Friday, August 17, 2018

Artificial Judaism cannot replace the old Tribes

An article published two days ago reveals realities pertaining to the worldwide and perpetual criminal syndicate that so overextended itself, it is faltering under the load of nonsense it has been generating for decades.

It is the story of Jews whose roots and natural history place them among the tribes that were extinct eons ago. This, in fact, is what happened to the Jews when the Romans put an end to the life they lived as raiders, looters and murderers of the early settlers that farmed the land and put down the roots of a human civilization that developed to become who and what we are today.

The effect of the Romans' work lasted for two centuries, but because something was brewing in Europe during that time, the unexpected happened. The natural history of the Jews that culminated in their extinction, was revived and kept alive – not in its original natural form – but in an artificial version that preserved the criminal tendencies of the old while practicing them with Roman subtlety and sophistication.

Before the rise of Rome and its entry into the civilized world, the Greeks were the first Europeans to experience Civilization, having absorbed the cultures of the ancient worlds from Egypt to Assyria. After settling their local rivalries, the Greeks embarked on an ambitious plan to conquer the Orient all the way to India, and conquer the West along the Mediterranean coast. They were beaten and pushed back in the East, having left very little mark where they went except in Egypt where they took roots. As to their Western adventure, they did not get too far geographically, but left a lasting mark in a small place called Rome. They civilized it so well, what used to be an outpost grew so big, it swallowed Greece and almost the entire known world at the time.

One of the places that the Romans conquered and occupied, was Palestine where the nomadic Jewish tribes had managed to establish a small fiefdom. The Romans dismantled the thing at a time when the Jews were battling a rival faction called Christianity. Because neither faction could live in Palestine under the iron fist of the Roman military, many of the Christians and Jews migrated to Rome where civilian rule was the order of the day.

The proselytizing Christians did so well in their new home, the Jews saw the need to reform and do their own proselytizing or be marginalized as an insignificant minority. The rabbis who were the leaders of the Jews then as they are today, invented the artificial version of the religious culture they called rabbinical Judaism.

Because of their universal appeal, monotheistic Christianity and later Islam flourished in the places where no indigenous religion had taken roots, whereas Judaism, which had come before both did not. So the question: Why did Judaism never develop a universal appeal? Simply stated, the answer is that the original Judaism died a natural death, but the artificial rabbinical Judaism that replaced it, continued to maintain its artificial stance. And when it comes to a battle between the natural and the artificial, the natural wins hands down. Christianity and Islam conquered; Judaism lived in a state of perpetual defeat.

This reality comes out the article that was written under the title: “Israel is proud of who we are” and the subtitle: “Some critics believe that the law defining Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people is a threat to the Jewish people. This is audacious and preposterous.” The article was authored by Naftali Bennett who is a big honcho in Israel, and was published on August 15, 2018 in the New York Times.

This is a thousand-words essay that must be read in its entirety to fully appreciate the force with which the artificial element of rabbinical Judaism is used to oversee and control the flock. What follows is a short excerpt that gives a taste of that reality:

“There is no denying that Israel is a Jewish state. This is why our government passed the Nation State Law, which reaffirms the centrality of the Jewish identity and nature of the state of Israel. The threat to the future of the Jewish people, what keeps me up at night, is the mass assimilation of the American Jews. Research shows the statistical decline among the non-Orthodox, unaffiliated Jews. Year after year, census after census, generation after generation they disappear. This is what threatens the Jewish people. They are deserting their Jewish roots”.

Notice the phrase: “The nature of the state of Israel.” The fact is that Israel is an artificial state in the same way that Australia and the nations of the Americas are. The difference between Israel and those other nations is that all of them mimicked the way that a natural country develops. In contrast, the Jewish leaders chose to artificially impose a religion on those who migrate to Israel for one of the many reasons which have nothing to do with religion.

The adoption of that policy – even before it was made official – provoked a backlash among Jews both in Israel and the so-called Diaspora. The thought that they are regimented by their leaders disgusted those already converted to Judaism, and those who were contemplating conversion. That's why Naftali Bennett is losing sleep.

It is the same old story playing itself differently this time because the stage on which it is played is configured differently.