Sunday, June 19, 2011

The American War On Palestine Intensifies

If there is someone out there who is still under the illusion that the war on the people of Palestine was brought to them by a bunch of hallucinating Jewish crackpots from around the world led to believe that God promised them the land of Palestine four thousand years ago, that someone should put their illusion to rest. He or she can look at what is happening in Palestine today to see that nothing is clearer than the fact this war is an American war systematically waged against the Palestinian people. It is a genocidal war that was unleashed against a helpless and peaceful people who remained unarmed throughout their ordeal – a savage ordeal that has lasted several generations already. And during all this time, the Palestinian people were repeatedly and brutally attacked by the most lethal weapons that America has produced and put in the hands of the most depraved of the Jewish fanatics produced inside America itself from New York in the east to California in the west and from the northern states of Michigan and Minnesota to the southern states of Florida and Texas. These are all American boys and girls who call themselves Jews; and they are cheered on by so-called Evangelical Christians who claim to number 50 million in America. And they are organized in chapters all over the country under the banner Christians United For Israel or CUFI.

And the sordid history goes right back to the beginning when first of all, the Americans engineered a United Nation recognition of the terrorist Jewish government that took over Palestine by force of arms and called it Israel. Moments later, the Americans themselves recognized that same horrible government. And ever since that time, the Americans have been pouring into Israel mercenaries who go there bearing weapons galore; and pouring into Israel volunteers who go there bearing money galore. And year after year, the Jewish hordes have grown in size and have stolen more and more of the Palestinian properties where they built settlements on productive farmlands while America replenished them with the guns and the ammunition to kill Palestinians and sent to them the bread and the butter to sustain them throughout. In addition, America stood as a conspicuous sentinel everywhere in the world to shield and protect the savage hordes of Israel from the censures that were repeatedly voiced in the civilized forums of the planet including the United Nation.

Then, one day the Palestinians declared: Enough is enough; we have had it up to here with this war of genocide waged against our people by an America that is employing the full weight of its military and economic might to annihilate what is left of us. And so we have decided to go to the United Nation and seek recognition for our state on what is left of our sacred land. And this declaration threw the Americans into a tizzy if not a state of panic. And they started once again to throw their weight around in a hysterical attempt to halt the Palestinian drive. But why the hysteria? Because America believes that what is left of Palestine in the hands of Palestinians is too much as it is, and that a good portion of that -- if not all of it – should be absorbed by the Israeli savages who have gobbled up most of Palestine already; so why not grab all of Judea and Samaria?

Yes, America is running around saying something about the 1967 borders but this is the same sort of hypocritical garbage that made it possible to usurp most of Palestine over the decades while America pretended to stand on the side of the rule of law. This is the same garbage that leaves no daylight between what Israel wants for itself and what America wants for Israel. And this is the same garbage that uses the American veto to torpedo every condemnation of Israel when this horrible concoction breaks the law – which it always does -- and when it adds more crime to the crimes against humanity it has accumulated in its name and in the name of America. And this is the same garbage that is now working like mad to freeze the effort of the Palestinians in their quest to achieve a breakthrough after 44 savage years of a Jewish murderous occupation.

In fact, the way the game is played now is that America is pressing and will continue to press for the resumption of the bargaining between the two parties without preconditions. To show its own good intentions, America has said after 44 years of silence that it supports the UN resolutions making reference to the 1967 borders even though Israel made it clear it will not abide by them regardless of what America says, and has in fact announced the building of new settlements beyond those borders. But now that America has managed to make itself look like it stands on the side of justice after 44 years of doubt, it believes it can start to play the same dirty game again without someone noticing. And the game it is playing begins with the warning that should the talks fail, it will use all the means at its disposal including the veto at the Security Council to frustrate the Palestinian effort to develop the kind of clout that the negotiators could use at the bargaining table when they negotiate with Israel.

Thus, what is left for the Palestinians to do in the mind of the Israelis and the Americans is to swallow the reasoning put forth by Israel to the effect that everyone knows that the land on which the settlements are to be built will be ceded to Israel by the Palestinian negotiators anyway; so why not build the settlements now and get it over with? Whoa! Did you get this my friend; did you get this? Look what happened here. The wish became the assumption that became the reality that was acted upon. Fantastic, isn't it? First, they fantasized about God giving them the land. Then they fantasized about the Palestinians ceding it to them. Then they acted upon this assumption and announced the building of new settlements. Then they asked the Palestinians to accept this non-precondition before they sit down and start the talks. Got it? If you didn't, the Americans did and this is why they are running around like mad trying to stop the Palestinians in their track. It's a mad world made madder by the Jewish cultural takeover of America.

But what the hell are the Palestinians supposed to talk about if the Jews have preempted the talks already and have gotten what they want? Are these people asking the Palestinians to give away the rest of Palestine before the talks even begin? Are the Americans joining them and calling on the Palestinians to do just that? See how flawless and how superior Jewish logic can be, my friend? No wonder God has chosen these people to be his favorite children. Would you not have made the same choice if you were a god yourself? In the meantime, the rest of us can only marvel at what a lovely idea is this Israeli-American logic that can lead to this Israeli-American sort of outcome. But this is exactly the kind of situation that would have startled my Jewish friend and caused him to lament: This is so typical of the Jewish leaders it screams show me the way to the gas chamber. Is America softly conspiring to send the Jews to the gas chamber?

This American plan to wage a war of annihilation against the people of Palestine for the benefit of those who call themselves Jews was put together by Dennis Ross who calls himself a Jew. He has worked closely with the bloodthirsty elements of several Israeli governments over many decades and says he does not feel guilty about the relationship he has developed with them. In fact, he founded one of those septic tanks supposedly of the thinking kind and wrote a manifesto for it. The name of the thinking tank of logical manure is the Washington Institute for Near East Policy; and the manifesto for which it gained notoriety says that no Arabist (euphemism for Arab, Muslim, Arab sympathizer and Muslim sympathizer) should be allowed to work at the State Department especially in matters relating to the Middle East or to the Muslim world.

And this ethnic cleansing was actually carried out and then extended to encompass the White House where Dennis Ross has labored like the dickens to frustrate the efforts of the Arab American, George Mitchell who was the Special Envoy to the Middle East. Mitchell resigned in disgust the day that Netanyahu was brought to the White House where he cried a bucketful of crocodile tears, puked a stomachful of bitter bile and peed a bladderful of piss on the carpet of the Oval Office thus proving that Mitchell was correct when he voiced disgust at the idea of letting a bag of filth desecrate the White House by his presence. And this is why everyone should be aware that this guy, Dennis Ross, will not shy away from inflicting any plague on America or Palestine if it will yield an inch of new land for Israel. Thus, no one should expect him to back off one iota from working to effectuate the complete takeover of Palestine by Israel whatever the cost to everyone else.

It must be said in conclusion that the Palestinian people have the opportunity at this point in history to do the world and all of humanity a big favor by brushing America aside and working with the other nations to regain what is rightfully theirs. In so doing, the Palestinians will help mitigate America's negative influence and useless drag on the potential that the human race now has to develop a world it was meant to have since the beginning of time. Humanity has had this opportunity several times in the past but lost it each time because the same phony self-declared Jews intervened and turned a good movement into a savage one by injecting into the discourse the idea that one group of people can declare itself to be superior to everyone else.

The creation of a Palestinian state will effectively nail the coffin on this idea and prevent it from rising again as it has done in the past and has prevented the human race from developing socially and culturally at the same pace as it did scientifically and technologically. It is time that we catch up spiritually with our material achievements.

Do it for all of us, Palestine. You are our shining light on the hill.