogue must be in accordance with the rules of international law. Sorry, Hassan, Trump's ability to leverage America's economic might trumps Hassan's international deriders”.

That's when and how we see the outside influence work on the United States of America. In fact, what we are witnessing here is the Benny Avni expression of the otherwise standard influence the Jews have been exerting on America for the past half century. Simply stated, what the Jews want to do at this time, is isolate America from the rest of the human race. They want to achieve this goal because –– having tried and failed to subjugate the world and claim ownership of it –– they are now trying a new tack. It is to establish their sole ownership of America by any means they can think of.

Whatever the method they choose at any given time, they must first isolate America from the rest of the world as shown in the Benny Avni article. To succeed, the Jews hide the loyalty they have for Israel while pretending to be patriotic Americans that happen to believe helping Israel benefits America.

They work on the notion that when America antagonizes those who oppose Israel's policies, America does what's good for its own people. And since practically the whole world opposes Israel's policies, America finds itself in opposition to the whole world. And that's exactly what the Jews aim to achieve.

A world that's looking at this spectacle and seeing a government of America that's bending backward to accommodate every Jewish whim no matter how absurd it may be or detrimental to American interests, hears only one refrain come out the mouth of Uncle Sam:

I wanna be only with you, Israel my love. Stop the Earth and let me get off.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

American self-Confidence gone with the Wind

Until the decade of the 1980s, representatives of former colonies and other Third World countries gave speeches at the United Nations in which they “whined” about the bad treatment their countries had suffered at the hands of the known colonial powers and other “countries of the North”.

The people said this was the reason why they were having a hard time developing their economies. They asserted that they were preordained to fail, and there wasn't much they could do about it. But instead of the rich countries helping them get on their feet, what they saw were rich countries of the North do all that they can to rob them of their sovereignty so as to continue exploiting them economically and culturally.

In response to those claims, the print pundits and the talking heads of the electronic media in America came out the woodwork and loudly wished that someone would invent a serum that can cure those Third World people of the whining disease that's afflicting them. They wanted to see the underdeveloped countries get on with the business of doing something positive for themselves, thus improve the lives of their people instead of relying on others to bail them every time they got into trouble.

What no one was commenting on at the time, however, was the whining of the Jews. They were not complaining about the colonial powers or the countries of the North; they were complaining about everyone in the world without discrimination or exception. They accused the entire human race of harboring anti-Semitic sentiments, and lamented they were treated badly simply because they were Jews. They also accused everyone alive of plotting to cleanse their corner of the earth of its Jewish population.

And while the Jews adhered to that line of thought, they chastised the people of the Third World for complaining about being treated badly. It was as if the Jews were saying, the people of the Third World were infringing on a Jewish monopoly: the right to whine, to complain and to ask for compensation.

Anyone, at that time, that read excerpts from a speech given at the UN not knowing who gave it, could tell whether it was given by a Third World country or a rich Northern country. That's because each group had a lexicon of its own, and a viewpoint that ran contrary to the other.

Fast forward to our time, and you'll discover that if you read excerpts from a speech given at the UN not knowing who gave it, you can tell whether it was given by a developing country or one that's considered wealthy. But here is the surprise: you'll discover that there has been a reversal from the past.

It is that the rich countries –– especially the United States of America –– are the ones whining about the loss of opportunity for their young and of sovereignty, at a time when the poor countries are exhibiting optimism and the assertiveness of a people who savor their independence. Whereas the American struggle to fight against what it says are unfair practices, is done in the open and seen by the public; the struggle for independence is not as visible. But that struggle is there, and can be detected in the latest Clifford May column.

That column came under the title: “Americans' right to self rule,” published on September 25, 2018 in The Washington Times. Here is what the writer says early on in the article:

“The Trump administration has had one consistent and overriding foreign policy theme: Defending American sovereignty … Some consider it imperative that the United States remain a political community without a political superior, and that Americans rule themselves”.

To achieve that independence, America is giving up its old preference for generating the collegial cohesion by which it used to lead the world. Time after time, America pushed forward in search of a consensus –– that distinct American character which made it the superpower that it was throughout most of the Twentieth Century.

Since it is impossible to lead the world without generating cohesion and building consensus, it is not clear if America is giving up on its leadership of the world, or if it has a secret plan to continue leading by a heretofore unknown magic formula based on bilateral relations.

Time will tell.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

John Bolton's uncivilized system of Governance

Science fiction writers love to fantasize about another universe that's made – not with matter like ours – but with anti-matter. This opens an entirely new vista as to the kind of properties that the writers wish to ascribe to some of the things, or all the things in that Universe.

One requisite that some writers might impose on themselves, is that of making the properties of metaphysical things function opposite to the way they do in our universe. For example, when: up-or-down; left-or-right; front-or-back, are uttered in the anti-matter universe, they mean the opposite of what they represent in our universe.

But you know what, my friend? You do not need the imagination of a science fiction writer to help you visualize that kind of universe because we have one right here on Earth. The beauty of it is that it runs parallel to the one we know and whose rules we live by. In fact, this fortuity comes as an added bonus to buffs of science fiction because the idea of multiple universes running parallel to ours, is an important theme in science fiction these days.

If we must thank someone for all this, it would be someone that was not trained in science or even fiction, but one that was trained to be a lawyer. He grew up to hate his profession so badly, he never misses an opportunity to give it a bad name. His name is John Bolton who did not bother practicing his trade in the way that most lawyers do, but chose to practice it tangentially by immersing himself in politics.

In fact, politics was the discipline that offered John Bolton the ways by which several aspects of metaphysics could be explored. He loved the game because he discovered that metaphysics had a fungible property he could play with; and play, he did. He played like a clown would with three balls, tossing them up-and-down to mean down-and-up; left-and-right to mean right-and-left; and back-and-forth to mean forth-and-back.

One of the projects that John Bolton pioneered, was to take the money which the government of the United States paid him to do work for the United States, and used it to work for Israel instead. The task he gave himself was to twist the arm of weak governments, forcing them to vote on repealing the UN decision that had recognized the Israeli system of governance as being one of racist apartheid. Bolton's next project was to attack the idea of justice itself by working to destroy the International Criminal Court (ICC).

All in all, Bolton's work in reversing our world to make it look and function like the anti-world of other dimensions as envisaged by science fiction writers, extends in several fields beyond law and justice. You can see one such example in an article that came under the title: “U.S. Warns Russia against Selling Missile Systems to Syria,” written by Mairead McArdle and published on September 24, 2018 in National Review Online.

This story is about Russia supplying Syria with missiles to defend against attacking warplanes. In fact, the missiles cannot be used for any other purpose; least of all as offensive weapon to attack someone, for example. When the news came out that Russia and Syria made that agreement, John Bolton spoke on behalf of America as reported in the McArdle article: “National-security adviser John Bolton argu[ed] that the move would mark a significant escalation in already war-torn Syria”.

The situation in Syria being that a small local disturbance grew to become a 7-year war with the advent and participation of dozens of terror groups including Israel, the number one terrorist entity of all-time –– Syria was forced to ask for help, and got it from its friends and allies. One of those was Russia that helped in many ways.

And then, when it became clear that Israel will stop at nothing in its attempt to destabilize Syria –– using American supplied warplanes to attack it when it is busy dealing with lesser terrorists who nonetheless are able to wreak havoc in the country –– Syria asked for a system that could defend against Israel's kind of aggression, and Russia agreed to supply it with the appropriate system of air defense.

You would think that America applauded the move, if only because a country that's well defended adds to the stability of the region, but that’s not the sentiment Bolton expressed on behalf of America. He said that a Syria that's well defended escalates the war. That's because to him up-and-down means down-and-up; left-and-right means right-and-left; and back-and-forth means forth-and-back.

This guy, John Bolton, is a three-dimensional dyslexic, and that's what America is fast becoming.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

End your Gangsterism to avoid being humiliated

North Korea called America's approach to the negotiations that were meant to end the state of war on the Korean Peninsula, an act of gangsterism. Where did that come from? And what does it mean in the context of the situation that exists in the Far Eastern region, and the rest of the world?

Well, given that gangs are normally thought to be an assembly of thugs, gangsterism means to act like a thug. That's how the North Koreans meant to describe Mike Pompeo’s sayings when he demonstrated that America's style of negotiating was to tell the North Koreans they must disarm before he would sit with them and discuss if America was prepared to reciprocate in any fashion.

That stance evoked the image of a thug pulling a knife from his pocket, of ordering North Korea to strip itself naked, and of throwing the clothes at his feet. It is this or he will get violent and do the kind of damage that North Korea would not want to suffer. This is what the North Koreans saw and heard, and that's when they responded with a resolute: Go fly a kite away from us –– you, American gangster. So, what do you think, my friend? Was this episode not humiliating enough for America?

To understand how America was brought down to this level, we must recall and examine the role that the Jews have played in altering the American culture from the dignified level where it stood half a century ago to the devalued level where it stands today. And the best way to do that, is to review and parse an example that should help us get a sense of what the Jews did, and how their doings have transformed America. A good example to look at is a recent column that was written by Jonathan S. Tobin under the title: “Trump's Iran sanctions prove the establishment wrong –– again,” published on September 20, 2018 in the New York Post.

What we find in this article are all the ingredients we detect in similar articles – all of them written by Jews or their lackeys. The articles include hatemongering, fearmongering, warmongering, praising someone while denigrating another, the stirring of partisan hatred, the pitting of people against people and the making of false promises about rosy outcomes that never materialize. What follows is a condensed version of the Jonathan Tobin article:

“When Trump withdrew from the Iran deal, the foreign-policy establishment was opposed to Trump’s action. They were loyal to Obama and contemptuous of Trump. They warned that the move will fail because the Europeans, Russians and Chinese will do business with Iran. And there will be a hike in oil prices. But they were wrong. Reports say the move has crippled Iran's oil exports without causing an increase in prices. How is that? Obama was guided by false assumptions. He thought the way to proceed was to work with U.S. allies, Russia and China; and that Iran was too strong to be brought to its knees. But the shift in energy markets means that Iran has little leverage. The success of sanctions should encourage the U.S. to push Tehran harder, thus generate respect for Trump's approach to the region”.

As can be seen, Jonathan Tobin began his discussion by pitting the current administration against the previous, and by warning that the foreign-policy establishment is still loyal to the previous administration. He went on to promise that in predicting a rise in the price of oil if sanctions were imposed against Iran, the establishment will be proven wrong. Well, guess what. The price of oil has been rising steadily since then, prompting President Trump to tweet his displeasure at what he was seeing. The reality is that Brent Crude has now gone above 80 dollars a barrel and WTI above 70 dollars, which are levels not seen in years. And prices are still climbing, with no end in sight.

Tobin spoke also of false assumptions that were made with regard to America's petroleum potentials. He refuted them by repeating the most horrendous farce that people like himself have perpetrated on the American public. He mentioned “the shift in energy markets,” which is supposed to mean that America produces enough petroleum to supply itself and the world even if everyone else stopped producing oil.

But the fact is that (speaking in round figures) the world produces and consumes 100 million barrels a day. America consumes 20 million of them but produces only 10 million while importing the balance. That is, America produces only half what it consumes, and needs the world to help it fill the gap … not the other way around.

As usual, the Jews have turned reality upside-down to con America and keep sucking its blood. When will someone tell these people enough is enough, thus give America the breathing room it needs to start restoring its old glory back instead of being humiliated again and again?

Monday, September 24, 2018

Culture-shocked Donald Trump shocks the World

Culture shock is generally defined as the disorientation someone experiences when he or she moves from the surroundings of their familiar culture to another surroundings where a different culture is practiced.

This usually implies that someone has moved from one country to another, if not from one continent to another, where the way of life is markedly different, and the manner of navigating through the subtleties and difficulties of the daily routine are often puzzling to a newcomer.

But culture shock can also occur under different circumstances where its effect will be even more profound and longer lasting if not permanent. A prime example of that is Donald J. Trump whose absorption of the culture that surrounded him as he grew up, has been very different from what an average American kid would experience.

Feeling his father's agony as he struggled to stay in the real estate business at a time when the Jews were elbowing their way into it, Donald Trump absorbed the subtle nuances he detected in the Jewish character. They were the ones that affected his father so profoundly, he could not hide them. Young Donald devoured these nuances and grew up to play them out, not in any subtle way, but play them in their raw form as if to tell the world he knows how to play the Jewish game, while telling the Jews that anything they can do, he can do more forcefully, even if he needs to be so unpolished and grotesque as to annoy everyone around him.

The reality that humanity must deal with now, is that Donald Trump has become the most authentic expression of the Jewish character the world has ever seen. And the consequence of him becoming president of the United States, is that the resentment which human beings of every race and religion have felt toward the Jews throughout time –– has now developed toward Donald Trump. What makes the situation even more worrisome in their eyes, is that Donald Trump inherited the power which the Jews always coveted but never developed for themselves.

Donald Trump will be at the headquarter of the United Nations in the coming days where he'll tell the world what he has in mind for the coming year. Having shocked humanity with much of what he has done so far, there is a great deal of trepidation as to how much more he'll add to that. But the trepidation is felt not only by foreigners; it is felt by Americans as well. Many have written to express those sentiments, such as the two articles that were published recently.

One article came under the title: “Iran likely to divide Trump from allies at UN gathering” and the subtitle: “Donald Trump sees the UN General Assembly as a chance to condemn Iran –– but the US allies plan to tell the president he's the problem.” It was written by Nahal Toosi, David M. Herszenhorn and Matthew Karnitschnig, and published on September 20, 2018 in Politico.

The second article came under the title: “Trump's second appearance at the UN could make America lose even more political clout on the global stage,” written by Stewart Patrick and published on September 21, 2018 in Business Insider.

What Donald Trump does not realize and his minions are not telling him, is that the Jewish way of doing business may have worked for him in the real estate business of Jewish New York but is failing in the diplomatic business of the world at large, and will continue to fail. The proof of this, is that the Jews –– who may have scored success working with each other –– scored only failures during the 4,000 years they have been trying to achieve the kind of diplomatic success that would earn them a seat at the table of the human family.

The reason for that is easy to understand. The Jew does not want a gentile partner as an equal. He'll say this is what he wants, but the moment you engage him in partnership, he'll start to work around you like a spider works around a fly. He'll slowly and stealthily wrap you in his silky web, and when he has you snugged, feeling cozy and secure, he'll stab you with a venomous fang you never knew he had. And he'll suck the life out of you so fast, you won't have the time to cry out: “Et tu my so-called Jewish friend and partner!”

To the Jews, “everyone” is synonymous to “everything” in the sense that both are objects created by God as disposable props to be used by the Jews for the purpose of completing whatever plans they work on, so as to enrich and/or entertain themselves.

The world has known this about the Jews for thousands of years and has taken measures to protect itself from them. Slowly but surely, the world is being forced to adopt those same measures to protect itself from an America that is transforming into a Jewish-like monstrosity, and threatening civilization itself.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Slow Motion cultural Genocide refusing to die

In case someone out there believes that the Jewish quest to bring about the death of Palestine is a recent phenomenon, Shmuel Rosner wrote a piece to refresh the memory as to the origin of that quest.

Rosner wrote: “Why the 'Jordanian Option' Won't die,” an article that also came under the subtitle: “A confederation of the West Bank and Jordan is once again under discussion. Is it such a bad idea?” It was published on September 21, 2018 in The New York Times.

Even though the subtitle speaks only of the West Bank of the Jordan, the idea encompasses the Gaza Strip as well. This is not mentioned as often as before because much is happening in Gaza at this time that puts it out of the physical and rhetorical control of the Jews. But stripped down to its essentials, the idea says that to fulfill God's directive that there should be room for only one people in Palestine, the Palestinian people as a distinct group must be made to vanish to let the Jews be sole owners of the Palestinian lands and properties.

Do it through the physical annihilation of the Palestinians if possible –– said the scheme that was devised to effectuate the divine directive –– or do it by cultural genocide using the method of forced assimilation involving the Palestinians and someone else. In fact, the two tranches of the plan foresaw the assimilation of the West Bank population with that of Jordan; and the assimilation of the Gaza population with the Bedouins of Egypt's Sinai. In addition, the Jews were also thinking of kicking the Bedouins of the Negev Desert out, sending them to assimilate with those of the Sinai.

Rosner says that the idea was formulated by a professor, as recounted in a new book written by a historian. Rosner goes on to explain that Levi Eshkol, then Prime Minister of Israel, was apprised of the idea but did not act on it. In fact, it was not until a few years later that his successor, Golda Meir revived the idea by publicly pronouncing the official Jewish banishment of the “so-called Palestinian people”.

Needless to say that the idea never caught fire in America, but was once mentioned in a half-assed attempt by a neutered jerk that was running to be president. It is that he was hungry for a donation from a Jewish gambling mogul who would not gamble on him. But the mogul loved to have his ass kissed and so, decided to let the jerk kiss his ass, which he did by repeating the Golda Meir pronouncement. He was rewarded with a piece of crap eventually; a piece that failed to save him from sinking into oblivion despite his troubles.

Shmuel Rosner says that the idea was put on a slow back-burner for a while, but was revived recently and talked about again. And so, the question we must ask is: why now? Well, the answer is that the idea is one more option the Jews are putting on the table in the hope of distracting from a plan the Trump administration is said to work on; a plan that might lead to the establishment of an independent Palestinian state.

Aside from the Jewish belief that God is directing them to prevent the establishment of such a state, there are at least three practical reasons why the Jews do not want this to happen:

First, a state that is a full member of the United Nations has rights that a non-state does not. This means that if Palestine becomes a full member of the UN, Israel will no longer be able to behave like a savage animal on a rampage when dealing with that State.

Second, all the Arab nations will fulfill the promise of normalizing their relations with Israel. When this happens, Israel will be stripped of the ability to come up with the kind of excuses that allowed it to siphon off American blood for decades. The result will be that the Jews will only have what they work for and no more. It will be so meager that a pauper might feel sorry for them and offer to give them charity.

Third, the moment that Palestine becomes an independent state, there will be such a euphoria in Palestine, the Arab World, the Muslim World, and throughout the planet – gifts of money, factories, enterprises and schools will pour into that place. It will turn into a Dubai-like real estate, endowed with the manufacturing excellence and the enterprising flare of a Switzerland.

And all that will be run by the highly educated individuals of the Palestinian diaspora who will return home. They will show the Jews how to be a nation that relies on its sons and daughters, instead of living as do the Israelis on charity, donations and the fraudulently obtained compensation they never cease to claim.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

There's still more that the Jews need to learn

When Jews got killed, it was the fault of someone evil but not the Jews. It's what they said about the events that unfolded in Europe during the Second World War.

When the Jews kill, as they do all the time, it's the fault of someone evil but not the Jews. It's what they say about the events which are unfolding now in the occupied part of Palestine called the West Bank of the Jordan, and the blockaded part of Palestine called the Gaza Strip.

When nobody gets killed, it is the fault of someone evil but not the Jews. It's what they say about the non-events which are unfolding at this time in the government liberated territories of Syria; places that remain beyond the reach of the Jewish death machine.

These realities point to the undeniable fact that Jews have been associated with death at least since the middle of the Twentieth Century. If now, an impartial observer that was never interested in the history of the Middle East, suddenly developed an interest in the region and wanted to find out more about what's going on, he will discover that horror and death are the two legs on which stands the Jewish culture. The stories that the Jews tell about themselves, going back nearly four thousand years, are nothing but a wall-to-wall glorification of blood, death and the suffering of those that survived the Jewish onslaught instead of dying and be free of pain.

The observer will not dwell too much on the past, preferring instead to concentrate on the mentality that sees glory and satisfaction in horror, death, destruction and suffering. His research takes him through the massive paper trail to which Jewish pundits continue to add pieces of work. In so doing, they are creating the right conditions for generating still more insight as to how the Jewish mind operates, shaped and molded as it is by the Judeo-Yiddish culture.

One such piece of work came under the title: “Ari Fuld and Jewish victimhood,” written by Paul Miller who is president and executive director of the news and public policy group Haym Salomon Center. His work, put in the form of an article, was published on September 18, 2018 in the New York Daily News.

Paul Miller tells the story of Ari Fuld, an American Jew that did not drop his American citizenship to acquire the Israeli citizenship, but kept both as an insurance policy to feel protected against the consequences of moving his family from America to occupied Palestine. It is that in so doing, he prevented a Palestinian family from having the right to even one citizenship: its own Palestinian citizenship.

Needless to say, that as expected, Ari Fuld's presence in the war zone that is the West Bank, provoked a confrontation between himself and a local youngster that was born and raised under the yoke of occupation as did his parents and their parents too.

Disregarding the natural tendency of human beings – including unarmed youngsters – to defend themselves against a heavily armed intruder caught looting their home, Paul Miler gave a false spin to the confrontation that took place between Ari Fuld and the Palestinian kid that caught him marauding where the Jew had no right to be. What follows is a condensed version of the story that Miller is telling to illustrate his point:

“After a 17-year-old Palestinian shoved a knife into 45-year-old [gun totting] Fuld, the latter gave chase to the youngster, shot and injured him. Fuld succumbed to his wounds, while the youngster remains in hospital. Fuld died while his assailant survived, his life saved by Israelis. This exemplifies the Israeli ethos of respect for human life. It's a reminder of how and why there is no moral equivalency in the endless Israel/Palestinian conflict. The New York native was part of an organization that supported Israeli soldiers, and Fuld himself had served in Israel's armed forces [doing occupation duties.] The last moments of his life tell who the Jews as a people have become. No longer do we go quietly away”.

The reader will recall that not long ago, an Israeli soldier blew the head of a fallen Palestinian youngster to the delight of the Jewish onlookers, and in full view of the foreign cameras that were there. Every Israeli politician that spoke about the matter justified the act. But when an international uproar ensued, directives went out ordering that the widely used practice must not be used in the presence of foreign cameras ever again.

So now that the latest Palestinian victim was taken to hospital instead of the morgue with a bullet in his head, Paul Miller is using the development to do what Jews never cease doing. It is to spin the event in such a way as to say that Jews are superior to someone else.

This being what the Nazis were saying about themselves––one of the reasons why the world descended on them like a ton of bricks––it appears that the Jews have not fully learned their lesson as yet.

The impartial observer that wanted to study the situation and write home about it, will have to wait a little longer before he can tell a cheerful story to his folks back home.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Let's not design or build a catastrophic Society

It is said that journalism is the first draft of history. This should mean that everyone who participates in drafting that history is a witness to what's happening. As to those who give themselves the right to comment on what's happening; they play the role of judge and jury.

In a setting of this complexity, contemporary society and historians, as well as future historians carry a heavy burden. They have the duty to determine the reliability of the witnesses they encounter before anything else. But as time moves on and society becomes more sophisticated, the age of innocence wears off, and people drift away from morality. They lie and cheat, yet still manage to act as innocently as a small child.

Given the Jewish propensity to lie and cheat, and given their monopoly of the English-speaking media, nearly one hundred percent of the witnesses that come forward to testify on certain issues are unreliable despite their innocent appearance. To use these people as witnesses distorts the reality of the events they talk about, as grotesquely as you can imagine. To go further and allow them to sit as judges that decide on the course of any investigation, is a travesty of justice that is mind boggling.

What is missing in this process is the realization that it is one thing to hear the victims of the Holocaust tell what happened to them; it is another to hear it from their children and grandchildren. The latter are people whose knowledge of what happened is based exclusively on the stories they took in since they were toddlers. They sat on the lap of their elders and listened to horror stories that grew more horrifying in their heads as they grew up themselves while ruminating on the haunting stories that used to give them nightmares.

What you need to do to get a sense of how badly injured psychologically these people are, and how negatively they can affect society, especially the young and the innocent in it, is to read what they write. One of these people is Daniel Pipes who wrote “German and Austrian media outrage me,” an article that was published on September 18, 2018 in The Washington Times. What follows are excerpts from that article:

“I must put this topic in more personal terms: Much of my family was murdered by the Nazis. My parents are Holocaust survivors. Growing up, the fact that the world's most horrific crime was perpetrated against my own family cast an indelible shadow. Realizing early that disaster looms, from a young age I studied political philosophy. I read National Review and I fought the New Left. I continue to learn and teach on this topic. The progeny of Nazis dares to imply I am a neo-Nazi. This distortion confirms my weariness of European media. The media and politicians located neo-Nazis on the town's streets and turned Middle Eastern migrants into victims. European police, politicians, press, priests, professors and prosecutors distort facts to turn those protecting their heritage into criminals. I know, for now I too am a casualty”.

Daniel Pipes says he lives in a shadow he cannot erase. He explains that from a young age, he felt that disaster was looming like a sword over his head, ready to fall and end his life. This should not come as a surprise given that the family of those who suffered a trauma, suffer even more than their loved ones. When this happens to toddlers, the pain gets ingrained in them, and they suffer from it all their lives. These are the conditions under which Pipes studied political philosophy, he says. He absorbed the ideas not with a grain of salt or a critical eye, but from the angle of a mind that was disfigured beyond recognition. He went from there to teach what he knows to a generation that will grow up to develop views about the beastliness of life, even more extreme than his.

It is generally accepted that those who are abused as children develop a high propensity to abuse other children when they grow up. And there is no doubt that growing up in a setting like the one described by Daniel Pipes, is a setting that abuses the psyche of youngsters. This is true whether the storyteller is a parent or a self-appointed teacher that's driven by sentiments he cannot erase.

This is why Daniel Pipes was identified as a neo-Nazi by the Germans and the Austrians who are better equipped than anyone to recognize his kind of symptoms. What this story should tell us, and what we must never forget, is that teaching the Holocaust in schools should be criminalized, and that building new Holocaust memorials must be outlawed.

One Daniel Pipes is dangerous to society, raising hundreds of them will be catastrophic.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

A Jewish Oxymoron in seven Words

An oxymoron is usually made of two or three words. It might go something like this: “a truthful Jew.” The idea is that if you happen to believe there are no truthful Jews at all, you'll think of the saying as being an impossibility. And that's what makes it an oxymoron.

Sometimes, however, it takes more than three words to express an impossibility; it takes an elaborate concept to do so. Therefore, a construction of this kind will have to be called an oxymoronic concept. More than that, the concept itself can at times be expanded to become a full-blown narrative. In this case, the resulting creation will have to be called an oxymoronic narration.

As it happens, Clifford D. May came up with a perfect example showing how a development such as that can unfold to take its ultimate form, the oxymoronic narration. He wrote: “Criminal regimes against the rest of us,” which is the seven-word title of his latest column. It was published on September 18, 2018 in the Washington Times.

The inference here is that there is “us” who are not criminals, and there are “regimes” out there which are. Well, if you happen to believe that by “us,” Clifford May is referring to murderous Israel, and to America its accomplice, you'll have to think of the column's title as being an oxymoronic concept. This being the case, you must also think of the full column as being an oxymoronic narration.

Here is why: Clifford May borrows Marshall McLuhan's idea of modern communication having reduced the world to the size of a “Global Village.” Clifford May uses this image as the setting in which the story he narrates is developed, and where the points that he makes are illustrated. Here is how he expressed all that: “You live in a nice town. One day thugs, thieves and murderers move into the neighborhood. Do you integrate them into your village? I suspect your answer is no. So why should it be different in the global village?”

The answer to that question is no, it should not be any different in the global village, anymore than he can call the indigenous Natives of America: “thugs, thieves and murderous,” for having lived peacefully in their own village for thousands of years. And neither can he call “friendly, honest, respectful of one another and abiding by the rules” the armed invaders that came from Europe to murder the Natives and rob them of their land.

As well, what Clifford May can or cannot say with respect to America's Natives, are concepts that apply equally to the situation which developed between the Palestinians who did not go to kill Jews in their European village, but saw the Jews come from Europe to kill them and rob them of their Palestinian village where they had been living peacefully for thousands of years.

Clifford May has turned reality upside-down, and it is this kind of sickly logic that transforms the narratives purveyed by Jews into impossibilities, thus earn them the label oxymoron. But why is it that the political elites in the so-called democracies –– more specifically, the English-speaking democracies –– are incapable of exercising their First Amendment right to free speech, and tell the Jews (among them Clifford D. May) that they are full of hooey when they pretend that everything will be fine in the global village if those whom the Jews incite America to annihilate, were annihilated today rather than tomorrow?

The answer to that question is so unreal, what stands behind it can be as unreal as Jewish logic is known to operate in the upside-down mode. What happens is that the more the public expresses annoyance at the government for making laws and rules that favor the Jews, the more the Jews ask the government to tighten the screws on the public, and the more the government responds positively to the Jewish request.

In so doing, the government causes the public to get angrier still, which scares the political elites even more. But instead of diminishing their support for the fake Jewish needs, the elites listen to the advice of the Jewish leaders who tell them that the upcoming explosion is so real and so near, they better not abandon the Jews now because if they do and the explosion comes, they will be fingered as having been on the “wrong side of history.” They will be tried and convicted or hunted like the Nazi criminals that escaped justice.

Upon hearing this, the normal response of a political elite in an English-speaking democracy, is to beg the Jew: Show me your ass, and let me kiss it publicly for the world to see which side of history I'm on. And so it goes!

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Discovering the two sides of the Jewish Mouth

A real-life horror show, romanticized as the homecoming of a lost tribe, is unfolding in the Middle East where the indigenous people of Palestine are being ethnic-cleansed out of their country by armed aliens.

These creatures have as much connection to the land they say is theirs as a Scandinavian that converts to Islam would have to Saudi Arabia. Imagine a creature of this kind, claiming the right to kick a family out of its home and make it his own. Imagine this kind of depraved savagery being repeated millions of times where Palestinians are pushed out of their homes at gun point, and the homes filled with aliens that keep swarming on the site, coming from every corner of the globe.

These creatures from everywhere, claim they discovered they were the cherished children of a God that chose to give them Palestine for no reason that can be explained. Their problem is that He neglected to tell them what to do with the indigenous owners of the place. So, the question we must ask is how it can happen in the twenty first century that creatures of this kind are allowed to operate in a world that lived through so much horror over the centuries, it has adopted the slogan “Never Again”?

The answer is that human beings have evolved genetically to a point where they can operate in two, even three dimensions. But they can do so only for a short period of time, and only when they concentrate the mind. Otherwise, human beings operate in a single dimension most of the time, especially when they try to navigate through the trials and tribulations of everyday living.

Being essentially one-dimensional creatures, human beings have a difficult time deciphering discourses which are expressed simultaneously from the two sides of the mouth. And this is the deficiency that the creatures who call themselves Jews are exploiting to commit murder on a massive scale; also embark on a slow-motion ethnic cleansing operation, and get away with all that the way they are in occupied Palestine.

Whereas it takes a highly specialized kind of knowledge to decipher the background information and grasp what's happening, something else alerts ordinary laymen to the reality of the situation. It is that the double standard, manifested by the contradictions coming out the two sides of an author's mouth, is so obvious, it cannot be hidden even from a distracted layman.

This is demonstrated in the column that came under the title: “China is inventing a whole new way to oppress a people,” written by Benny Avni and published on September 17, 2018 in the New York Post. The people that Avni is talking about are Chinese Muslims that live mostly in the Province of Xinjiang, and given the name: Uighurs. He says these people are oppressed by the central government of China, and he explains how so:

“Scannable codes are posted on apartment buildings where suspected Uighur dissidents live. Up to 1 million were sent to re-education camps. According to some reports, those interned are forced to study Xi's writing and participate in labor intensive projects. Artists, scholars, musicians, intellectuals and anyone that had contact with the outside world are targeted for cultural indoctrination”.

Believe it or not, this is what Avni calls “inventing a whole new way...” It is obvious the young man has not lived through the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s, nor has he studied the event before writing his column. If what the Chinese government is doing to the Uighurs is a new invention, it is new in the sense that it's a mild version of what Mao Zedong's Movement was about. And by the way, more and more historians are coming to the view that China's new “Long March” to superpower status has its roots in that Revolution. It might have had its negative side, but it is certainly having a mighty positive side.

Since none of what Avni is saying makes sense when studied in isolation, we look for another discourse that might be expressed simultaneously. And sure enough, we find another theme coming out the other side of the Jewish mouth. It goes as follows:

“This is a key moment in Beijing's global competition with America; a plan to create a formidable China-dominated realm. Xi uses China's economic prowess to reward those willing to accept Beijing's model. To pave his new Silk Road, he must control China's gateway to Central Asia. And if America wants to arrest his march, highlighting Uighur [treatment] would be a good start. China is emerging as America's most formidable global competitor. Oh yeah: the Uighurs are also a model Muslim community”.

So that's what this whole exercise is about. It boils down to this: pretend to stand for the rights of people that do not want Jewish America to exploit them the way that Jewish organizations exploit America.

No matter. Use the lofty principle of human rights as a weapon to weaken China. And why not? If priests can rape children in the name of religion, why can't Jewish America try to rape a billion and a quarter Chinese in the name of human rights?

When China loosens its grip on those it has in its orbit, grab them and show them what Jewish colonialism looks like. Unless, of course, they have already noticed the depraved savagery that's unfolding in Palestine.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

A Liberal Democracy made for moral Prostitutes

Kevin D. Williamson is an American journalist that got himself in trouble when he said that women who get an abortion should be hanged.

The reality is that in America, when a journalist gets himself in trouble, he must choose from one of two alternatives. Either look for a job outside the profession –– or if he has no skill he can fall back on –– prostitute himself to the Jews. When this happens, they demand a high price to rehabilitate him in the industry they control from A to Z; from the small regional newspapers to the national multimedia conglomerates.

And prostitute himself in the most demeaning way is what Kevin Williamson did to continue earning a living in the only profession he knows. He made that choice to keep a roof over his head, pay his bills and put food on the table. It is a heart wrenching situation that thousands of good men and women had to face in the half century it took the Jews to make free speech in America their exclusive property.

What the Jews want at this time, is torpedo the plan which the Trump Administration is preparing for ending the occupation of Palestine before America's complicity in the slow-motion genocide that's ongoing there, becomes too obvious to deny. Called “Operation Situation,” the genocide is practiced by the government of Israel with the connivance of the Legislative and Executive bodies of America at the federal and State levels.

To keep all these people in the conniving mode, the Jews are using an elaborate scheme of bribes and blackmail to maintain the American political elites in a regime of moral prostitution they tailor-made to prevent America from escaping their grip. For this to work, the Jewish leaders need to remain in full control of the country's information and entertainment outlets at all time. That's because they need to keep reminding the political elites across the country that the Jews have the power to turn them into rising stars or forgotten ones.

A method used by the Jews to remind everyone just who is in charge, actually falls in their lap like manna from the sky, every once in a while. It is people like Kevin Williamson who fall from grace and come begging to be given a second chance. Since the Jews monopolize the entire system, they alone are in a position to give him or deny him that chance.

And because the Jews always want something that's not theirs, they need someone like superpower America to give them that something when they ask for it. For this to happen no matter how immoral it may be for a superpower to take the little that's in the hand of the downtrodden and give it to the never-satisfied gluttons who call themselves Jews, morality is set aside by the superpower.

It is set aside because the choice that an individual in high position must make, is between (a) saving the reputation of the country while personally going down the drain; or (b) flushing the reputation of the country down the drain to save his own skin. In America, all those who sit in a high position take the second choice.

And so, Kevin D. Williamson fell into the lap of the Jews like manna from the sky. He was such a heavy load, they asked him for a heavy-duty performance in return for his rehabilitation … and he delivered in spades. Thinking of those in charge of America's ship of state, and eager to impress them mightily so as to please the Jews who would reward him, Williamson spared no positive superlatives to praise the Jews and Israel, and spared no negative superlatives to condemn the Palestinians and their leaders.

Well, my friend, what else is there to say? If you thought the Happy Hooker was a phenomenon in New York decades ago, think of ten hookers rolled into one. Give the thing a wiener, and you have a male hooker extraordinaire called Kevin Williamson. Now think of him as a moral prostitute, and you cannot help but hear a song pop inside your head whose words go like this:

“The Jews took America, home of the brave, and turned it into a joint for the moral suckers. They called on Williamson to help them be what's known to all as America's fuckers”.

If you think this is an exaggeration, let me tell you this: You have no idea what exaggeration means till you've read Kevin Williamson's piece of work known as “The Bob Newhart Peace Plan,” published in National Review Online on September 17, 2018.

Monday, September 17, 2018

How the Opportunists engender Scavengers

The difference between an ascending alpha lion and a descending alpha lion is that the first catches his prey and sits to eat it with confidence, knowing that no one will challenge him.

As to the second, he scavenges for the leftover of others and hurries to eat it while looking left and right nervously, fearing that someone will come and snatch the little that he has out of his jaws.

This is a cycle of life that applies as much to the nature of organisms as it does to the life of organizations, be they a small association made of men and women that came together to achieve a common goal, or a large empire made of armies and institutions that were cobbled together in a common union.

In fact, it is through this prism that we can begin to understand the opinions expressed by some writers, especially those that belong to the mob of Jewish pundits. One of these is Benny Avni whose latest column came under the title: “Iraqi anger at Iran is an opportunity for America,” published on September 10, 2018 in the New York Post.

The article speaks for itself to a large extent, but to understand it in depth, we must recall how small nations handled the rivalry that powered the two superpowers of the Cold War. It is generally accepted that most of the small jurisdictions tried to benefit from the situation by professing to be non-aligned and “playing” one superpower against the other to get aid from one side or other, or get it from both sides. Call this the non-alliance method of benefiting from the Cold War.

A second method involved a process that may be called “polarization.” It was used by states and non-state actors that had wide ranging interests in keeping and intensifying the animus between the two superpowers. Working on America to adopt a hard line against the Soviets, their system of governance and their allies, were jurisdictions such as Taiwan, Hong Kong, Israel and South Korea. And there were non-state actors such as the Cuban exiles, and other anti-Communist lobby groups.

On the other hand, it is not clear if there were entities putting pressure on the Kremlin to adopt a hardline against the United States, or if such approach had any effect. What can be said, however, is that after the breakup of the Soviet Union, some of the republics that left the Union did not like the honeymoon that Russia’s Boris Yeltsin was having with America. They spoke against it publicly, but their opposition fizzled out in a short period of time.

Guess what, my friend; polarization turned out to be the alphabet with which the Jewish DNA is written. Look at the Jews operate and you'll catch them create polarization by pitting people against each other in their everyday interactions, be they at work, at play, in politics or anywhere you imagine them to be. And where the Jews want to be at this time is the city of Basra in Iraq, as expressed by Benny Avni in his column.

Whereas most of the world still wants to think of America as the superpower that can regain its old glory, Benny Avni and his fellow Jewish pundits are developing a different view. Whereas the world wants America to get back at being the self-respecting operator that leads by setting lofty examples, Avni and his likes want to see a swaggering America that will con the unwary and jump on every opportunity to grab the little that it can … doing it by scavenging for the leftover of others every time that someone experiences a moment of tribulation.

What follows is Iraq's moment of tribulation as seen by Benny Avni and other Jews, who took it upon themselves to educate America on how to live like Jews, feeling as they do of being chosen to fulfill a very special destiny:

“Baghdad's politics is in chaos. Protesters torched the Iranian consulate in Basra. They were angry over contaminated water. Iran and Turkey have built dams on the Tigris River, Basra's main water source. So the Iranian consulate was a natural target for protesters. Iraqi Arabs are no fans of their Persian neighbors. The consulate torching shows Iraqis have had it with their neighbor. Iran's fortunes are changing. Iran is no longer rising as the region's hegemon. The best way to help Iraqis is to weaken Iran”.

The Jews may have transformed America from the majestic bald eagle that it was to the scavenging vulture it has become. But the world still views America as being a tired lion that is challenged, not by other lions, but by hyenas and other lesser challengers.

There is no doubt that at this time, America finds itself standing at the crossroads. It can keep going the Jewish way and be the vulture whose wings will be clipped. Or it can go the way of the world by first healing itself of the Jewish induced polarization from which it suffers, and then playing a constructive role in a world that's going full blast in the direction of construction and of socioeconomic development.