Saturday, December 31, 2016

A high Energy Physicist and a Scavenger

What happens when a high energy physicist and a scavenger meet? Good question.

It will be difficult to guess what will happen because several factors from each side will interact together, and even if we know what the factors will be, we cannot guess how they will interact in pairs or in larger numbers. That's not to mention what the outcome of each interaction will be, or what the cumulative effect will produce.

Such encounter will never happen in real life but lucky for us, a metaphoric staging of one is about to happen. The outcome may yet give us the opportunity to observe and deduce what would happen if a real physicist and a scavenger – such as a hyena – were bound by circumstances to come and work together.

President-elect Donald Trump likes to think of himself as a high energy man, especially when compared to other men. We ought to accept this designation because Trump proved to be one. He did so, not only by the quantity of work he is able to do in a day, but also the kind of approaches he employs to complete the work.

It is that in high energy physics, atoms are smashed against each other at high velocities. They break up into smaller particles, and by the way that these particles scatter, much knowledge is deduced about the composition of matter and energy.

In that same fashion, Donald Trump knocks heads together, forcing them to fly sparks in all directions. From the scattering of the sparks, he deduces the composition of the subject matter, and the amount of energy that will be needed to put together a working plan of action, and to execute it.

Trump will soon have to start working with a quintessential hyena-like scavenger. He is Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, an entity that thinks of itself as being a home for the Jews. These are the people who wrote a book called the Old Testament in which they tell of events they claim represent their history beginning 4,000 years ago.

Whether the stories the Jews tell are true or imagined, they form the system of beliefs they say is their religion but in reality is a supremacist political ideology that tells them they own the world, and that everyone alive owes them a living. They are instructed to work towards the goal of taking control of the planet, but until this happens, they must scavenge what they can to survive.

Scavenging is the instruction that the Jews have been implementing with hyena-like efficiency since the days of antiquities when they used to raid and loot the dwellers of Asia Minor. They later adapted the method to suit the European environment and now the new World. And no Jew or real hyena can scavenge like Netanyahu can.

Donald Trump, the proverbial high energy physicist, and Benjamin Netanyahu, the proverbial scavenging hyena will soon meet and be forced to try and work together. What should we expect will come out of such attempts at collaborating? We can never tell, of course, but Philip Gordon offers some interesting insights. For two years Gordon was White House coordinator for the Middle East, North Africa and the Persian Gulf region. His insights may prove to be valuable.

He sees three policy areas in which the saying “be careful what you wish for because you may get it” will prove to be a bitter lesson for Netanyahu. The three areas pertain to (1) the two-state solution, (2) moving the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and (3) the Iran Nuclear Deal.

Gordon contends that the tantrums which Netanyahu used to display around these matters, were fake theatrics intended to please his political base at home. Gordon also argues that if Trump would agree with Netanyahu on any or all three subjects, he would remove from America's shoulder the burden of the Middle Eastern troubles, and transfer it to Netanyahu's shoulder. And he predicts that the latter will not be able to carry the burden alone, thus buckle under its weight. That's when he will regret making the wish that he did.

From the looks of it, it seems that even before Donald Trump has been inaugurated, the sparks are beginning to fly in all directions, and the scattering of ideas may start to produce results before January 20, 2017.

Can these two start working on the theory of Super Symmetry?