Saturday, May 23, 2009

Insidious Infrastructure Of Treason (Part 1 of 2)

Some people called it an end run around President Obama and they almost danced in the street even though the "victory" was not as spectacular as it has been during previous runs. But other people did not appreciate the fact that three quarters of the US senators and almost half the house representatives signed a letter the other day in which they picked up Israel’s side of the argument and asked President Obama to adopt a one-sided support for that country, a support they made clear must be unlimited, unconditional and without reservation like Netanyahu of Israel was pleading when he was in town during that same time.

The people who do not like what they see happen near the seat of power in their country are visibly hurt by the look of indecency which is now associated with what has become of their democracy. They reckon that meddling in their affairs by a foreign power is bad enough but when their own legislators rush to put themselves in the service of that foreign power and help it do an end run around their President borders on the pornographic. So the question that the rest of us must ask is this: Are the people of America ready to revolt? And the answer at this point looks like a maybe.

Protests and revolts have been happening since the beginning of time. They were in the past as they are today the public’s display of unhappiness with the conduct of their rulers. They are a natural reaction to the sense that the rulers have betrayed their people by being incompetent, indifferent to the needs of the nation or by working with a foreign power against the interests of their country. And it is this betrayal of country more than anything that we recognize as being an act of treason.

However, the fact is that rulers do not betray their country by committing a single act that is blatantly out of line. What usually happens is that an insidious infrastructure of treason gets constructed almost imperceptibly which is why the ordinary people do not get to see what is happening and do not mount a protest or a revolt early on. But after a while, the betrayal is detected, the anger boils over and the public erupts in open revolt.

Thus, the two questions that beg for answer are these: How does an infrastructure of treason begin to take root? How does it grow and flourish without someone noticing it early enough to sound the alarm and prevent the revolt from erupting? The sad answer to both questions is that we’ll never know from reading history. And what is left for us to do is that we resolve to change this situation.

Historians do not discuss in detail the early part of a revolt because they never have enough information as to how things build up before reaching the boiling point. This is because what leads to the revolt is usually subtle goings on of the social kind that even the contemporaries do not fully understand much less appreciate. This is why they fail to detect the danger and fail to do something about it.

No wonder then that the historians who come after the event find themselves at a loss as to what happened that led to the revolt. What they can do is guess what might have happened but historians usually shy away from playing the guessing game so they ignore the subject and restrict themselves to describing the mechanics of the eruption as they read them in the record.

This puts the onus on the contemporaries of these events to try and piece together as best they can what is happening during their own time and leave a record of same for future historians to correlate with the facts they will be gathering from other sources. To this end, I shall discuss the trend I see building towards a general discontent in America, one that may prove to be a quiet revolution or one that will erupt in a more violent way. But whatever happens, the historians of the future will have a clearer view of what has been brewing in our time and will have a better understanding of our history.

What comes close to being a betrayal of the American people by their rulers is the strange relationship that the latter have forged with Israel and its offshoot organizations in America. These are organizations that operate under the cover of various activities each of which may seem legitimate when observed alone but turns out to be lethal when a number of them are made to work together. These activities serve the purpose of Israel as they diminish America; indeed the demise of America is a necessary ingredient for the glorification of Israel.

The best analogy that can be given to illustrate these points is that of someone carrying a box of matches, another one carrying a case of empty bottles and a third one carrying a can of gasoline. Neither situation seems harmful or suspicious by itself but when you bring the three elements together, you have the potential for making Molotof cocktails and start a serious riot. This is how you destroy the neighborhood and distract the people from what the freeloaders are doing as they help themselves with what belongs to the people who are in distress.

Likewise in the social and political arenas, single activities that seem innocuous when committed independently of each other may turn deadly when committed together. For this to happen, there must be a structure that can tie them into a coherent whole. And when you have this structure you can motivate a superpower strongly enough to send it chasing after weapons of mass destruction where there is none. You can make the soldiers of that power administer torture and demean prisoners as they hear you badmouth the race and religion of those who are kept in jail. And you can motivate the soldiers to rape the children and murder their families for that same racist reason.

In short, you will be able to make the superpower destroy any neighborhood you want and destroy itself as it behaves like a depraved army of hooligans supported by a demoralized population at home and commanded by a treasonous gang of legislators who are no longer the democratic system of government they still pretend to be. And you will do all this to make Israel look good, to rationalize the superpower’s support for it and to have the legislators demand that more support be sent there as if there was no tomorrow and no amount of shame that can restrain those characters.

This is what is happening to America today and this is how the nation appears to much of the world. We must, therefore, pose the question: "How did it all come about without someone realizing early enough what was going on and without someone trying to put an end to it?" But to ask this question is to ask: "How did the Jewish organizations do it?" Which is really the situation we should be probing.

Well, the first thing you do if you are a Jewish organization is that you never let a holocaust go to waste without milking it for all it is worth. You holler, whine and bellyache every time someone opposes your ideas or stands up to your activities. You call the people that oppose you anti-Semites who wish to pave the way for the next holocaust which you predict will be worse than the previous holocaust in that it will engender a final solution that will truly be final and will result in no Jew remaining alive -- exactly as Hitler would have wanted it.

Of course, you do not have to believe a word of this but you do not relent saying it either because if you do, there will be no need for you to continue operating or even to exist as an organization, and you will have to dismantle yourself and put an end to your existence.

And so, as you conduct yourself in that manner, you test the culture around you to see how far you can push the envelope in all directions. When you have a good idea of this, you pick your opponents one at a time and you attack them while pushing things as far as the envelop will allow you to go without getting a push back. But if you do get a push back, you invoke the old rant about the whole world being anti-Semitic as you holler, whine and bellyache your pain and your sorrow.

You keep doing this for maybe a generation or two until you put together a structure of commissions and omissions that will work for you like a charm. That is, you will be able to commit everything you want to commit without seeing someone oppose your ideas or stand up to your activities. You will be able to omit from the marketplace of ideas anything that opposes you. And you will have the opportunity to blacklist and to banish the authors of those ideas. And damn that stupid thing they call democracy but don’t say so loudly because democracy is the cover under which you will operate to pull off the most authoritarian of tricks.

This discussion continues next week.