Saturday, August 18, 2018

Sewage Historians feeding Crap to US Leaders

Concentrate your attention for a moment and think of something you might have read in the recent past that had to do with a historical event; be that a serious article or a book, for example.

Try to sort out in your mind what it is that the historian or student of history who wrote the work, was interested in. Were they the lies that could have misled the historical inquiry? Or were they the forces that shaped the trend that led to the outcome of the event? Of course, you'll find that the author was interested in the forces that shaped the trend that led to the historical outcome.

Now that you have developed a sense of how future historians will look at, and judge the events which are unfolding today under our noses, read Benny Avni's column that came under the title: “The Global lobbying to appease North Korea is going strong,” published on August 16, 2018 in the New York Post. When you have done that, ask yourself if this work will be of any use to future historians?

Whichever way the current standoff between North Korea and the United States will end, a future historian will ask: How did it all start? And how did it develop over the six or seven decades that it took to resolve the Korean issue? Recall that Avni ended his column with these words: “Trump's predecessors eagerly fell for false promises, which is how we got here.” But you wonder if Avni's column contains anything that a future historian could use to establish the relevant facts, and really come to understand how 'we got here'.

Here is what the historian of the future will be troubled by regarding Avni's column: “Others are whispering in Trump's ear that appeasement will bring peace. It won't.” It is a passage that came just before Avni said it is how 'we got here.' That is, he is using the worn-out Jewish argument which has it that human beings are evil, and the way to keep them in check is to bomb them into the Stone Age.

But how does Benny Avni and the other Jews know that? They know it because appeasement is what happened in 1938 after Hitler invaded his neighbors and annexed their lands, say the Jews. They explain that instead of the Allies bombing Hitler's Germany then and there, they appeased him, and he responded by invading the rest of Europe and beyond. This is the argument the Jews used in order to get America to bomb Iraq, thus start the trend that brought the region to the hell that's there today.

But the historian of the future already knows that the only entity invading the neighboring countries and annexing their territories in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, was Israel. Thus, he concludes as do you, the reader, that Benny Avni has accused North Korea of what Israel is doing, and asking America to take a bath in the Jewish sewer of lies. What Avni is suggesting in fact, is that America should get ready to bomb North Korea regardless of the consequences, which every sane person – looking at the Middle East – knows, will be horrific beyond our capacity to imagine.

But you can imagine that the historian of the future, having concluded that Avni's article was useless to him and to the integrity of history, will toss it in the trashcan where it belongs, and will resume the search for material that can tell him all about the forces that caused the ongoing trend in the twenty-first century to lead to the resolution of the Korean long festering issue … whatever the outcome will turn out to be.

This is why those who participate in the shaping of the history that will be studied in the minutest of details, should reject the suggestions which are based on the self-serving lies which are constantly being manufactured by the Jewish propaganda machine and articulated by its mouthpieces, the mob of Jewish pundits.

Always bear in mind that the history which rings true is that the Korean situation has been developing for decades, not because North Korea invaded America, but because America invaded the Korean Peninsula, doing to it what it failed to do to Vietnam.

What makes the American involvement in Korea even more disgusting, is the fact that America was motivated to get involved where it had no business being, not because it deemed it necessary but because a British has-been – hungry to maintain his influence in the world – suggested it the way that the Jews are today suggesting that America double down on the mistake, and double down on history's condemnation of it.