Saturday, August 25, 2018

An American Congress by Jewish Decrees

Since the beginning of time, everything that could move has moved around the Earth, and this is how the planet became populated with all kinds of organisms. However, except for human beings, none of these organisms has moved from one place to another by design. They did because something related to climate – whether it was changing or not – has caused them to drift from place to place.

Human beings as well drifted from place to place when forced by the climate. But they also moved from place to place by design. As far as I was able to identify them, I see seven reasons why voluntary, large scale human movements took place. By choice and by design, human beings became nomads, traders, raiders, settlers, migrants, explorers and conquerors.

Except on rare occasions, the rule has been that humans never planned to take non-combatants with them when they went to war. Thus, the only civilians that the soldiers encountered were those of the lands they invaded, and not of the lands from which they came. For this reason, when civilian casualties happened, they happened among the inhabitants of the lands that were invaded.

The exception to that rule since the beginning of time, has been the Jews who, according to their own folklore, “conquered” other lands as mobs made of civilian men, women and children; not made of professional soldiers. That's what the Jews say they did when they left Egypt thousands of years ago on their way to attack Palestine. And that's what they actually did in modern times – as documented on several occasions – when they built their kibbutz villages at the front-line of every war they started against a neighbor.

Even during the last of the three wars that Israel had with Gaza, a tunnel that was dug up by the Palestinians, encountered not a military defensive position manned by soldiers, but a children playground only a couple hundred feet away from the front-line. Whether a real story or one dreamed up for the occasion, this is what the Judeo-Israeli propaganda machine has been telling the world. In any case, that playground was not built by the Palestinians; it was built by the Jews of Israel and possibly by the operators of the Jewish lie and distortion machine that dreamed up the whole thing.

But this is the kind of propaganda that the Israelis and the Jewish lobby in America have been using to get the American congress to give them what they want. As to you, dear reader, with this backgrounder under your belt, you should read the article that came under the title: “Get Serious About Human Shields” and the subtitle: “Congress considers a special sanctions regime for terror groups that use them.” It was written by Mark Dubowitz and Orde Kittrie, and published on August 23, 2018 in the Wall Street Journal.

Note that when a land is invaded by ground forces as is the case in the West Bank, or by air and naval crafts as is the case in Gaza, the would-be defenders do not automatically separate themselves from the non-combatants that do not join the defense force. Thus, the normal set-up makes it so that the defense force (whether in uniform or not) and the non-combatants find themselves shielding each other. For this reason, it cannot be said that the defenders use the civilian population as shield.

For Dubowitz and Kittrie to say otherwise is to tell a lie, trying to hammer into the heads that populate the American Congress they need to fix a problem that doesn't exist. In fact, their intent is to bring about the passage of legislation that will have the effect of giving the Jews of Israel a license to murder Palestinian civilians at will, and then turn around and punish the Palestinians who volunteer to defend their people, whether or not they wear the uniform.

When you get past the spin which gives a false narrative as to what's unfolding in occupied Palestine, you encounter what the Jewish lobby in America really wants. It is this: “While U.S. laws impose sanctions for terrorism, our recent study of Hamas leaders involved in using human shields shows that several have not been named as terrorist by the U.S. –– Sanctions for using human shields could lead to prosecution”.

Note that the study which the two writers are talking about is one that was conducted by the farcical outfit which fancies itself as protector of the democracies.

Their view is that if a Palestinian young man happens to be at home with his family, and an Israeli helicopter gunship launches a precision missile at the house, killing most of the family and wounding the young man but not killing him, Dubowitz and Kittrie want the Jewish toilet bowl calling itself American Congress, to label the young Palestinian a terrorist.

This will automatically set-up the machinery to punish him as such. It will also label the Israeli pilot that murdered the Palestinian family, a hero and invite him to come to America and talk to the congress.

They will want to decorate that cold blood killer with the medal of freedom, and perhaps give him 29 standing ovations as well.

Please someone out there, flush that toilet because the stench is getting so powerful, we're getting choked anywhere we try to hide on this planet!