Sunday, June 21, 2020

Telling it like it is will help solve the problem

Dedicated to debunking the deceptive propaganda put out by Jewish commentators in the hundreds upon hundreds of articles they publish every year in their Jewish publications as well as the regular press, there is one thing that stands out as clearly as a fox seizing up a chicken coop.

That thing has been analogized as the Jew looking in the mirror, spotting what is most ugly about himself, and accusing others of what he discovers is wrong with him. Whereas this reality proved to be true at the individual level, it also proved to be true at the organizational level where groupings such as the Canadian Jewish Congress, AIPAC with its numerous tentacles, and many other organizations have participated in accusing people, especially the Palestinians, with what they saw in themselves.

One of the accusations that these Jews (individuals and groups) consistently throw at the Palestinians is that of terrorism. But the truth is that the Palestinians did not go to Europe to terrorize the Jews; it was the European Jews who went into Palestine where they formed two terror organizations named Irgun and Hagenah. They began by terrorizing the Brits who were occupying Palestine at the time, and then turned their attention to the unarmed Palestinian farmers whose lands they coveted and stole at gun point.

This kind of revelations opened the vista on the Jewish culture that made these people such a violent society. It was discovered that whether or not the Old Testament is a compilation of true stories, the Jews take it as the basis of their core beliefs. To this day, they celebrate what they call Passover, which is the story of the Jews becoming a nation by committing the most gruesome terrorist crime in the history of Planet Earth. They killed a child in every Egyptian family in the middle of the night, looted the homes and temples of their valuables and ran into the desert looking for someone else to rob and terrorize.

When they reached Palestine, the Jews continued their reign of blood; of gore and mayhem by rampaging their way through village after village in what might well have been the Garden of Eden, stealing as much as they could grab and hold in the Land of Milk and Honey, which they said was promised to them by a blood thirsty and merciless God of War.

This is supposed to have happened in ancient times. The story goes on to say that the Jews were eventually kicked out of Palestine by the Roman legions, so they scattered around the world, where they coexisted peacefully with many of its peoples except the Europeans who took turn slaughtering the Jews and being slaughtered by them. This went on up to the Second World War when at the end of it, the European Jews acquired the most advanced weapons that existed at the time, and went after the possessions of the Palestinians in their homes in their homeland.

While all the terror that was produced in Palestine was committed by the Irgun, the Hagenah, and later the foreign settlers, the Palestinians who by now had come under Jewish occupation, did not at first resist that occupation. It was not until the second generation –– born and raised under the yoke of occupation –– had come of age, that the Palestinians decided enough was enough.

Forced to live a life of deprivation, a small number of young men snapped as any normal human being would, and lashed out at the settlers as well as Israel's army of occupation that grew out of the Hagenah terrorist organization. But it was those Palestinian activities, however minor they were, that the Jewish propaganda machine wanted to see. It wanted them to use as excuse and work on the rulers of America. The aim of the Jewish propagandists was to persuade the zombies of the Beltway to make America responsible for the ongoing crimes against humanity that the Jews are perpetrating in Palestine.

You can see how this is done in the article that came under the title: “We must stop pursuing a two-state illusion and commit to a realistic two-state solution,” written by Ron Dermer who is Israel's ambassador to the United States. The article was published on June 19, 2020 in The Washington Post.

Ron Dermer must have looked in the mirror before sitting at the computer keyboard to write his article. He saw the face of Jewish terror and decided to accuse the Palestinians of terrorism. He mentioned the word “terror” or a derivation thereof five times to describe the Palestinians, as if he were ascribing to them the gruesome crimes of Passover, the murderous rampages in ancient Palestine, the Irgun/Hagenah terror campaign in modern Palestine and the crime against humanity that's ongoing in today's Palestine.

Dermer wrote his article to tell the zombies of the Washington Beltway that Israel needs them one more time to legitimize the idea that when the Jews steal, they do not commit a crime because they would only be fulfilling God's will. For this reason, America must bless the upcoming annexation of Palestinian lands by Israel, and take responsibility for the fallout that will ensue because the Americans have been the convenient suckers from the beginning, and they might as well continue to be suckers to the end.