Friday, October 13, 2023

They’d help themselves hugely if they stop lying

 It is becoming a bit of truism to think that the Jews are hurting themselves enormously by lying while seeking to help their various causes. It is that everywhere you look, you see a Jew instructed by Jewish Central, put out a thousand lies to mutilate every truth that’s uttered by the honest people of the Earth.


Bit by bit, the world is realizing that the act of conversion from any religion to Judaism, transforms the DNA of the convert into a perpetually producing lie machine. The result is that the Jews will lie in response to the exigencies of the moment, and lie for no reason but that it makes them feel good.


One happy liar in today’s world goes by the name Benjamin Netanyahu. He was elected by the majority of Jews in Israel, and implicitly supported by the majority of rank-and-file Jews outside of Israel. Thus, it can be said that the lie is so much at the center of Jewish life, it has become the responsibility of the Jewish collective, bearing as it does all the consequences that flow from such a situation.


As to the latest of Netanyahu’s self-defeating exploits, he was motivated by the reality that when Palestinian buildings are blown up by Israeli warplanes, and the spectacle shown on the television screens of the Anglosphere — the world no longer gives him joy or satisfaction but gives him contempt. And so, Netanyahu sat down with himself and no one else, thought deeply about his predicament, and invented the lie which he thought will fix the problem.


He came up with the idea of telling the world that it is not the Jews who are terrorists – a flagrant distortion of Jewish reality – but the Palestinians who, in reality, are constantly being terrorized by the importation into occupied Palestine from around the world of new cannibalistic savages, equipped with the most lethal weapons to come out America’s arsenal. Having thought up the idea, Netanyahu did not have to go further to think up the ways by which to spread the lie.


It so happened that coincident with that moment, a firefight had erupted somewhere along the Gaza-Israel border where the Jews normally build their Kibbutz to stand as a shield of babies behind which they protect themselves and feel safe. But as it happened this time, something developed that Netanyahu saw as an opportunity to cash in on it, in a big way.


At first, Netanyahu did what the Jews always do, which is that when they have a weak hand, they talk about it and get others to talk about it for as long as they can rather than show it. In that vein, Netanyahu accused the Palestinians of killing babies, and promised he would show the pictures to prove it. With the pressure building on him to keep his promise, he finally released one picture that turned out to be the evidence which proved that the killing of Jewish babies was done by the Jewish army of Israel. Still, Netanyahu continued to maintain that he has the picture of two other babies whose bodies were burned beyond recognition, but may not show them.


Here is the unvarnished truth pertaining to this horrific episode. The victim’s body appears to have been riddled all over with metallic objects that could not have come out the muzzle of a machinegun or a handgun, weapons that the Palestinians normally use. It is that it does not take a dozen or so bullets to kill someone. One or two bullets would have done the job.


Also, to fire a machinegun does not put a bullet all over a human body. It is that the machinegun pushes out dozens of bullets in a matter of seconds, which makes the bullet-marks on the body line up along a straight line, spaced only millimeters apart.


So then, what does the baby’s dead body, shown by Netanyahu, say? It says it fell victim to the kind of weapons which are favored by the Israeli army. These are the cluster and fragmentary bombs that cause the kind of pattern displayed in this case. As to the picture of the burned out babies, here too, we can only go by the reality that use of firebombs, incendiary bombs and the chemical Napalm were used by Israel in the past, and continue to be the mainstay of its army.


The Jews need not do anything costly to qualify joining the human race and live normal lives like the rest of us. All that they need to do is refrain from lying to themselves and others, something they are now compelled to do as they continue to listen to leaders that have no more their interest at heart than a fox has about the chicken it eyes in a chicken coop.


And by doing this, they will be doing themselves a great deal of good — which is better than their current condition.