Saturday, June 2, 2018

The Backlash to McCarthyism is hurting America

There is a saying which goes like this: It's tough to be young. This is true for individual organisms such as human children, as well as institutions and even nations. One nation that's going through the pain of growing –– and will most likely for hundreds more years –– is the United States of America.

Living in an age where events are galloping at speeds never seen before, each event represents an ocean of uncharted waters that America must navigate. It is something the country is forced to do blindly, and do it amid unrelenting deafening noise. The consequence is that America fails to digest such events, and never learns from them. And no matter how many years pile up, America's ability to comprehend the world that's surrounding it, remains at the same primitive level.

The country has lived through a McCarthy era that did not go well. It's because America overreacted to an event that should have been handled differently. The consequence is that a backlash ensued which caused the country to swing into the opposite direction. But here too America overreacted, causing it to feel uneasy after the fact. At this time, the country appears to be fighting a nagging backlash to a backlash that's trying to explode into a full blown controversy. America has no idea where to go from here, or how to proceed otherwise. Like they say: it is tough to remain young forever.

Look at one example of what's unfolding in America these days. Joe Wilson is a member of the House of Representatives. He is in the Congress today, and was there when former President Barrack Obama was unveiling his healthcare plan. Wilson did something that was never done before or after. During a speech given to a joint session of Congress by Obama, the lowlife that is Joe Wilson, shouted “liar” to his President.

He later explained that Obama was plotting to extend healthcare to the children of foreign laborers entering the country to work for meager wages and cannot pay to have their children looked after when they fall sick, as children often do. Wilson's dislike of children is not restricted to the Latinos that enter the United States from South of the border. When it was pointed out during a debate that America had given Saddam Hussein the chemical weapons that killed many children during the Iraq-Iran war, Wilson made a remark to the effect that disapproving of such actions is tantamount to hating America.

That was then. Look now what this lowlife named Joe Wilson has done. He was handed a piece of work that could have been written only by a high level committee of the Jewish propaganda machine. He signed it, thus pretended to have written it. He sent it to The Washington Times, and they published it under his name. It was titled: “The inhumanity of Hamas' human shields,” and was published on May 31, 2018.

Look what was stuffed in that piece of work. In their attempt to blame the Palestinian victims of the crimes against humanity that Israel has committed, the writers of the article spoke not of what the Palestinians did – which was not extreme in any sense – but spoke of what lingers in the hearts of the Palestinians who demonstrated at the border with Israel. The writers said that the demonstrators attempted to:

“break in, wreak havoc and murder innocent civilians … After the siege, Hamas used the tragic deaths of children along the border as a propaganda tool to further its anti-Semitic cause. The bottom line is Hamas does not want Israel to exist. That is Hamas' goal and every action they take should be evaluated with this in mind”.

But the fact remains that dozens of articles were written to whitewash Israel's side of the story whereas not a single article was written to give the Palestinian side. Do you know why, my friend? Because the guns and the propaganda tools are owned and operated by the Jews, whereas the Palestinians have only the truth on their side. And this is why they don't have to do a thing to win the PR battle.

It was a novelty half a century ago when the Jews first told the Americans: Don't go by what you see; go instead by what we tell you lingers in the hearts of the evil people we choose to be our enemies for the day. This was such a cute thing to hear, the Americans swallowed it hook, line and sinker, believing that something mysteriously delicious will materialize at the end of the day.

When nothing of the sort materialized, the American people realized they were taken for a ride by people that came into the life of their nation to scheme odious plots and commit horrible crimes. That's what the Jews did when they hired Israeli outfits to gather dirt on people like Joe Wilson and have them sabotage America from the inside while enriching the Jews of Israel.

The American people now ache for a new McCarthy to rise among them and start draining a Jewish swamp that's flooding every corner of America with filth, having plagued the planet during four thousand years already, and refusing to go away.

They want to see a new Joseph McCarthy come around and summon every Joe Wilson displaying a cosmic love for Israel, and ask them: Are you now or have you ever committed a horrific crime the Jews know about and are blackmailing you?