Tuesday, September 18, 2018

A Liberal Democracy made for moral Prostitutes

Kevin D. Williamson is an American journalist that got himself in trouble when he said that women who get an abortion should be hanged.

The reality is that in America, when a journalist gets himself in trouble, he must choose from one of two alternatives. Either look for a job outside the profession –– or if he has no skill he can fall back on –– prostitute himself to the Jews. When this happens, they demand a high price to rehabilitate him in the industry they control from A to Z; from the small regional newspapers to the national multimedia conglomerates.

And prostitute himself in the most demeaning way is what Kevin Williamson did to continue earning a living in the only profession he knows. He made that choice to keep a roof over his head, pay his bills and put food on the table. It is a heart wrenching situation that thousands of good men and women had to face in the half century it took the Jews to make free speech in America their exclusive property.

What the Jews want at this time, is torpedo the plan which the Trump Administration is preparing for ending the occupation of Palestine before America's complicity in the slow-motion genocide that's ongoing there, becomes too obvious to deny. Called “Operation Situation,” the genocide is practiced by the government of Israel with the connivance of the Legislative and Executive bodies of America at the federal and State levels.

To keep all these people in the conniving mode, the Jews are using an elaborate scheme of bribes and blackmail to maintain the American political elites in a regime of moral prostitution they tailor-made to prevent America from escaping their grip. For this to work, the Jewish leaders need to remain in full control of the country's information and entertainment outlets at all time. That's because they need to keep reminding the political elites across the country that the Jews have the power to turn them into rising stars or forgotten ones.

A method used by the Jews to remind everyone just who is in charge, actually falls in their lap like manna from the sky, every once in a while. It is people like Kevin Williamson who fall from grace and come begging to be given a second chance. Since the Jews monopolize the entire system, they alone are in a position to give him or deny him that chance.

And because the Jews always want something that's not theirs, they need someone like superpower America to give them that something when they ask for it. For this to happen no matter how immoral it may be for a superpower to take the little that's in the hand of the downtrodden and give it to the never-satisfied gluttons who call themselves Jews, morality is set aside by the superpower.

It is set aside because the choice that an individual in high position must make, is between (a) saving the reputation of the country while personally going down the drain; or (b) flushing the reputation of the country down the drain to save his own skin. In America, all those who sit in a high position take the second choice.

And so, Kevin D. Williamson fell into the lap of the Jews like manna from the sky. He was such a heavy load, they asked him for a heavy-duty performance in return for his rehabilitation … and he delivered in spades. Thinking of those in charge of America's ship of state, and eager to impress them mightily so as to please the Jews who would reward him, Williamson spared no positive superlatives to praise the Jews and Israel, and spared no negative superlatives to condemn the Palestinians and their leaders.

Well, my friend, what else is there to say? If you thought the Happy Hooker was a phenomenon in New York decades ago, think of ten hookers rolled into one. Give the thing a wiener, and you have a male hooker extraordinaire called Kevin Williamson. Now think of him as a moral prostitute, and you cannot help but hear a song pop inside your head whose words go like this:

“The Jews took America, home of the brave, and turned it into a joint for the moral suckers. They called on Williamson to help them be what's known to all as America's fuckers”.

If you think this is an exaggeration, let me tell you this: You have no idea what exaggeration means till you've read Kevin Williamson's piece of work known as “The Bob Newhart Peace Plan,” published in National Review Online on September 17, 2018.