Friday, June 22, 2018

They are forcing America to dig its own Grave

For some strange reason the headless mouthpiece of the Jewish lobby in America, Nikki Haley––that raped the people of her state when she was governor to appease the BDS rage of Benjamin Netanyahu––has been appointed America's ambassador to the United Nations.

She wrote an article under the title: “Why We're Leaving the So-Called Human Rights Council [UNHRC]” and the subtitle: “Allies said U.S. participation was the last shred of credibility left in the organization.” The article was published on June 20, 2018 in the Wall Street Journal. As expected, Haley did not cite the real reason why America was leaving the Council; she only regurgitated the fake reasons that the Jews stuffed in her mouth.

Try as you may, you will not turn up the real reason why America has left the Council – from reading between the lines in Haley's article. But since the article is all you've got, you search for another way to uncover the truth from it. You hit on the saying: “Tell me a lie, and from what the lie is trying to hide, I'll know the truth.” And that, my friend, is what will help you illuminate what the Jews are planning ... that which is so above Nikki Haley's head, it will take her another four million years of evolution to understand.

Look what she says, speaking of the UN Human Rights Council:

“There is an organization that includes the repressive regimes of Cuba, Venezuela and China. Recently, it added the Congo, which is obstructing an investigation into a murder within its borders. The organization has passed more resolutions to condemn Israel than Syria, Iran and North Korea combined. It refuses to eliminate its Agenda Item 7, which mandates that each session include a discussion of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict”.

Is there something in those 4 sentences that jumps at you, my friend? Let me help you: zero-in on what she says about Cuba, Venezuela and China. She says they are repressive regimes. Okay. Now zero in on what she says about the Congo. She says the country will not let someone else investigate a murder that took place within its borders. Well? What does that say to you? What could be hidden in those words? Apparently, the passage says that these countries have internal problems. So what? Their problems do not exceed in ferocity those you'll encounter in Chicago or any American city. And yet, Nikki Haley wants Jewish America to have a say in the internal affairs of these countries as if America were superior to them.

And that's only half the story. Now zero-in on what Haley says about Israel. She says UNHRC has passed many resolutions to condemn it, and she doesn't like it. Why is that? Is it because the condemnation has to do with internal Israeli problems, such as those of Cuba, Venezuela, China or the Congo? No, it's nothing like that. In fact, here is why Haley doesn't like seeing Israel criticized: UNHRC mandates discussing the Jewish occupation of Palestine. Well, well, well. Noting that the occupation isn't an internal problem but a cross-border, international problem, you begin to formulate what the Haley gist amounts to.

When done, you conclude that the Jewish establishment––the one in charge of animating the mouth of Nikki Haley and modulating her voice––wants to encourage the internal descent that may flare up in any nation struggling to get on its feet, while condemning the local authorities when they deal with the situation. At the same time, the Jewish establishment wants to give license to those who are in the Jewish orbit, to intervene in the struggling countries, and do what Israel is doing in Palestine; what America did in Iraq and Libya.

America may not have wanted to be the new imperial power, but the Jews want it to be just that because they also want America to be under their control which, for all practical purposes, is already there. In fact, the Jewish project aims for the Jews to own America and use its resources to colonize the world.

So you ask: Does Nikki Haley know she is a tool in the hands of the Jews who use her to implement their diabolic scheme? The answer is no, she doesn't know it at this time … but she may understand it in four million years if her evolution proceeds normally.

Will the scheme have worked for the Jews by then? The answer is most probably not. That's what the Europeans who started the colonial enterprise, discovered after decades of bitter experience. They gave up on it a long time ago because they realized they were digging their own graves.

And there is no way the Jews will be able to put together a more successful colonial system; one that will spare America the agony of digging its own grave.