Tuesday, December 27, 2016

The Jewish Tricks they kept inventing

Having seen what happened to the Jews at the hands of the Nazis, almost everyone on the planet expressed goodwill and sympathy towards them after the Second World War.

A generation later, the Jews who suffered the ordeal had been replaced by a new breed of Jews and new converts coming into what started to look more like a political movement or a cult than a religion. Shortly thereafter, the members of this new grouping lost the goodwill and sympathy that their elders had enjoyed, thus looked for something new to give them clout. It was possible for their elders to establish a “homeland for the Jews” in Palestine, and they needed to do as well if not better. And so, they invented the accusation of antisemitism and used it as a weapon.

They made headway for a period of time in Europe and North America, but then began to lose the effectiveness of that weapon in Europe. They guessed that sooner or later, they will loose the edge in North America too, thus developed something different to stay on top of things. What they did was train and condition lackeys and sycophants to run around and tell the public – especially the young and the immature – that the Jew is equal to God, and his enemy of the day must be treated like a demon till further notice.

The result was that the Jews of Israel could now expand the Jewish homeland by stealing more and more of Palestine while counting on America to support them. For the situation to get to this point, however, the Jews had instructed their lackeys to pressure the Congress to stand by Israel even when the latter committed the most horrific of crimes. And then it happened that the people of America began to feel the shame at seeing the Jews behave like savage animals while telling the world that Jewish values were the same as American values.

Now, the Jews felt compelled to come up with a new trick to impress the handful of American legislators who might volunteer to convince their colleagues that America had the obligation to mortgage whatever worldwide respect and standing it still commanded, and support Israel as it commits more crimes, more frequently and more violently against the Palestinian people. The only trick that the Jews could come up with was the big lie.

But the big lie was not really a new trick for, it had been around as long as there were Jews around. It is just that the new lie had acquired a new flavor to reflect the new era. Here is one example showing how the Jews played this game:

You may recall a time when the Jews and their lackeys ran around telling the world that Israel was not alone blockading Gaza and that Egypt was doing it too. No one was fooled because guarding your border is never considered a blockade. It was Israel's blockade of Gaza's airspace and sea lanes as well as the constant shelling of the villages that made life unlivable anywhere in that strip of land.

As it turned out, this was a deliberate policy adopted by the Israelis to force the Palestinians to crash through the border with Egypt and seek refuge there. The only way that Egypt could response was to foil the Jewish scheme by guarding the border more tightly, and telling the Israelis to cease and desist their criminal activities.

Whereas Egypt did not go beyond giving Israel that advice, other people decided to remind the Jews that making up lies of this sort was the kind of behavior that sent their kinfolks to the gas chambers and the incinerators. But do you think the Jews listened? Not on your life or their own. Look what the Israeli media are propagating throughout the region, some of which traveled across the ocean to reach America and contaminate its media. In fact, there are two printed examples you can look at:

One example is a column that came under the title: “Obama's betrayal of Israel is an act of diplomatic war,” written by Benny Avni and published on December 24, 2016 in the New York Post. The other is an editorial that came under the title: “Obama's Anti-Israel Tantrum” and the subtitle “The U.N. resolution is a defining act of Obama's Presidency.” It was published on December 24, 2016 in the Wall Street Journal.

Avni says this: “Netanyahu spoke with Trump and with Egyptian President Sisi. The latter called Trump, who leaned on him to withdraw the resolution.” The editors of the Wall Street Journal say this: “Egypt [came] under pressure from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Trump also intervened, speaking with Egypt's government.” Both are fabrications put out by very sick minds and extremely dishonest intellects.

The truth is that Sisi called no one, and did not speak with Netanyahu. It was Trump that called him and persuaded him to withdraw the resolution. In return, Trump promised to work diligently on implementing a comprehensive solution that will be fair to everyone. When the resolution was taken up by others anyway, Egypt voted for it because it was the right thing to do.

The reason why the Jews mutilated history the way they did was to elevate Netanyahu to a level comparable to that of the prophets in the Old Testament. In so doing, they believe they will establish the supremacy of the Jews over the other races and other religions.

They have been practicing this approach since they came up with a new cult they call Rabbinical Judaism eighteen hundred years ago. They firmly believe in what they are doing despite the fact that they were warned over and over by friends and foes alike that they are begging for the proverbial one way ticket to the gas chamber and the incinerator. But they will not quit.

What else can we say but that these people must love the smell of odorless gas and the searing warmth of the incinerator?