Friday, August 31, 2018

I, upright Jew see a World that's topsy-turvy

Inside traders and fifth columnists have one thing in common. To achieve their goals, they rely on information they must never have in their possession ahead of time.

But if and when they get that information, the inside traders use it to enrich themselves unlawfully, thus go to jail when they are caught. By contrast, the fifth columnists betray America, which they pretend is their country, and get paid for their dastardly deeds by America's taxpayers, instead of being dealt military justice.

Inside information of the politico-diplomatic kind is what the mob of Jewish pundits acquires ahead of time. The Jews use it to pave the way for what's coming when the information will be officially released. They manage to make the thing work for them by spinning it in a way that accomplishes two goals.

First, the Jews neutralize the effect of the information even before it comes out. Doing so, encourages the public to ignore the information when it is released. Second, the public apathy that results, adds credibility to the whispering campaign that the lobbyists mount to persuade members of the Congress that the Jewish point of view is the correct one. In effect, the lobbyists do a thorough job brainwashing the legislators before the latter know what they are being brainwashed about.

The reality being that the Jewish lobby already knows what will be coming down the pike with regard to the Trump administration's peace plan for the Middle East, the mob of Jewish pundits has come out in force to pave the way for when the release will happen. Among the many articles currently flooding the marketplace of ideas, two that deserve to be parsed, were published recently.

One of the articles came under the title: “The sparkling waters of the West Bank,” written by Clifford D. May and published on August 28, 2018 in The Washington Times. The other came under the title: “Palestinian leaders are the worst enemy of ordinary Palestinians,” written by Rabbi Abraham Cooper and published on August 29, 2018 on the Fox News website.

Both articles use the approach––dictated by the Judeo-Israeli Brainwashing Central Command––of arguing that the Palestinians are badly served by a world that refuses to tell them they must accept and enjoy living in their country under Israeli occupation. Clifford May and Abraham Cooper want the Palestinians to know this is the highest honor that can be bestowed on anyone ... to wit, the state of euphoric elation expressed by the American politico-journalistic establishment for being honored to serve the Jewish masters.

For example, Clifford May calls the world at large topsy-turvy for not appreciating that slavery under Jewish tyranny is better than being master in one's own country. To illustrate his point, Clifford May listed instances that illustrate how good life must be for 500 Palestinian workers … out of the 5,000,000 that live under occupation. The workers are happy, he says, because they were given jobs at an Israeli company.

What Clifford May has failed to mention, however, is that the existence of the Israeli company in occupied Palestine was made possible because 2,000,000 Palestinians who would have been working for Palestinian companies, were denied the greater satisfaction of living freely in an independent country of their own, working for themselves and their people. Thus, failure to mention that a single Jewish success came at enormous costs to the Palestinians, has rendered the Clifford May article trashy Jewish propaganda, and nothing better.

As to the argument of rabbi Abraham Cooper, he says that the leaders of the Palestinian people are bad because they refuse to hold their population down while the Jews do to them what Jews do best. This would be to rape and exploit those that cannot defend themselves against Jewish military terrorism, repeated war crimes and stealthy genocidal practices.

In fact, the rabbi made no effort to do even as little as contemplate what it would be like for the people of Palestine to live as an independent nation. Failing to do this, has rendered rabbi Abraham Cooper unworthy of sitting at his computer desk and typing the name: Palestine. But he did, thus committed an inexcusable disgrace.

But the losers are not only the people of Palestine; they are the people of America too. That's because what the Congress encourages the Jews to do to the people of Palestine, the Jews turn around and do to the people of America.

This happens because the Jews often clamor for “moral clarity,” which to them means what is done to one can be done to the other regardless of the differences between the two.

And so, whereas the world of the Palestinians was turned upside down by the Israeli occupation of the land, the world of the Americans was turned upside down by the Jewish lobby's control of the governing apparatus.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Beating the dead Horse of anti-Semitism

They made their own bed, and now they complain they must sleep in it.

No, that's not it. The reality is even worse than that. It is that they crapped all over what they thought was someone's bed but it turned out to be their own bed. Well then, can it get worse than that? You bet it can.

It can because when it comes to Jews, infinity is not the end of something. To them, infinity sits together with the starting point where they begin every scavenging journey in which they seek to grab what someone else has produced, and they run looking for another prey on whose achievements they can feed and live the good life. And the Jews repeat the performance for an infinity of infinities, never to learn from their failures.

The ace card they have been using to clean up the table has always been “ambiguity.” In their hands, ambiguity became the double-edged sword whose two edges they used to their advantage. Each time, they made impressive strides playing the game, but then the table was turned on them. Instead of benefiting from using the sword, it was the sword that turned against them with both edges. And the Jews found themselves reaping what they had sowed, and they didn't like it. But they never ceased playing the game.

You can study an example of the Jewish scavenging journey in the article that came under the title: “Getting off the Fence About Jeremy Corbyn's Anti-Semitism” and the subtitle: “I won't vote Labour again until he's gone.” It was written by Josh Glancy and published on August 27, 2018 in the New York Times. No matter from which angle you look at this article, you can't escape the conclusion that it is a struggle to define anti-Semitism.

The truth is that European anti-Semitism began in the Middle Ages when, true to form, the Jews tried to impose their supremacy on the primitive Europeans by showing them what the Arabs––cousins of the Hebrews and fellow Semites––had achieved dabbling in the new science called alchemy (chemistry). But to the Christians of Europe, the experiments they were seeing looked like “black magic” that could only have been inspired by the devil. They surmised that the Semitic Arabs and Jews were conspiring with the devil to abolish Christianity and impose the cult of sorcery on the European Continent.

Much has changed for the Europeans since those days in that they eventually adopted Arab chemistry as well as math, the other sciences, the humanities and the various arts that launched the European Renaissance. But things did not go well for the Jews who retreated into ghettos and engaged in practices that made the locals believe were macabre rituals using the blood of Christian children. But that wasn't it. The Jews were simply kidnapping street children and raising them as Jews in the ghetto … all that in an effort to change their own Semitic appearance, and make themselves look more like Europeans.

The result has been the cross-breeding, centuries later, of a population that had a small to no lineage connecting it to the Semitic Hebrews of the Middle East even though it called itself Jewish, adhering as it did to the Jewish religion that was itself reworked by the rabbis into something different from the original version. In fact, every Jew that does not look like an Arab today can be thought of – with a high degree of certainty – that he or she is the descendent of a kidnapped European child going back to the Middle Ages.

But getting rid of the Semitic look while behaving as superior to everyone else, claiming that God chose them to be his favorite children, made the Jews despised by everyone else. Instead of dropping this belief, which is at the core of their culture, the Jews chose to combat rejection of it in two ways. The first was to call every sign of opposition to their self-bestowed status, a manifestation of anti-Semitism. The second was to run a simultaneous argument that says they are no longer the hated Semites of old.

In fact, they have been hammering on the idea that they are Europeans deserving to be respected like any European, whereas the Arabs and the Muslims are the authentic Semites that deserve to be hated the way they were in the Middle Ages. And the Jews hasten to add that this does not mean Palestine belongs to the Palestinians; it means it belongs to the Jews who are products of a successful cross-breeding program in the works for almost a thousand years.

Instead of helping them, the new attitude helped intensify the normal human aversion to this aspect of the Jewish culture, an aversion they continue to call anti-Semitism because it is the way they can monetize it.

This is the approach you must take when you set out to define anti-Semitism. Because nothing in the Josh Glancy article comes close to that, the article can only be categorized as yet another Jewish whine about the anti-Semitism that no longer exists.

Josh Glancy is beating a horse that died a long time ago when the Jews need to bury that horse and learn all about the ironies of the societies in which they live. Failing to do this, they will continue to suffer for an infinity of infinities. But they seem to love it … what can you do?

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Middle Eastern Kool Aid and Jewish Mythologies

Have you ever spent time watching a toddler that was given a new toy ... perhaps a stuffed lion that makes a growling sound when the little one pushes on its belly?

If you did, you must have noticed the toddler get excited as if he had discovered the secret workings of the universe. You saw him repeatedly push on the lion's belly to produce the growling again and again. Perhaps the scene went on for a long time and you, the adult in the room, got tired of hearing a repeat of the same sound, so you pulled the battery out of the toy.

This is the metaphor that comes to mind when you watch the Jews act like toddlers and push on Uncle Sam's belly to get him producing everything they want––from threatening growls that sound like this, “everything is on the table” and like this, “Israel has the right to defend itself”––to the deafening silence on the floors of the two chambers of moral prostitution where the political hookers of America pass legislation to give away, free of charge, the Republic's store to Israel –– and what else the Republic can borrow –– to satisfy the insatiable hunger the Jews have for money and for lethal weapons.

The miracle is that the Judeo-American sausage that's produced, happens as a result of debating the Israeli-mandated subjects for exactly zero seconds during which time the American hookers of the twin chambers say exactly zero words … and out come the laws that say: What the Jew wants the Jew gets. Therefore, it is not for nothing that the floozies call their whorehouse of shame the funkiest deliberative body to disgrace the universe since the Big Bang.

After half a century of churning nonsense by which to condition three generations of Americans, and get them to worship their Jewish masters, it should not come as a surprise to anyone that the world has come to see the American Republic as having transformed into a Jewish toy-land where everything that exists in it, is there to amuse the Jews today; to serve their needs tomorrow and do so to the end of time.

Now that all of the above and more has become entrenched reality, it is only natural that we get to see an article in print such as the one that came under the title: “Trump is busting the myths that prevent Middle East peace,” written by Benny Avni and published on August 27, 2018 in the New York Post.

The author begins his presentation with this: “Trump is slaying the sacred cows of Palestinian-Israeli diplomacy.” By the time you're done reading the article, you'll have realized that in this context, sacred cows means sacrificial lambs. That's because much of what is Palestinian rights was sacrificed on the altar of producing for Israel and for its Jewish throngs, the kind of growling they love to hear again and again. What follows is what America took from the Palestinians and gave to Israel according to Avni:

“America announced a $200 million cut in annual aid to the Palestinian Authority. Before that, America cut support to UNWRA. Next, Washington plans to announce a cap of 500,000 refugees UNRWA can handle. Further, Palestinian refugees will no longer be counted the expansive way they are now, which includes multi-generational descendants. Washington is seeking to weaken the Palestinian Authority. Israel and the Palestinians were brought to the table as equals, as if the Palestinians have significant power. They don't”.

Articles such as that of Benny Avni are produced at a frantic pace these days by the propaganda machine that's populated by the mob of Jewish pundits. They anticipate the unveiling by the Trump administration of a peace plan for the Middle East. As can be determined from the Avni article, what the Jews want today is what they have wanted since the beginning of time; they want someone to give them what belongs to a third party. This time, the third party happens to be the Palestinians.

That policy never worked for the Jews in thousands of years, and will not work for them now or ever. Thus, if the Trump administration wants to score a success in foreign policy; one that will be solid enough to survive and take hold, it will have to begin with the notion that Palestine belongs to the Palestinians and not to those who convert from one religion to another for whatever reason.

Once that concept is accepted and used as a point of departure, the fog of Jewish propaganda will lift, and the road ahead will become clear. Everyone will know what they must do to strike an equitable deal that will serve justice while taking into consideration the current realities on the ground.

Any other approach which begins with the notion that Jews from every ethnic and religious backgrounds had ancestors living in Palestine, thus the right to return there, is hogwash of the kind that's used to make the Kool Aid which America's governing elites have been drinking since they were toddlers playing with growling toys.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

A meaningless Gesture to douse the Fires of Hate

What does it mean that justice was done? It means that someone who committed an offense, was condemned to make restitution to the victim, or was given a punishment that fits the offense or was dealt the double whammy.

That's what happens in simple cases where the culprit is usually a single person. But there can also be complex cases in which several individuals would have played a role in an offense that could not be traced directly to a single person. What happens in most democracies is that the least obvious of the offenders are given the benefit of the doubt and acquitted. As to the other offenders, they are given a punishment that's proportional to their degree of participation in the crime.

While this approach is followed in America most of the time, another approach is also followed some of the time. When a crime involves people in high places, and the case becomes a public concern, those in charge of justice deal with it differently. They bargain with the suspected “small fishes,” giving them immunity or promising them reduced sentences for testimony that would implicate the “big fishes” higher up. Effective or not, this approach makes ordinary citizens wonder if it serves justice or if it constitutes a travesty.

In fact, the question was asked long ago and has been debated ever since. The pros and cons on both sides of the issue were put on the table, but the matter was never resolved because it always came down to choosing between imposing a partial justice on every player that's guilty of something, or punishing the small fishes to the fullest extent of the law while letting the big fishes escape justice for “lack of evidence”.

While doubt continues to hover over the integrity of America's system of justice, the Jews brought another kind of oddity to that system. An actual case study is discussed in the article that came under the title: “The long road to Nazi labor-camp guard Jakiw Palij's removal,” written by Brian Allen Benczkowski, and published on August 26, 2018 in the New York Post. The writer began his dissertation with the following introduction:

“The removal of a longtime resident and former labor-camp guard, is a triumph of justice for the victims of Nazi atrocities. After the war, he unlawfully immigrated to the U.S. … A judge ordered him removed in 2004. It took 14 years to carry out that order. What took so long? The answer begins with a painful history but ends with the triumph of justice”.

Brian Benczkowski went on to tell the history of the case, and closed his argument with the following:

“No European country would take him, and he was in his 90s. The odds of being able to carry out his removal seemed slim. Trump ignored those odds and commenced discussions with Germany to secure his readmission. Germany agreed to accept him. His removal makes clear that participants in Nazi crimes will find no safe haven on American soil, even in their old age”.

The troubling question that's imposed by that logic comes down to this: It is clear that Jewish hunger for revenge was the factor that motivated the meaningless removal of that prison guard from one setting that wasn't luxurious to another setting that's comparable, and may even be more accommodating. Therefore, it cannot be said that justice was served or even that it was meant to be served.

People who defend an action such as that (aside from the fortune in public money that's spent to bring these cases to conclusion,) argue that the legal approach followed in this case, was valid as much as getting Al Capone on tax evasion. This was done when it became evident that Al Capone was so well protected by circumstances and his minions, the prosecutor could not make the criminal case against him stick.

Those who make that argument choose to ignore an important factor. It is that Al Capone did commit heinous crimes, but the responsibility fell on the shoulders of underlings that served as scapegoats. And so, to get him on another charge, such as tax evasion, though odd, was not exactly a miscarriage of justice.

But a prison guard that served only in that capacity without participating in the torture or murder of the inmates, is more innocent than those who instigated a 14-year effort to accomplish nothing but push the reputation of America's legal system and its democracy deeper still into the cesspool of Jewish uselessness.

The Jews got their sweet little revenge, whereas America got the worldwide contempt it has been asking for. Was it worth it? Most certainly not.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Jews amplifying the Voice of Hell in America

Freedom of speech is a good thing but like everything else, too much of a good thing can at times turn into a bad thing. This is why in the same way that everything is subjected to checks and balances, so is freedom of speech. And the way this is done, is by allowing more freedom of speech, which requires that all citizens must remain eternally vigilant as to what's unfolding around them.

That is, when someone goes out of line by abusing his freedom of speech privileges, someone else must be there to call him out. The Jewish leaders anticipated that something like this will happen and so, the first thing they did half a century ago when they decided to set the machinery in motion for conquering America – was to put down the preliminaries for the eventual silencing of those who will call them out. Knowing they will push their luck and get out of line, they prepared ahead of time their response to the possible reactions.

To implement their scheme, the Jewish leaders prefabricated the variety of “antisemitism” charges they'll be leveling against the different kinds of people and different kinds of publications that would question what they'll be saying. They also pre-baked the kind of lawsuits they'll be threatening or slapping on those who will dare to contradict them or challenge the narratives and opinions they knew they'll be blurting out. The strategy worked for the Jews in that they were able to kick a number of people out of the marketplace of ideas, and intimidate everybody else, forcing them to remain silent. Alone in the field, the Jews played the role of both the offense and defense on every issue that related to Israel and other Jewish causes.

But that achievement was not the end of the journey for the Jews; it was only the beginning. In fact, the achievement turned out to be the tool in the hands of the Jews who used it to score other impressive gains. For example, while silencing every opposition to what they were saying, the Jews also used the tool to amplify what may be called the Voice of Hell in America. It was the strategy that transformed the American culture from one of cooperation among the political operators of the nation––those that used to enrich the country with their high level of discourse––to the kind of mutual denigration that is spewed nowadays by the political operators of every stripe––those that pull the country down to the level of the swamp.

An example of how that Jewish strategy has been working for the Jews and for Israel, lies in their use of the monopolized megaphone they have been employing to do such things as praise Netanyahu of Israel for forging a close relationship with Russia's Putin whom they describe as an enemy of America, while employing that same megaphone to do a hatchet job on American prominent figures they accuse of forging a close relationship with other Americans they deem to be persona non grata because they refuse to toe the Jewish line.

You can see how this kind of morbid depravity is made to work for the Jews when you go over the article that came under the title: “The Communist Who Launched Keith Ellison's Career” and the subtitle: “Louis Farrakhan isn't the only radical lurking in the background of the No. 2 official in the DNC.” It was written by the maniacal Jeryl Bier and published on August 24, 2018 in the very diseased Weekly Standard.

Keith Ellison, Louis Farrakhan and Erwin Marquit are three American public figures who were never charged or convicted of a minor crime or a war crime. They do not run a despotic entity that occupies the territory of another country, and they do not forge relationships with foreign leaders deemed to be enemies of America.

All they are doing, and have been doing all their lives, is serve their people the best way they know how in accordance with American law and American tradition. As it happens, they did not knuckle under Jewish blackmail, did not sell their soul to Jewish organizations and did not prostitute their moral standing to evade the slanderous insinuations leveled against them by filthy animals of the Jeryl Bier variety.

Those organizations are taxpayer funded Jewish outfits such as The Weekly Standard whose editors go out of their way to intimidate the people of America that dare to exercise their right to free speech, free assembly and free association in defiance of a tyrannical Jewish system that regularly violates the civil rights of Americans who refuse to toe the Jewish line.

Keith Ellison, Louis Farrakhan and Edwin Marquit are authentic free American men who dare to live as such despite the criminal effort of cowardly and savage Jewish animals encouraged to step on everyone’s toes by the tax-exempt criminal organizations that bankroll them.

It is time for the American government to take a closer look at the demonic cabal whose clear intent is to engineer a final solution of the people it pretends to serve so that the bosses who run the cabal and their descendants may extend by a few more generations the regime of compensation they have been enjoying for several generations already.

Enough is enough.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

The Way they organize and implement Treason

Even if reality is that the old Jewish culture stretches back thousands of years whereas the new American culture stretches back only hundreds of years, when it comes to the game of diplomacy, the world has a different view as to how the relationship looks like between America and the Judeo-Israeli cabal.

The world sees America as the wealthy ninety-year-old ailing geriatric that's married to a twenty-something, healthy beauty queen. Their relationship is exemplified by the instructions he gave her shortly after the wedding ceremony. He said the following to her: I know you have needs I cannot give you. For this reason, you can have any relationship you want with younger men as long as you don't embarrass me. Do what you want, but let me not see it, and let not the neighbors suspect it.

In the eyes of the world, Uncle Sam is the diplomatic back-number that came up with all kinds of doctrines to shape the world in his own image, but failed to implement any of the doctrines. Tired and exhausted, the old haggard handed the baton to the Jews who started a promiscuous relationship with every treasonous character that's occupying a position of influence in the American system of governance.

When the Jews started to use America's power and prestige to serve their interests and those of Israel, which they did by stepping on the toes of other nations, those that suffered the most started to play their own version of the Jewish game. They devised new ways to infiltrate the American scene and influence the political system from within. They did it by sending spies to live in America where they masqueraded as American citizens … and they did it by posing as American citizens, communicating with their fellow Americans via the social media.

The result of these machinations was that the scene began to take on the look of horny larks from around the world –– unable to keep their penises in their pants –– learning about the beauty queen that turned herself into a nymphomaniac. And so, they responded by lining up outside her bedroom door, each waiting for his turn to go in and be served.

A place that looks like a snake-pit overflowing with treasonous characters, is the Washington Post where there are more Stars of David than there are stars in the night firmament. Its editors came up with a piece that spells out how the game of treason is organized and implemented in America. They wrote an editorial under the title: “Trump is getting in his team's way on Syria,” and published it on August 24, 2018.

To explain to their readers why the elected President of the Republic is wrong in opposing the effort of the “deep state” that seeks to have things go Israel's way, the editors of the Washington Post began by describing the situation on the ground. You'll find this information in the first paragraph where they say that the government of Syria is about to finish off the remnants of al-Qaeda … and that's a bad thing because civilians may get hurt in the process. But while this is happening, Israel may get into the fight, say the editors of the Washington Post, and that will be a good thing even if more civilians will get hurt in the process. Apparently, in the eyes of the editors, what is sauce for the goose, is dish-wash for the gander.

After stating that Israel wants to see Iran out of Syria even though Iran was invited in by the government there, whereas Israel went into Syria at no one's invitation and occupied its Golan Heights –– the editors of the Washington Post blasted their President for no reason that can be explained. This is how they put it: Mr. Trump has declared he wishes to withdraw US forces from Syria; he canceled US stabilization aid to the area where those troops are deployed; and after meeting with Putin in Helsinki, he endorsed Russia's plan for reconstruction, unlinked to any peace process.

The editors went on to reiterate what it is that they and the deep state want: to keep wasting American lives and American money to serve the interests of Israel. They joyfully revealed how the deep state went over the head of their President, and talked to foreign governments into donating $300 million dollars to do what they blasted the President for doing, which was to unlink the reconstruction of Syria from the peace process.

Having also blasted their President for negotiating a deal with Putin –– whose effect will be to preserve the lives and wealth of Americans –– the treasonous editors of the Washington Post went on to praise Israel's Netanyahu for negotiating with Putin what is good for Israel. Once more, it is apparent that in the eyes of the traitors, what is sauce for the goose, is dish-wash for the gander.

In the truest of Jewish fashions, the editors of the Washington Post delivered one final stab to the back of their President. They put it like this: All sides see an administration that hasn't formulated a strategy to defend American interests (read Jewish interests) thanks to the poor judgment of the President.

It is as if they were saying the American President exists only to use the wealth and power at his disposal for the purpose of serving the interests of Israel and no one else … certainly not America's whose lives and wealth they would happily squander like the final days of the mad dictator who was seeing his Third Reich go up in flame, thinking he can still save it.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

An American Congress by Jewish Decrees

Since the beginning of time, everything that could move has moved around the Earth, and this is how the planet became populated with all kinds of organisms. However, except for human beings, none of these organisms has moved from one place to another by design. They did because something related to climate – whether it was changing or not – has caused them to drift from place to place.

Human beings as well drifted from place to place when forced by the climate. But they also moved from place to place by design. As far as I was able to identify them, I see seven reasons why voluntary, large scale human movements took place. By choice and by design, human beings became nomads, traders, raiders, settlers, migrants, explorers and conquerors.

Except on rare occasions, the rule has been that humans never planned to take non-combatants with them when they went to war. Thus, the only civilians that the soldiers encountered were those of the lands they invaded, and not of the lands from which they came. For this reason, when civilian casualties happened, they happened among the inhabitants of the lands that were invaded.

The exception to that rule since the beginning of time, has been the Jews who, according to their own folklore, “conquered” other lands as mobs made of civilian men, women and children; not made of professional soldiers. That's what the Jews say they did when they left Egypt thousands of years ago on their way to attack Palestine. And that's what they actually did in modern times – as documented on several occasions – when they built their kibbutz villages at the front-line of every war they started against a neighbor.

Even during the last of the three wars that Israel had with Gaza, a tunnel that was dug up by the Palestinians, encountered not a military defensive position manned by soldiers, but a children playground only a couple hundred feet away from the front-line. Whether a real story or one dreamed up for the occasion, this is what the Judeo-Israeli propaganda machine has been telling the world. In any case, that playground was not built by the Palestinians; it was built by the Jews of Israel and possibly by the operators of the Jewish lie and distortion machine that dreamed up the whole thing.

But this is the kind of propaganda that the Israelis and the Jewish lobby in America have been using to get the American congress to give them what they want. As to you, dear reader, with this backgrounder under your belt, you should read the article that came under the title: “Get Serious About Human Shields” and the subtitle: “Congress considers a special sanctions regime for terror groups that use them.” It was written by Mark Dubowitz and Orde Kittrie, and published on August 23, 2018 in the Wall Street Journal.

Note that when a land is invaded by ground forces as is the case in the West Bank, or by air and naval crafts as is the case in Gaza, the would-be defenders do not automatically separate themselves from the non-combatants that do not join the defense force. Thus, the normal set-up makes it so that the defense force (whether in uniform or not) and the non-combatants find themselves shielding each other. For this reason, it cannot be said that the defenders use the civilian population as shield.

For Dubowitz and Kittrie to say otherwise is to tell a lie, trying to hammer into the heads that populate the American Congress they need to fix a problem that doesn't exist. In fact, their intent is to bring about the passage of legislation that will have the effect of giving the Jews of Israel a license to murder Palestinian civilians at will, and then turn around and punish the Palestinians who volunteer to defend their people, whether or not they wear the uniform.

When you get past the spin which gives a false narrative as to what's unfolding in occupied Palestine, you encounter what the Jewish lobby in America really wants. It is this: “While U.S. laws impose sanctions for terrorism, our recent study of Hamas leaders involved in using human shields shows that several have not been named as terrorist by the U.S. –– Sanctions for using human shields could lead to prosecution”.

Note that the study which the two writers are talking about is one that was conducted by the farcical outfit which fancies itself as protector of the democracies.

Their view is that if a Palestinian young man happens to be at home with his family, and an Israeli helicopter gunship launches a precision missile at the house, killing most of the family and wounding the young man but not killing him, Dubowitz and Kittrie want the Jewish toilet bowl calling itself American Congress, to label the young Palestinian a terrorist.

This will automatically set-up the machinery to punish him as such. It will also label the Israeli pilot that murdered the Palestinian family, a hero and invite him to come to America and talk to the congress.

They will want to decorate that cold blood killer with the medal of freedom, and perhaps give him 29 standing ovations as well.

Please someone out there, flush that toilet because the stench is getting so powerful, we're getting choked anywhere we try to hide on this planet!

Friday, August 24, 2018

The new Phenomenon of self-Cannibalism

A new species has been created on Planet Earth, and it is a beastly one at that. Life on earth is defined by the food chain that begins with tiny organisms feeding on water and minerals. In turn, these organisms serve as food for higher organisms, themselves serving as food for still higher organisms, and so on. The food chain builds up in this manner to culminate in the human species that sits at the top of the food chain.

It is not surprising, therefore, that in all of this complexity, there appeared an odd phenomenon referred to as cannibalism. It consists of members of some species consuming each other when regular nourishment becomes scarce. But while this is understandable at some level, an even curiouser phenomenon has arisen. It is so mind-boggling, it will take much time to process and understand. It is the appearance of a species whose members are starting to consume not only other members of the species, but themselves. They do it in the belief that it is the only way they can renew and perpetuate the species when circumstances are so dire, they are prevented from reproducing by other means.

It is often said that every revolution eats its young. It is a metaphor which conveys the notion that revolutions usually begin with youngsters that rebel against the existing order; the one put down and adhered to by previous generations. But when the revolution begins to succeed, the older folks step in and take it away from the young. They shape the revolution to maintain as much as possible of the old order, and then turn against the young that made it all possible in the first place. When this happens, the entire scene takes on the look of the older generation eating its young.

But what's new in the case that can only be called self-cannibalism, is that it is more bizarre than anything seen before. It is the story of the latest Jewish attempt at taking over the world, having grown over several decades from a hatch right out the Holocaust shell, to a snake the size of a monster, now eating itself at the tail. You can see an example of that in the article which came under the title: “How Turkey is overrated as a strategic ally,” written by Ivan Eland and published on August 21, 2018 in The Washington Times.

The current thrust of the Jewish propaganda machine being to isolate America so as to have Israel own it even more tightly, the mob of Jewish pundits has been using the human rights hammer to beat up on Egypt and Saudi Arabia in an effort to draw a wedge between them and the United States. The Jews have now gone against Turkey as well, using the same hammer and a few other tools. They found it a lot more difficult to score success in this case, however, given that Turkey is a member of NATO and a valuable member of the organization.

And so, Ivan Eland was assigned the task of coming up with arguments that denigrate Turkey's value to NATO, and most especially to the security of the United States. But in so doing, Ivan Eland has undermined not only Israel's flank, but its rear-end as well. In fact, the scene in which he plays the main character, he appears as the snake that's eating its tail.

It all started when Netanyahu of Israel could not get a commitment from Donald trump that America will remain in Syria to protect Israel from Iran and its regional allies, all of whom are welcome guests in Syria. Netanyahu responded by hopping over to Russia ten times in a few short months with instructions left behind for the Jewish propaganda machine to portray those trips as a triumph for Putin and a loss for Trump. The idea was to make Trump become so jealous, he would reverse his position … but this hasn't happened so far.

The Jewish propaganda machine also struck a “sour grapes note,” saying that Israel has no need for America's protection because it can protect itself. And while at it, the machine said that Turkey needs America whereas America doesn't need Turkey. The message here is that America must jettison Turkey away from its protective umbrella. What follows is a condensed version of how Ivan Eland put all that in his article:

“Erdogan tried to make the U.S. jealous, threatening to get new friends, alluding to Russia, Iran, and Syria. While Turkey may be strategic to Europe, its value to U.S. security has been vastly overstated. Turkey needs the United States more than vice versa. Turkish importance to American security is much less than it is to U.S. imperial policing. The United States should pay much less attention to the Middle East and Central Asia than it has been in recent decades. If oil is one pillar of U.S. policy in the Middle East, ensuring Israel's security is the other. Iran would have been less of a threat to Israel had Trump not welshed on U.S. participation in the nuclear deal. Israel has 200 to 400 nuclear weapons. Hezbollah and Hamas are not existential threats to Israel”.

And this is how the Jews have started to eat at every argument they put out going back to the tail-end of their original thrust at infiltrating the American system and taking over the country.

It is a posture they were forced to take given that everything else had failed to renew their control of America, an achievement that was threatened to evaporate into thin air.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Unpacking the new China Syndrome

When you are in a position of authority such as being a teacher, office supervisor, employer or editor, you always deal with underlings who come to you and complain about other underlings … or about life in general.

There is such an enormous number of reasons why people complain about other people, it is impossible to categorize all the reasons and describe a model resolution for each category. It is just that the person doing this job must have the right kind of talent and the right kind of instinct to be effective at it.

The best that can be done to prepare someone whose job will require them to sift through and separate the truth that is spoken by the genuine seekers of relief from the lies which are spoken by the purveyors of hate –– is to discuss actual testimonies given by those who plead their case. The job is made easy when the testimony is given in writing such as a court deposition or a script that's submitted for publication. A good example of that is the article which came under the title: “The China syndrome,” written by Clifford D. May and published on August 21, 2018 in The Washington Times.

In this case, Clifford May complains about China as well as the responses given to a survey that asked about China. May thinks that the survey shows the respondents to be blind to the danger posed by China, for not seeing the ominous realities of that rising power the way that he does.

In a case such as that, the first thing to determine concerns the question: what needs to be sorted out in the first place? The answer to this question becomes clear when we ask these follow-ups: How much of what the writer is complaining about is legitimate? How much of it is the result of paranoia? And how much of it is intended to make the readers fear and loathe China for no rational reason?

What should be of concern to America is what China is doing in response to America's own actions. And the remedy to that is simple: America must cease doing what is forcing China to respond. Here is what worries Clifford May: The Chinese Army practices long-range bombing runs to train for strikes against US targets. It is deploying nuclear-capable bombers and integrating them into a triad. It is building artificial islands, equipping them with infrastructure. It acquires American military technologies through various means.

Well, the Chinese did not get up one morning and decide to adopt this costly policy for no reason; they adopted it because they saw American long-range bombers fly close to their airspace, and American warships sail close to their shores. They kept quiet when they did not have the means to respond, and responded when they developed the means to do so. What China has done is absolutely natural.

And here is what China does that's legitimate and welcome by humanity, except for the likes of Clifford May that's complaining about it. China has embarked on a Belt and Road Initiative aimed at developing economic ties with other countries. To Clifford May, this allows the Chinese to shape the interests of those countries, and have them align with China's. May does not like that but worse, he says, is that the Chinese lend money to poor countries. When they cannot pay it back, China proposes ways to bail them out in exchange for the surrender of sovereignty. Well, two things can be said about that.

First, Clifford May has described how the colonial powers of old used to behave; in fact, this is how they came to “own” the Suez Canal. But there is no sign that China is playing this game. Second, if borrowing from the Chinese is scary, the Americans ought to be the most scared people in all of human history. But there is a puzzling question here. It is this: Can someone be paranoid on behalf of someone else when he is subjected to the same peril but is not paranoid about what may happen to him? Please help, Sigmund Freud!

What follows is a glaring example of the upside-down mentality of the mob of pundits to which Clifford May belongs. First, there is what's not America's business, which he wants to make America's business. It has to do with the question of human rights whose observance in China has raised half a billion people from poverty to the middle class. Apparently, Clifford May does not believe this is good enough to offset being without a constitution that contains a Second Amendment like that of America, and being without children so full of energy, they channel it into murdering other children in their schools.

And then there is what's clearly America's business, which Clifford May wants to make someone else's responsibility. It has to do with what he says is China's ability to impress the educational and cultural elites in America, making them turn a blind eye to China's threat to U.S. national security. That's his cry from the heart, imploring China to stop dazzling his people, or face becoming public enemy number one.

China is a rising power that's proceeding the natural way to claim its rightful place under the sun. America should acknowledge this reality and find ways to live with it rather than oppose the trend and risk being humiliated every step of the way.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

How the Sponger lives at the Expense of others

Dennis Ross is at it again. He spent several decades on the payroll of the American government pretending to work for America when in fact, he was implementing the part of the Israeli agenda that relies on the use of America's power and wealth to strengthen and enrich Israel. Then, guess what happened, my friend. Dennis Ross has surfaced again, doing the same as before, except that this time, he is doing it not from inside the system but from outside of it.

Having perfected the art of locating the sucker that will do the dirty work for them while they sit safely in a sheltered location from where to pull the strings and call the shots, the Jews discovered that America was willing to race against itself and everyone else to be “honored” as the bigger sucker the Jews ever had when it comes to implementing the worldwide Jewish agenda. And so, the Judeo-Israeli leaders took advantage of this situation and appointed the made-to-order Jewish American, Dennis Ross, to run their newest operation for them.

As always, the policy that the Jews were implementing with regard to Iran, consisted of pushing America into a maximalist position, and demanding that Iran surrender immediately or face the prospect of being bombed into the Stone Age. When Iran proved that it doesn't scare by a little yahoo pulling the strings of a big yahoo, it won the battle of the wills, and had America sign the Nuclear Deal.

The Jews did not sit idle however; they immediately attacked the deal and slandered everyone that made it happen. They dived into the swampy political system of America where they found new suckers they could train on how to spoil the achievement that the Iranians had scored despite the endless Jewish attempts to sabotage their effort.

The Jews convinced a new American administration to pull out of the nuclear deal, promising that Iran will knuckle under in a hurry and beg to negotiate a new deal that will be to America's liking. When this did not happen, and the signs were there that it will never happen, the American President called for a summit meeting with the supreme leader of Iran, but the latter said no.

And that's when the Jewish leaders thought it wise to scale down their demands on Iran, which meant it was time to pull the strings on America once again. But here is the rub; knowing that they must pay a price for being so foolish as to have taken a maximalist position at the start, the Jewish leaders called on Dennis Ross to facilitate the execution of a new transaction in which someone – that's not Iran – will pay a price.

Guess what the price consists of. You can be certain it will not be something Jewish that the Jews will have to pay. It will instead be a piece of America that the Jews will want to give to Russia, Iran and possibly Syria so as to have Putin fix the problem they created themselves, and know not how to address. This is the reality that comes out the article which Dennis Ross has written under the title: “Iran Is Throwing a Tantrum but Wants a Deal,” published on August 15, 2018 on the website of the Washington Institute. The following paragraph is a condensed version of what the article says:

“As the economy falters, Iran will be willing to talk. Early next year Iran will likely approach the Russians. With Putin's interest in demonstrating Russian clout on the world stage, he will gladly be the arbiter between the US and Iran, and eager to include Syria's future in the talks. One can envision Putin bringing a proposal to extend the nuclear deal's limits on Iranian centrifuges and enriched material for 10 to 15 years (from 2030 to 2045) in return for the United States dropping all its sanctions. Such an offer falls well short of Trump's posture embodied in demands that require an end to nuclear enrichment and Iran's actions in the region. But if Putin comes with such a proposal, it is hard to believe that the president would turn it down”.

So there you have it: speaking for the government of Israel without admitting it, Dennis Ross has fashioned a diplomatic witches' brew that will mimic what the Jews usually do when they convince America to take from the Palestinians and give to the Jews. The difference this time, is that the Jews are taking from America and giving to Russia, Iran and possibly Syria too.

Those Americans should have listened to us who warned as far back as half a century ago that what they encourage the Jews to do to others; the Jews will someday develop the chutzpah to do to America. That day is here now for all to see because the deed was done brazenly. But the reality is that the Jews have been doing it to America in more subtle ways for decades.

Will the Americans wake up and put an end to this travesty? I doubt it because there is one born every minute, and he happens to be American as if by divine will.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

To shape an honest Human Rights Philosophy

There was a time when the demarcation line between the idea of Human Rights and the adherence to Human Rights, was so clear the debate on the subject was elementary. Things have changed, and the journey that brought us to where we are today is a long and complicated one.

The moment that the human species discovered it had evolved enough to conduct itself by reason, and not by instinct alone, was the moment that the question of relationships between individuals enjoying different levels of power sparked the Human Rights debate. The discussion must have started when parents asked themselves how much responsibility they had toward protecting their children not only from external threats, but from themselves as well; they who had absolute power over the little ones.

Another major development in that vein must have taken place when land owners and their hired hands came to an understanding as to the duties and obligations that each had toward the other. And then, as the human species developed scientifically, technologically, industrially, economically and organizationally, the relationships between individuals as well as between them and the authorities of the state, evolved to become a Social Contract and a body of laws meant to enforce the social contract and maintain social tranquility.

Each of those developments created a whole new web of complex relationships (between governor and governed, boss and worker, teacher and student, server and patron, and so on and so forth) where Human Rights could be violated or perceived to have been violated. This is when the demarcation line between the idea of Human Rights and the adherence to Human Rights became blurred.

Needless to say that a great deal of confusion ensued, and hasn't been straightened out to this day. An example of the difficulties involved in navigating through the maze of the issues involved, came in the form of an article under the title: “What Went Wrong With Human Rights” and the subtitle: “The conflation of 'natural law' with 'positive law' handed communism a philosophical victory after the end of the Cold War.” It was written by James Taranto and published on August 18, 2018 in the Wall Street Journal.

Taranto is discussing a book that was written by Aaron Rhodes on Human Rights, not his own views. He also met with Rhodes, and spoke with him about the US withdrawing from the UN Human Rights Council, quoting him as saying that the Council is controlled by Islamic theocracies and influenced by China. Those countries are forming a vision of their own, says Rhodes. It is human rights without freedom; one that's based on economic and social rights where freedoms are restricted in the interest of peace and stability, Rhodes went on to say.

In fact, this conforms with what he has argued in his book: “The Debasement of Human Rights: How Politics Sabotage the Ideal of Freedom,” in which he also said that the UN made an error in its 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights where it conflated “natural Law” with “positive law.” Rhodes defined positive law as the law of states and governments, whereas natural law is a higher law that is also universal, he added. He went on to explain that natural law was a force acting as a constraint on positive law.

I did not read the Rhodes book, so I cannot pass judgment on it. But James Taranto quoted enough of it to indicate that Rhodes, who complained about politics sabotaging the ideal of freedom, is himself so deeply drowned in politics, he cannot hide that his philosophy is tainted by his hatred for Communism and what he calls the Islamic theocracies. But this inconsistency pales when compared to the serious flaw that's plaguing his philosophy on Human Rights; a philosophy he shares with many others.

Here is what Aaron Rhodes has said: “This [idea of Natural Law] is a vision that is very deeply embedded in Western civilization.” On his part, James Taranto explained that it found, “premodern expression in the ideas of the Greek Stoics and the Roman statesman Cicero, as well as in biblical canon law.” Maybe so, but before that –– something like billions of years before that –– the species that did not obey the Natural Laws of self-preservation became extinct very quickly. Those that obeyed the law which ordered not to kill a member of one's own species, went on to flourish and evolve into myriad other species, including us, homo sapiens. In fact, the natural laws were written into our genetic code before anyone had heard of the Greek Stoics or Rome's Cicero.

Life being the most fundamental of Human Rights according to the body of Natural Laws, the two most backward jurisdictions and highest violators of Human Rights in the world today, are Israel and America – the first being the butcher of Palestine, the second being the murder capital of the world. When it comes to Human Rights, these two should hang their heads in shame and keep their mouths shut.

Meanwhile the rest of the jurisdictions around the world are picking up ideas from among the best practices in the field of human relations as detected in the workplace, the classroom, the marketplace and every place where people gather and interact with civility and peacefully.

The leaders running those jurisdictions are in the process of fashioning a system of governance to replace that which has outlived its usefulness and ceased to work adequately in the modern era.

Monday, August 20, 2018

When the Rapist advises the Rape Victim

The dictionary definition of rape is the sexual assault of a person by another. But human imagination and creative impulses tend to break away from the limited definition of words, and use those words to add force to the description of analogous situations. For example, when someone says he made a killing on the stock market, he doesn't say he murdered someone on the floor of the stock exchange; he means to say he scored big winnings.

Because rape is recognized by everyone as being a serious offense, people tend to use the word to describe other situations in which the victim would suffer as much as being raped or worse ... but the gravity of the offense does not seem as obvious to those who were never so victimized. One such situation would be to live under the military occupation of one's country by a foreign power.

In fact, this is what the people of Palestine are suffering at this moment, and have been for more than half a century. They are the victims, not just of the Israeli military that's maintaining the physical occupation of their country, but also victims of the American government that's financing the occupation, and arming Israel to better oppress the Palestinians under occupation.

Worse, the American government does more than finance the occupation and arm the occupier; it has allowed Jewish American gambling moguls and other businessmen to turn the occupation into an enterprising concern. This helps to attract settlers of such savage disposition as to hunt human beings like on a safari. And the way that Washington has transformed the occupation into a Jewish business, was by allowing tax advantages to businesses that spend American dollars on strengthening the Israeli rape of Palestine.

As well, the American government has allowed tax deductions to fake charitable organizations whose real work is not doing humanitarian work in Israel or elsewhere, but paying Jewish losers around the world to go settle in the occupied territories where they live and operate under the protection of the American equipped Israeli army.

One of the Jewish businessmen with a keen interest in seeing to it that the Palestinians accept the status of being permanently raped by the Jewish occupation of their country, is Daniel J. Arbess who describes himself as being CEO of Xerion Investments and co-founder of No Labels. He writes on the subject of his interest from time to time, and did so on August 15, 2018 when the Wall Street Journal published a piece he authored under the title: “Advice for a Palestinian 'Icon'” and the subtitle: “Ahed Tamimi, 17, and her peers shouldn't be content as the next generation of cannon fodder”.

So here you have a situation in which the Palestinians are being raped by the occupation while a sponsor of that occupation is telling a young victim that refuses to accept her lot, she is being used as fodder by someone. In effect, this Jew is advising the victim and her peers to lie back and enjoy the rape. Think about it, my friend, if that's what this guy is saying publicly to the victim, imagine what he could be saying privately to the brainless creatures that were elected and/or appointed to run the American government. They are the ones that allow their country to be used comprehensively in the commission of an ongoing crime deemed to be worse than rape.

Here is Arbess telling how the story began, and here is the advice he is giving to the Palestinian Icon, Ahed Tamimi and to her peers:

“Israel released 17-year-old Ahed Tamimi after she spent eight months in prison for assaulting [slapping] an Israeli soldier. She met with the president of the Palestinian Authority who lionized her, and others hailed her as an Icon of Palestine. Before her release, Israel had enacted a law reaffirming that Israel is the national home of Jews. Will the Palestinians finally accept Israel as the homeland of Jews and help fashion Israel's democracy? They will need to move on from the past and accept the present”.

It takes chutzpah to adopt a position such as this. It reminds me of an old saying that fell out of favor at a time when the Jews had such a grip on the culture, people were afraid to exercise their right to speak freely. The saying used to go like this: What is chutzpah? It is the fuel that powers the train taking Jews to the gas chamber.

It is people like Daniel J. Arbess that will make the train run again.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Voice of America has gone to the Jewish Dogs

While being subtle so as to pretend doing its job of informing the public in America and oversees of what's happening in the world, Voice of America (VOA) is actually conducting one of the most virulent anti-Egypt campaigns it has ever undertaken; and doing it in concert with the Jewish propaganda machine.

Like the fisherman that prefers to catch one big fish rather than spend a great deal of energy going after a multitude of small fishes, the Jewish machine of fear, loathing and slander has found it advantageous to infiltrate, take over and control the publicly funded electronic networks of the so-called democracies, especially the English speaking ones.

In fact, the Jews had managed to transform the CBC in Canada and the BBC in Britain into Jewish toilet bowls before being told to loosen their grip a little. They did, and demoted the toilet bowls down to urinals. But while doing that, the Jews had managed to transform VOA into a full-service toilet bowl connected to a deep hole in the ground with a large pipe aptly called funding from America's taxpayers.

I see no need to illustrate what VOA is doing because what they say day in and day out, is there for all to hear; and what they write from time to time, is on their website for all to read. And so, the best way to respond to the ailment that has infected VOA, is to tell all about Egypt, and to illustrate the true story of what the country is like today. To that end, a good, unbiased article to read is one that came on the Bloomberg website.

It came under the title: “Traders Looking for Refuge From Volatility Will Find It in Egypt” and three long subtitles that went this way: (1) “Egyptian pound has been relatively immune to currency sell-off,” (2) “Nations' bond yields are among the highest in emerging markets” and (3) “Egypt has transformed into a haven for debt investors from a crisis zone in less than two years.” the article was written by Netty Idayu Ismail and Ahmed Feteha, and published on August 15, 2018.

Here, in condensed form, is what the article says:

“The Egyptian pound has been immune to a route. It held its own while others plummeted. Measures to stabilize the economy are paying off. Strong growth in inflows from tourism and remittances have helped. A solid supply of hard currency in the interbank market helped keep the pound stable. Annual core inflation was 8.54 percent in July, the lowest since March 2016. Fitch Ratings has a positive outlook on the nations' debt rating, forecasting a smaller current-account deficit through 2020. Foreign-currency reserves have rebounded to more than $44 billion from as low as $13.4 billion. Significant gas field discoveries have also been made. Due to the stable currency, Egypt will remain an interesting investment opportunity for emerging-market investors”.

Those that have followed this blog since at least the year 2011 when the system of governance in Egypt began the operation of overhauling itself in response to public demand, will recall that despite the deluge of predictions to the effect that Egypt was doomed, I kept saying this will not happen, and I explained why.

It was clear to me that the people of Egypt were not angry at each other; they were angry at a government that was cozying up to foreigners in the quest to attract more investment, thus register a higher rate of growth. To me, this meant that there will be no serious civil strife, and no damage to the infrastructure or the institutions of the nation. It also meant that the people were willing to live with a smaller rate of growth rather than let foreigners exploit them and their national resources.

In fact, while the whole world was still suffering from the effect of the 2008-2009 financial meltdown, and many countries were registering negative growth, Egypt was registering positive growth even as it struggled to free itself from the throes of a serious political flutter.

And when the signs were there that the commotion was ending, I said that the time had come for investors who want good return on their money, to look at Egypt because that's where the high returns will come from. I said so despite the fact that every moron and his copycat were running around chanting: the end is near for Egypt; the end is near for Egypt.

No, says the Bloomberg article. It's not the end for Egypt; this is only the beginning. Wait till you see what else will be accomplished by the sons and daughters of the place they call: Egypt, Mother of the World … Masr Umm el Dunia.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Sewage Historians feeding Crap to US Leaders

Concentrate your attention for a moment and think of something you might have read in the recent past that had to do with a historical event; be that a serious article or a book, for example.

Try to sort out in your mind what it is that the historian or student of history who wrote the work, was interested in. Were they the lies that could have misled the historical inquiry? Or were they the forces that shaped the trend that led to the outcome of the event? Of course, you'll find that the author was interested in the forces that shaped the trend that led to the historical outcome.

Now that you have developed a sense of how future historians will look at, and judge the events which are unfolding today under our noses, read Benny Avni's column that came under the title: “The Global lobbying to appease North Korea is going strong,” published on August 16, 2018 in the New York Post. When you have done that, ask yourself if this work will be of any use to future historians?

Whichever way the current standoff between North Korea and the United States will end, a future historian will ask: How did it all start? And how did it develop over the six or seven decades that it took to resolve the Korean issue? Recall that Avni ended his column with these words: “Trump's predecessors eagerly fell for false promises, which is how we got here.” But you wonder if Avni's column contains anything that a future historian could use to establish the relevant facts, and really come to understand how 'we got here'.

Here is what the historian of the future will be troubled by regarding Avni's column: “Others are whispering in Trump's ear that appeasement will bring peace. It won't.” It is a passage that came just before Avni said it is how 'we got here.' That is, he is using the worn-out Jewish argument which has it that human beings are evil, and the way to keep them in check is to bomb them into the Stone Age.

But how does Benny Avni and the other Jews know that? They know it because appeasement is what happened in 1938 after Hitler invaded his neighbors and annexed their lands, say the Jews. They explain that instead of the Allies bombing Hitler's Germany then and there, they appeased him, and he responded by invading the rest of Europe and beyond. This is the argument the Jews used in order to get America to bomb Iraq, thus start the trend that brought the region to the hell that's there today.

But the historian of the future already knows that the only entity invading the neighboring countries and annexing their territories in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, was Israel. Thus, he concludes as do you, the reader, that Benny Avni has accused North Korea of what Israel is doing, and asking America to take a bath in the Jewish sewer of lies. What Avni is suggesting in fact, is that America should get ready to bomb North Korea regardless of the consequences, which every sane person – looking at the Middle East – knows, will be horrific beyond our capacity to imagine.

But you can imagine that the historian of the future, having concluded that Avni's article was useless to him and to the integrity of history, will toss it in the trashcan where it belongs, and will resume the search for material that can tell him all about the forces that caused the ongoing trend in the twenty-first century to lead to the resolution of the Korean long festering issue … whatever the outcome will turn out to be.

This is why those who participate in the shaping of the history that will be studied in the minutest of details, should reject the suggestions which are based on the self-serving lies which are constantly being manufactured by the Jewish propaganda machine and articulated by its mouthpieces, the mob of Jewish pundits.

Always bear in mind that the history which rings true is that the Korean situation has been developing for decades, not because North Korea invaded America, but because America invaded the Korean Peninsula, doing to it what it failed to do to Vietnam.

What makes the American involvement in Korea even more disgusting, is the fact that America was motivated to get involved where it had no business being, not because it deemed it necessary but because a British has-been – hungry to maintain his influence in the world – suggested it the way that the Jews are today suggesting that America double down on the mistake, and double down on history's condemnation of it.

Friday, August 17, 2018

Artificial Judaism cannot replace the old Tribes

An article published two days ago reveals realities pertaining to the worldwide and perpetual criminal syndicate that so overextended itself, it is faltering under the load of nonsense it has been generating for decades.

It is the story of Jews whose roots and natural history place them among the tribes that were extinct eons ago. This, in fact, is what happened to the Jews when the Romans put an end to the life they lived as raiders, looters and murderers of the early settlers that farmed the land and put down the roots of a human civilization that developed to become who and what we are today.

The effect of the Romans' work lasted for two centuries, but because something was brewing in Europe during that time, the unexpected happened. The natural history of the Jews that culminated in their extinction, was revived and kept alive – not in its original natural form – but in an artificial version that preserved the criminal tendencies of the old while practicing them with Roman subtlety and sophistication.

Before the rise of Rome and its entry into the civilized world, the Greeks were the first Europeans to experience Civilization, having absorbed the cultures of the ancient worlds from Egypt to Assyria. After settling their local rivalries, the Greeks embarked on an ambitious plan to conquer the Orient all the way to India, and conquer the West along the Mediterranean coast. They were beaten and pushed back in the East, having left very little mark where they went except in Egypt where they took roots. As to their Western adventure, they did not get too far geographically, but left a lasting mark in a small place called Rome. They civilized it so well, what used to be an outpost grew so big, it swallowed Greece and almost the entire known world at the time.

One of the places that the Romans conquered and occupied, was Palestine where the nomadic Jewish tribes had managed to establish a small fiefdom. The Romans dismantled the thing at a time when the Jews were battling a rival faction called Christianity. Because neither faction could live in Palestine under the iron fist of the Roman military, many of the Christians and Jews migrated to Rome where civilian rule was the order of the day.

The proselytizing Christians did so well in their new home, the Jews saw the need to reform and do their own proselytizing or be marginalized as an insignificant minority. The rabbis who were the leaders of the Jews then as they are today, invented the artificial version of the religious culture they called rabbinical Judaism.

Because of their universal appeal, monotheistic Christianity and later Islam flourished in the places where no indigenous religion had taken roots, whereas Judaism, which had come before both did not. So the question: Why did Judaism never develop a universal appeal? Simply stated, the answer is that the original Judaism died a natural death, but the artificial rabbinical Judaism that replaced it, continued to maintain its artificial stance. And when it comes to a battle between the natural and the artificial, the natural wins hands down. Christianity and Islam conquered; Judaism lived in a state of perpetual defeat.

This reality comes out the article that was written under the title: “Israel is proud of who we are” and the subtitle: “Some critics believe that the law defining Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people is a threat to the Jewish people. This is audacious and preposterous.” The article was authored by Naftali Bennett who is a big honcho in Israel, and was published on August 15, 2018 in the New York Times.

This is a thousand-words essay that must be read in its entirety to fully appreciate the force with which the artificial element of rabbinical Judaism is used to oversee and control the flock. What follows is a short excerpt that gives a taste of that reality:

“There is no denying that Israel is a Jewish state. This is why our government passed the Nation State Law, which reaffirms the centrality of the Jewish identity and nature of the state of Israel. The threat to the future of the Jewish people, what keeps me up at night, is the mass assimilation of the American Jews. Research shows the statistical decline among the non-Orthodox, unaffiliated Jews. Year after year, census after census, generation after generation they disappear. This is what threatens the Jewish people. They are deserting their Jewish roots”.

Notice the phrase: “The nature of the state of Israel.” The fact is that Israel is an artificial state in the same way that Australia and the nations of the Americas are. The difference between Israel and those other nations is that all of them mimicked the way that a natural country develops. In contrast, the Jewish leaders chose to artificially impose a religion on those who migrate to Israel for one of the many reasons which have nothing to do with religion.

The adoption of that policy – even before it was made official – provoked a backlash among Jews both in Israel and the so-called Diaspora. The thought that they are regimented by their leaders disgusted those already converted to Judaism, and those who were contemplating conversion. That's why Naftali Bennett is losing sleep.

It is the same old story playing itself differently this time because the stage on which it is played is configured differently.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Sanctions will not kill Iran but make it stronger

Do you remember the old saying: What does not kill me will make me stronger? This has become the battle hymn of the Islamic Republic these days.

Jews such as Clifford D. May and their gentile running dogs, had promised Washington that Iran will be crushed if America reneged on the nuclear deal and reimposed sanctions. Trained to respond to Jewish commands without question, America reneged on the deal and reimposed the sanctions, but Iran was not crushed. On the contrary, the predicted fatal demise of that country looks more unlikely to happen with every passing day. And so, the Jews – including Clifford May – began to panic.

May wrote a column to express his frustration at the way things have gone so far. His article came under the title: “Imagining the Islamic Republic,” published on August 14, 2018 in The Washington Times. Like the title suggests, the author is imagining things to soothe his own pain by pretending that the mirage he sees in the distance is the oasis that was promised to the Jews four thousand years ago. He cries: Salvation at last knowing full well that no salvation is forthcoming.

The reality is that nations are rallying around Iran while severing close ties they have with America. Normally, international companies would have pulled out of Iran in a panic, but are not doing so this time. All they did was slow down a little to give themselves time to restructure their operations and be in a solid position to defy America for as long as it will take to break –– once and for all –– its newly acquired tendency to bully those that refuse to submit to its commands or those of Jews.

Here is the reason why the Jews are panicking, and here is how they are responding: “The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action [JCPOA or Iran Nuclear Deal] is working and delivering on its goal, as confirmed by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in 11 consecutive reports.” That's the reason for the Jewish panic.

As to the Jewish response, Clifford May says there is a problem with that assessment, and quotes Olli Heinonen to explain. He says that Heinonen believes that the IAEA has not followed the logic of confirming the non-existence of something that doesn't exist. Here are his words: “The IAEA has only said it has continued to verify non-diversion of nuclear material, but it has not confirmed that Iran's program remains peaceful”.

It is a good thing that you're wondering who the hell is this guy, Olli Heinonen, because there is a very sickening story about the way this man's logic works; a story that needs to be revealed. He was one of the guys who advised W. Bush that Saddam Hussein was hiding Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). In response, Bush mounted a disastrous attack on Iraq, now viewed as one of America's biggest mistakes.

After the war, the W sent Heinonen and his team to Iraq to unearth the WMDs he said were there, but found none. So guess what excuse the dumbo gave for the bad advice he gave George the W. He said that Saddam Hussein was to blame because he told the truth about there not being WMDs in Iraq when he was supposed to lie. But why was Saddam supposed to lie? Because he was an Arab, and the Jews had stereotyped the Arabs as liars. Thus, by not lying, Saddam did the salutary thing of showing that it is the Jews who produce mouth-BS all the time.

If you feel sick already, my friend, get ready to feel even sicker. Here is why: This guy, Olli Heinonen and his team have been paid good money during all that time, and they remain on someone's payroll to this day to produce more of the same Jewish BS.

Clifford May, who is trained in the law, must have determined he has no case to make against Iran. What to do? Well, he did what lawyers who defend a losing case always do. In a gesture that imitates the kid who kicks sand in the eyes of the spectators to blind them and give himself the chance to do something naughty, Clifford May lashed out at the Iranians.

He did so, not because of what they are doing or failing to do in the matter of the Nuclear Deal, but because of everything else that's irrelevant to the subject.

To add spice to his argument, Clifford May also lashed out at the European Union for not seeing Iran in bad light the way that he does. Here is a taste of that:

“Our friends across the pond view Iran' leaders through rose-colored glasses … ignoring their malevolent activities, including: Funding jihadists, enabling Assad, arming Houthi rebels in Yemen, backing al Qaeda-linked groups in Afghanistan, developing missiles and violating human rights at home”.

Next, Clifford May could be talking about Iran’s kitchen sink without mentioning that Israel has a bigger and uglier kitchen sink.