Sunday, May 31, 2020

The next Phase in the Life of a Parasite

When they planned the invasion of the home that’s called Palestine, the reviled gangs of Europe who called themselves Jews, prepared a scheme to use gullible suckers where they can find them, and have them do the heavy lifting in the execution of their plan to take over Palestine and make it their base for a worldwide operation to take over the world and make it their own.

First, the Jews invaded and grabbed a small portion of Palestine. To attract the suckers who would do the heavy lifting on their behalf, they put out stories to the effect that the Land of Milk and Honey contained no milk and no honey, not even the birds and the bees that could teach the two-legged homo sapiens how to make babies and populate the desolate desert, dreamed to be a part of the Fertile Crescent that never was.

That was truly and definitively a desolate desert, asserted the Jews. But they, who are the chosen children of God––temporarily employed as textile workers, tailors, musicians and jewelers––stuck their golden fingers into the ground and out came the green shoots that turned to desert into a lush garden blooming with fruits and vegetable, and everything nice to eat. The birds, the bees, the milk and the honey came later.

A number of foreign nations were fooled by the talk of the Jews, and were persuaded to help the invaders of Palestine do what they had come to do. The foreigners did the heavy lifting till such time they realized that they were sucked into a diabolic scheme that was as savage as a pack of hyenas devouring a young antelope. This realization prompted the foreigners to pull out of the deal, leaving behind one big sucker called America; one that could do nothing but swirl under the thumb of the Jews.

Even then, the latter-day parasitic Jews were unsatisfied with their performance and so, they revived an old approach. They had borrowed the legend that was put out thousands of years ago to the effect that members of a Hebrew tribe adhered to a religion called Jewish, and were chosen by God to be his children. The newly made-up Jews, claimed to be their descendants, therefore the inheritors of their knowledge, their wisdom and all their privileges.

Having fooled America for half a century, convincing its rulers that whereas Palestine was a desert with nothing in it but sand, it turned out that the desert was surrounded by a jungle, they now explained. The jungle was full of massive beasts hiding behind the trees, and waiting for the right moment to pounce on all things cherished by America and crush them, said the Jews. For this reason, occupied Palestine that was renamed Israel, must be given what it needs to protect all that America cherishes from being destroyed by those beasts, the Jews begged.

In response to the relentless begging, America gave to Israel a finger-worth of money and weapons. Shortly thereafter, the Jews came asking for more, and America gave them two fingers-worth of goodies. Still, they came for more and got all five fingers. Unashamed, they came and demanded the whole arm. This time, America gave them the arm, and to please them further, gave them the whole store.

This done, America asked the Jews and Israel: Where are we, regarding the beast you were supposed to have vanquished long ago? And the Jews responded on behalf of themselves and Israel by saying that to vanquish the beast, America must no longer think of itself as a ship of state sailing the seas. It must be an airplane that flies in the sky. Its cockpit must be revamped by throwing out what's American, and replaced with what's Jewish and Israeli. Thus, with the American airplane flown by an Israeli crew, you can be certain that if Israel goes down, America will go down with it.

Bit by bit and over the years, America was told what to expect by an outfit calling itself Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA). Its latest proclamation came under the title: “Israel Can Help America Keep Its Technological Edge,” and the subtitle: “It is in America's interest to ensure that the balance of power on emerging technologies remains in its favor––and allies like Israel can make the difference.” It was written by Yaacov Ayish of the Israeli military and senior vice president of the supposedly American JINSA.

Having previously written a report telling America how to move the work that’s done by the Pentagon, the State Department and the Treasury from Washington to Israel, JINSA is now telling America how to conflate the operations of the American government with those of the Zionist High Command in occupied Palestine. In fact, this is what Yaacov Ayish's article is about. The following is a condensed version of that:

“To improve its position, America should intensify collaboration with trailblazer Israel. Establishing a permanent forum to oversee joint ventures while elevating intelligence relations could help Washington preserve its Qualitative Technology Edge (QTE), which is increasingly being challenged. China has grown its own R&D spending. Now more than ever, it would benefit the US and Israel to enhance their joint efforts to preserve their QTE. There is a need for more systemic and institutionalized US-Israel R&D. While the US and Israel enjoy intelligence cooperation, Israel lacks formalized top-tier ally status. It should be granted the same clearance afforded to the UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. This could be pursued through an executive order or a limited mutual defense pact”.

It does not take a genius to figure out what JINSA is trying to do. Having failed to crush everyone in the Middle East and swallow the place, the Jews fear that Israel will be the one crushed and swallowed. This being a repeat of what happened 2,000 years ago, the Jews see themselves mounting a modern-day suicidal Masada operation and die rather than surrender. But they don’t want to go alone, they want to take America down with them.