Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Jayapal speaks for humanity, McCarthy does not

US House Representative Pramila Jayapal observed life, described it as she saw it, a performance that’s said to be in the best tradition of “The Greatest Deliberative Body in history,” but was reprimanded by Kevin McCarthy, the Speaker of the House who is of a different party.


Mind you, McCarthy did not simply offer a different opinion as a way to pushback against Jayapal’s observation to the effect that Israel may or may not be a racist state, he formulated his response in such a way as to assert that seeing Israel’s activities as being racist in nature, is a thought that must never be held in the mind of those who deliberate in the US Congress. And this happens to be in the worst tradition of that Congress.


But how and why did Pramila Jayapal see reality the way that she did? Why did she dare to so express it? And why did Kevin McCarthy panic to the point of committing a “Freudian slip of the tongue” that had him assert what Jayapal was saying rather than negating it? Here is that story:


It has been the tradition over the decades that when speaking about the Middle East, a reference to the elephant in the room, meant Israel. That’s because then as now, everyone in the region except Israel could be criticized, whereas Israel’s indiscretions were left unmentioned even as they massively sat in the room like an elephant.


And so, even as Kevin McCarthy meant to express indignation with regard to what Jayapal may or may not have said about Israel, he was not above criticism when his party held the minority position in the House of Representative. In fact, he was reprimanded on several occasions, as was his boss Donald Trump, for trafficking in antisemitic tropes.


And what happened this time, was that Kevin McCarthy accused Pramila Jayapal’s sayings as being the antisemitic elephant in the room. It is obvious, therefore, that while his cognitive mind wants the world to believe he stands with Israel, his subconscious mind continues to hold on to the idea that Israel’s sins are of such magnitude they must not be ignored anymore than you can ignore the elephant in the room.


And while McCarthy was playing that double game, Jayapal played it straight like an arrow whether her party represented the majority or the minority in the House of Representatives. She did so because she always knew that when America allows Israel to get away with unbecoming behavior in the Middle East using American money and weapons, the Jews eventually do something similar in America.


In fact, this is how and why the American approved incursions of the Israeli army into the villages of the West Bank, paved the way for the appointment of a former IRA militant, now American legislator, in the position of Security Czar, and charged with the task of “smoking out” the  Arab and Muslim so-called terrorists who operate in America out of the houses of worship. Needless to say that no such terrorist was found, and the American operation was shut down.


Needless to say that what’s allowed to happen in America is allowed to happen in the Anglosphere if not the entire Western World. Thus, the Arabs and Muslims are having a hard time convincing the authorities in those places to treat them like full citizens when it comes to applying the laws of Human Rights.


I have personally been persecuted by the combined might of the Canadian Security Apparatus, and Jewish Central for refusing to trash my race while praising Israel for accomplishments it never realized. The persecution lasted (55 years) 20,000 days during which time I was robbed of my entire adult life, and has continued for another (7 months) 200 days during which time the thieves have kept and continue to keep the compensation that’s due to me.


It behoves those of the Kevin McCarthy kind to change their ways by straightening their behavior and come to resemble Pramila Jayapal. America desperately needs intellectually honest people. The Anglosphere hungers to be led by someone they can respect. And humanity aches to get back on the road to sanity and full development.