Thursday, May 7, 2020

New Gripe by the Outlaw and the crooked Cop

When you haven't been convicted of anything; when you haven't been prosecuted for anything, but only got wind that you may be investigated for a crime you may have committed, the most that you can do to discredit the prosecutor, and be credible enough to be taken seriously, is to make one of two arguments.

First, you can argue that because there is no prima facie evidence allowing the prosecutor to start an investigation, this is clearly an uncalled for witch hunt. Second, you can argue that the prosecutor has no jurisdiction in the matter for which it is rumored you may be prosecuted.

What happened in real life that prompted this discussion, is that word got out to the effect that based on credible evidence which surfaced some time ago and can be found in the public domain, Fatou Bensouda, who is the prosecutor at the International Criminal Court (ICC), has recommended that Israel be investigated for the likelihood that it has committed war crimes and crimes against humanity.

And so, the Jews that have forever argued that guilty or not, Israel must never be prosecuted for anything on account that it is Jewish –– exploded with rage. If asked, the Jews would explain that they must be considered above the law of man, answerable only to the laws of God. As it happens, these are the laws that were left in their custody by the Almighty Himself. Thus, Israel that thinks of itself as Jewish, can only be judged by those laws, and judged in a setting that is attended only by Jews.

One of the Jews who exploded with rage at the idea that Israel may be prosecuted, is Eitan Fischberger. He expressed his rage in an article he wrote under the title: “ICC Prosecutor Recommend Israel Be Investigated for War Crimes –– Why the US Should Care,” and was published on May 5, 2020 in the Jewish online publication Algemeiner.

Fischberger contends that the move initiated by the ICC prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, is a “miscarriage of justice.” He attacked the ICC on both counts: lack of jurisdiction and lack of prima facie evidence. He then warned that the precedent set by the Israeli case may be applied to America, which also faces similar charges for its conduct in Afghanistan. Eitan Fischberger thus implored America to join Israel in a campaign to torpedo the work of the ICC.

Fischberger went on to reinforce the argument that Israel must not be prosecuted. He did so by defending Israel in public while trampling all over “due process,” instead of saving his breath for when due process will legitimately begin in a court of law in The Hague. Worse, the way that Fischberger defended Israel, is peculiar even for a Jew. First, he said that the case must not proceed because it was brought by Palestine; an entity that is not a country. He said so to a world that knows it is Israel that's trying to prevent Palestine from blossoming into a full-fledged country, a crime for which Israel may prove to be guilty. Worse, Fischberger made his false assertion to the 138 countries that recognize Palestine as a country; one that's unfortunately under Jewish occupation.

And besides, Fischberger has claimed that what the Palestinians are saying can only be considered allegations, which makes it so that “Bensouda is wrong on all counts,” for taking the Palestinians seriously. In other words, Fischberger has said that the allegations are baseless. But the man went on to say in the same breath that: “Israel has already carried out an investigation into the accusations, and has indicted multiple soldiers in the Israel Defense Forces for their conduct.” This is more than sufficient to prove that prima facie evidence exists for the ICC to proceed with the case against Israel.

But the insidious horror that's hidden behind this stance, is the reality that the Jews are telling the world: if you investigate us according to the laws of man, you should know we are perfect before you even start the investigation, and you should stop right there. But if we investigate ourselves according to the laws of God, this is another matter, and it should not concern you.

As to the court having or lacking jurisdiction over the matter, Fischberger said that the recommendation made against Israel by the ICC was “politically-motivated and legally inept.” He did not say what he understands is meant by the word politics, but he used several paragraphs to implore America to get involved in the case, and help torpedo the ICC's effort. In case it escaped him, this is what is meant by playing politics. So the question to ask is this: Why all this politicking on the part of Fischberger? And the answer is this: So that America may protect itself from being made to suffer a similar fate. Well then, this is not just playing politics, it is conspiring openly to commit the crime of obstructing justice.

America considers itself policeman of the world. “Good for you,” said the Jews, “now we're going to hypnotize you and make you work to implement our agenda. We're going to play a dirty game against the world, and you're going to protect us by playing an even dirtier game.

This is your opportunity, America, to stand up against what humanity considers decent, and stand up for what we consider decent.

And America said amen to that.