Sunday, December 25, 2016

Has the Mafia of Diplomacy been defeated?

An ordinary criminal does what he does, and worries little about the crimes of others. A Jewish criminal, on the other hand, teams up with the town mayor and works to legitimize his own crimes. He also teams up with the prosecutor and works with him to punish those who dare to commit crimes. Call it what you wish, but this is the workings of a mafia mentality under whatever name.

You see this same sort of inconsistency between the manner that ordinary people are treated in most English speaking countries, and the manner that Jews are treated. The worst part is that a massive effort is constantly mounted to export this tortured system of justice to the rest of the world through diplomatic channels. It is the globalization of the Jewish mafia mentality.

The foremost advocate of this lunacy is Alan Dershowitz, a lawyer by training. The arena in which he likes to play the game is the United Nations where there is a Security Council whose decisions can be vetoed by the United States. In fact, this is how Israel is shielded of the consequences of its actions even when it commits serious crimes, whereas the other nations are condemned for committing the smallest of infractions.

You can learn how Dershowitz plays the game when you study the article he wrote under the title: “Trump Was Right to Try and Stop Obama From Tying His Hands on Israel,” published on December 23, 2016 in Algemeiner. The subject he tackles is a resolution that came before the Security Council of the United Nations. After a period of hesitancy, the resolution was finally adopted shortly after his article was published.

To understand what Dershowitz was trying to do, we need to recall that when a lawyer knows he has a lousy case, the first thing he does is try to dig up dirt on the opposing lawyer, even the judge if that's possible. But if he cannot find what he's looking for, he'll badmouth them both and hope that something will stick.

This is how Dershowitz begins his article: “The sad reality is that the Obama administration has been pushing for the resolution to be enacted. The United States was trying to hide its role in the matter...” He tries to make it sound like participating in the drafting of a UN resolution is a bad thing. He would have preferred that America sat back and waited for the resolution to come to a vote, and veto it. In fact, this is how the Jews have refashioned the American Congress … that which used to be the “greatest deliberative body” but is no more.

In any case, we must ask: What is it that Dershowitz is worried about? This is that's worrying him: “Because of this automatic majority, an anti-Israel resolution like this one cannot be reversed by a future American president. A veto cannot be cast retroactively”.

In fact, the history of the American effort since the advent of the Jews has been (1) To veto the Security Council resolutions that came down against Israel. (2) To try and reverse the General Assembly decisions where Israel never failed to scandalize the human race. (3) To try and repeal the findings of international tribunals that probe Israel's conduct, both internally and externally.

What all this boils down to is that America has imposed Israel on humanity as being above the law. But how can a lawyer argue in favor of an American irrational stance that horrifies the entire human race? The answer is that he can try by turning reality on its head. In the case before us, there are two important factors to consider.

First, the peace talks between Palestinians and Israelis have gone nowhere because America is giving Israel weapons, money and diplomatic cover that allow it to maintain the occupation, and practice creeping annexation of Palestinian lands. Thus, Israel has no incentive to negotiate, which is the bad part of this set-up. But instead of saying so, Dershowitz flips the argument and says: “The passage of such resolution would disincentivize the Palestinians from negotiating.” This fits with the Jewish belief that if he wants something he cannot get, he has the divine right to grab something else, and then ask to negotiate an exchange.

Second, Dershowitz dismisses a process that is of international nature and that is treated in an international forum. This done, he replaces it with a process he invents on the spot to suit his need. Here is what he wrote: “Obama's attempt … is undemocratic in nature.” Later on, he explained: “Congress does not support this resolution; the American people do not support this resolution; no Israeli leader – from the Left, to the center, to the Right – supports this resolution”.

So what? Even if what he says is true – which is not entirely the case – this is a matter that can only be decided by delegates gathered in a place called the United Nations, and speaking in the name of all humanity. No, says Dershowitz, this is undemocratic.

If that's undemocratic; what is? He explains in his own way that democracy is established when a bunch of Jews in Israel agree on something. Their will is then allowed to transcend that of the American Congress, the American people and the whole world. It becomes the law that everyone must obey or be labeled antisemitic.

This is what Dershowitz and his gang have spent a lifetime trying to institutionalize. They got the American Congress to go along with them one hundred percent, but met with degrees of push-back from the various administrations, and got a full-throated rejection from the rest of the world.

Barack Obama has finally rejected the notion completely, and this is why the horde of Jewish pundits have descended on him like a truck full of manure.

What will happen when a new President takes office in less than a month is a guessing game at this point. We can only wait and hope for the best.