Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Discovering the two sides of the Jewish Mouth

A real-life horror show, romanticized as the homecoming of a lost tribe, is unfolding in the Middle East where the indigenous people of Palestine are being ethnic-cleansed out of their country by armed aliens.

These creatures have as much connection to the land they say is theirs as a Scandinavian that converts to Islam would have to Saudi Arabia. Imagine a creature of this kind, claiming the right to kick a family out of its home and make it his own. Imagine this kind of depraved savagery being repeated millions of times where Palestinians are pushed out of their homes at gun point, and the homes filled with aliens that keep swarming on the site, coming from every corner of the globe.

These creatures from everywhere, claim they discovered they were the cherished children of a God that chose to give them Palestine for no reason that can be explained. Their problem is that He neglected to tell them what to do with the indigenous owners of the place. So, the question we must ask is how it can happen in the twenty first century that creatures of this kind are allowed to operate in a world that lived through so much horror over the centuries, it has adopted the slogan “Never Again”?

The answer is that human beings have evolved genetically to a point where they can operate in two, even three dimensions. But they can do so only for a short period of time, and only when they concentrate the mind. Otherwise, human beings operate in a single dimension most of the time, especially when they try to navigate through the trials and tribulations of everyday living.

Being essentially one-dimensional creatures, human beings have a difficult time deciphering discourses which are expressed simultaneously from the two sides of the mouth. And this is the deficiency that the creatures who call themselves Jews are exploiting to commit murder on a massive scale; also embark on a slow-motion ethnic cleansing operation, and get away with all that the way they are in occupied Palestine.

Whereas it takes a highly specialized kind of knowledge to decipher the background information and grasp what's happening, something else alerts ordinary laymen to the reality of the situation. It is that the double standard, manifested by the contradictions coming out the two sides of an author's mouth, is so obvious, it cannot be hidden even from a distracted layman.

This is demonstrated in the column that came under the title: “China is inventing a whole new way to oppress a people,” written by Benny Avni and published on September 17, 2018 in the New York Post. The people that Avni is talking about are Chinese Muslims that live mostly in the Province of Xinjiang, and given the name: Uighurs. He says these people are oppressed by the central government of China, and he explains how so:

“Scannable codes are posted on apartment buildings where suspected Uighur dissidents live. Up to 1 million were sent to re-education camps. According to some reports, those interned are forced to study Xi's writing and participate in labor intensive projects. Artists, scholars, musicians, intellectuals and anyone that had contact with the outside world are targeted for cultural indoctrination”.

Believe it or not, this is what Avni calls “inventing a whole new way...” It is obvious the young man has not lived through the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s, nor has he studied the event before writing his column. If what the Chinese government is doing to the Uighurs is a new invention, it is new in the sense that it's a mild version of what Mao Zedong's Movement was about. And by the way, more and more historians are coming to the view that China's new “Long March” to superpower status has its roots in that Revolution. It might have had its negative side, but it is certainly having a mighty positive side.

Since none of what Avni is saying makes sense when studied in isolation, we look for another discourse that might be expressed simultaneously. And sure enough, we find another theme coming out the other side of the Jewish mouth. It goes as follows:

“This is a key moment in Beijing's global competition with America; a plan to create a formidable China-dominated realm. Xi uses China's economic prowess to reward those willing to accept Beijing's model. To pave his new Silk Road, he must control China's gateway to Central Asia. And if America wants to arrest his march, highlighting Uighur [treatment] would be a good start. China is emerging as America's most formidable global competitor. Oh yeah: the Uighurs are also a model Muslim community”.

So that's what this whole exercise is about. It boils down to this: pretend to stand for the rights of people that do not want Jewish America to exploit them the way that Jewish organizations exploit America.

No matter. Use the lofty principle of human rights as a weapon to weaken China. And why not? If priests can rape children in the name of religion, why can't Jewish America try to rape a billion and a quarter Chinese in the name of human rights?

When China loosens its grip on those it has in its orbit, grab them and show them what Jewish colonialism looks like. Unless, of course, they have already noticed the depraved savagery that's unfolding in Palestine.