Tuesday, June 21, 2011

European AIPAC Tweedledees American Tweedledum

Modeled after AIPAC, it is called AJC Transatlantic Institute which stands for American Jewish Committee. Its director is Daniel Schwammenthal and he wrote an article that was published in the Wall Street Journal on June 21, 2011 under the title: “Europe's Mideast Muddle” and the subtitle: “Endorsing Palestinian statehood will only worsen the prospects for lasting peace.” In fact, if this article were not signed by someone, you would have thought that AIPAC wrote it.

What Schwammenthal is doing with it is that he is adding his two cents worth of argument to the effort started some time ago to declare the formation of a Palestinian state, and to get it recognized by the United Nation at long last. And when you analyze his approach, you find it to be the same old approach -- the only one that the Jewish organizations have. This is to say and to keep repeating that the Jews know the future, therefore they know what will happen. They also know what the Arabs think, want and feel, therefore if you want to know what the Arabs think, want and feel, you don't go to the Arabs and ask them what they think, want or feel, you come to us, Jews, and we'll tell you what the Arabs think, want and feel. And by the way, when necessary they also know what the Europeans think, want and feel. Is that clear? Do you now know what the Jews think, want and feel? Good for you because you will need it to understand what follows.

Look how this man starts the article: “Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas's effort to seek United Nations recognition for a unilaterally declared state would far more likely end the peace process than the conflict. But don't count out the chance that European nations might support the idea even if it's not in their best interests, nor in the interest of Israeli-Palestinian reconciliation.” Don't you feel like telling the guy to go shove it?

And make no mistake; besides knowing the future these people pretend to also know the Palestinians and the Europeans. Not only that, they want you to believe they know Israel so well that they can speak as if in its name. Look at this: “A U.N. General Assembly vote recognizing a Palestinian state, particularly one backed by Western democracies, might give the Palestinians a quick propaganda victory, but not an independent state. Israel isn't going to simply pack up and accept a one-sided imposition of borders or principles that ignore the country's legitimate security concerns. The Palestinians will gain real sovereignty only through peace talks with Israel where both sides will have to make painful compromises.” Don't you feel like telling the guy to go shove it?

He then makes use of the demagoguery that has been the signature of Jewish incitement since time immemorial. It is the one that motivated the Americans to start the Iraq war. In fact, he uses a few paragraphs to sketch out a somber scenario then gives this dire warning: “Any such violation of past agreements could easily turn bloody. Palestinians who are led to believe that a U.N. vote will bring about immediate independence will be terribly disappointed in September ... EU leaders need to be careful not to inadvertently fan the flames of a conflict that might play itself out in their own streets.” Don't you feel like telling the guy to go shove it?

Now he hides behind the misery of others whether real or fabricated for the occasion to give credence to his argument: “Hamas's raison d'ĂȘtre is to violate the human rights of Palestinians and Israelis alike by, for instance, attacking Israeli civilians while using its own as human shields. Hamas also terrorizes its own population by persecuting Palestinian Christians, homosexuals and political opponents, and suppresses the rights of Palestinian women in Gaza.” Don't you feel like telling the guy to go shove it?

So now he tells the Europeans what to do and tells Mr. Abbas what to do after that: “Europe doesn't have to go down this path. The EU and its member states would only need to join the United States in opposing the planned U.N. vote in September. Mr. Abbas could then convincingly argue that he can't go against the wishes of the Palestinians' largest donors, and thus will be able to drop his plans without losing his people's respect.” Don't you feel like telling the guy to go shove it?

Obviously this piece is meant to impress the European parliamentarians and to get them to follow in the footsteps of the American Congress. And this is to turn themselves into pimps and prostitutes, madams and gigolos. Oh no!

We can only hope and pray that this does not happen because there is not much that is left of Western Civilization we can still cherish and respect. For once let Tweedledum live without Tweedledee.