Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Fantasy is starting where History has ended

Why would a Jew living in Israel write an article that is almost 1,600 words long to say nothing that sounds substantive on the surface, and have the article printed in an American publication? Well, he would write such an article because there can be a hidden message even in nothingness.

The article came under the title: “This Is How America Will Revise Its Approach to Iran” and the subtitle: “Washington has ways to pressure the Iranian regime by being more active in support for dissident groups in Iran.” The author is Seth J. Frantzman whose work appeared in the National Interest on September 3, 2018.

You can tell what the hidden message will sound like from the title and subtitle of the article. It is that in a direct and declarative style, the Israeli Jew has told the world he knows how America will change its thinking on Iran, and what the change will entail. The hint is that it will entail linking America with groups in Iran considered locally to be criminals and terrorists. The suggestion is that America will work with such groups to destabilize the Iranian regime regardless of the consequences. And that's not all because there is more to the message.

Still, the above was nothing short of telegraphing that America intends to commit not one act of war against the sovereign nation of Iran, but commit an open-ended series of acts against that country. This being a serious development, the question that comes to mind is this: How did a Jew living in Israel know what America intends to do with regard to this file? Well, there is only one logical explanation to this question. It is that American foreign policy is not determined in America; it is determined in Israel.

This, in fact, may well be the message that's contained in the seemingly nothing article of Seth Frantzman. The reality is that since the Jewish takeover of America, the superpower has had no foreign policy of its own, having turned over the machinery of that department to the Jews in its midst and to those in Israel who ultimately call the shots anyway, when all is said and done.

Other than that, the author took the opportunity to describe a number of activities, including speeches that were delivered, meetings that were held, and viewpoints that were expressed by various officials. But none of these activities went beyond what passes for useless routine in the American Beltway and in the America-Israel axis for the generation of morally bankrupt schemes.

This new initiative began as follows: “Mike Pompeo announced the creation of an Iran Action Group (IAG) … driven by Congress and the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA),” a conception that went “unnoticed when it passed Congress” about a month before Pompeo took pain to remind his audience of it.

Upon learning that history, and taking seriously the quote in the subtitle of the article which goes: “active in support for dissident groups in Iran,” you go through the article to determine how America plans to extend its support to dissident groups in a foreign country … but find nothing that would fulfill the promise. In fact, the closest thing you encounter is this:

“Bolton said the U.S. wants to pressure the regime to deny it nuclear weapons, missiles and roll back its forces in the region. Everything short of regime change. He also said that sanctions would seek to reduce Iranian oil exports, and that should give a tailwind to the demonstrations in Iran fueled by a failing economy”.

This is revealing because it tells of a rift between what the Jews want and what America wants, including the Congress. When you add to this what James Mattis has said, you realize that the Jews lost the battle to get America involved in Syria for an indefinite period.

And here is how Frantzman spun that piece of news: “Mattis is a key to the new policy as well. He said nothing had changed on the ground in terms of confronting Iran. Instead, the United States would be going back to Geneva to pursue the diplomatic track”.

No wonder Seth Frantzman wrote a long article to falsely make the world believe that America was still committed to sacrificing its young and its treasures to stand as sentinel protecting the war criminals of Israel whose clear intention is to commit more war crimes, and to publicly thank America for enabling them.

Those days came, and have gone forever.