Sunday, May 3, 2020

Moral Destitution worse than moral Bankruptcy

What can represent moral destitution more vividly than a paralyzed America calling inept someone that is a paragon of efficiency compared to America?

So you have an America that is governed by a Congress as active as a snail. You have a White House that has become a Servants' Quarters to Israel's Jewish owners of the American colony. You have an America that suffers from a gun problem that will not be resolved till the country erupts into a civil war that will make the last civil war look like a harmless video game. You have an America with a population of incarcerated people larger than the entire population of some countries.

You have an America whose young die of drug overdose in numbers which are several times larger than those dying in foreign wars. You have an America whose soldiers keep re-enlisting in the hope of getting killed by a roadside bomb on foreign soil rather than go home and spend the rest of their lives as vagrants waiting to be mugged or knifed by other vagrants on a domestic roadside in their home sweet home. Despite all of this, you have an America with the gall to call Iran inept and mendacious.

This is what comes to mind when you read the article that came under the title: “Iran's most dangerous virus is its lying, oppressive regime," and the subtitle: “The United States should keep pressure on Iran and offer aid directly to the people.” It was written by Mark Wallace and Michael Makovsky, and was published on April 29, 2020 in The Washington Times.

So you have an America that is already seven times worse off than the rest of the world and getting worse when it comes to the infestation of the COVID-19 pandemic. It suggests through its Jewish mouthpieces that, “the people of Iran are facing a deadly catastrophe. It is the ineptitude and mendacity of their regime,” and goes on to accuse Iran's leaders of not caring for their people because, in the view of Wallace and Makovsky, those leaders are too busy consolidating their power and weakening their enemies.

So then, how to solve this problem? Well, the Jewish mouthpieces want America's leaders to continue turning their attention away from America's problems and work on solving those of Iran by aiding the people there directly, which means go around Iran's leaders in the same way that the Jews try to go directly to the American people. They do it by trying to catch America's children in school, and teach them all about the majesty of the Zionist Jews who prompted the Nazis to consider them serious rivals, so much so that they proceeded to holocaust all the Jews they could get their hands on, out of spite, fear and envy.

But what is it that has prompted Wallace and Makovsky to write that kind of article at this time? To find out, you go through several paragraphs of nonsensical assertions in which the writers incredulously pretend to know facts they could not have obtained unless they had devices planted inside the brains of Iran's leaders; devices capable of deciphering what the people were thinking, and transmitting the data to Wallace and Makovsky in America.

Think about it. America is a country that is governed by two political parties where one party finds itself at the helm, and the other party stays out. What has been happening for decades now, is that the party in power investigates the one that's out of power for corruption till it gets tossed out. The party being investigated gets in and starts the process all over again with the shoe being on the other foot.

As to the process, it consists of having several committees of the Senate, and several committees of the House as well as several agencies of the security apparatus investigate the same event for several years, and getting nowhere by the end of the cycle. And yet, these are the people who want you to believe the statements they put out about Iran; statements that sound as follows:

“The leaders of Iran have refused to shut down public spaces, police were posted at hospitals to keep medical staff from disclosing the true extent of the pandemic, and the Iranian health system's inability to cope. Today, Iranians attempt to protect themselves, drinking methanol peddled by misinformed, if not malicious, clerics. Public service announcements to combat this misinformation are too little, too late, and likely to also be disregarded by a desperate and skeptical populace”.

Does that answer the question that was asked earlier, and does it tell us what it is that prompted Wallace and Makovsky to write that kind of article at this time? Depending on how you look at it, you could say, yes it does. And here is yet another revealing passage:

“Iran seeks a loan from the International Monetary Fund and sanctions relief from the United States. Nothing, however, will change the fundamental fact that the Iranian regime is letting its citizens die. To truly help Iran, the United States should keep the pressure on”.

In other words, Wallace and Makovsky are saying that the government of Iran is not doing a good enough job killing its people by neglect the way that things are done in America.

To be as good as America that has a problem of paralysis, as well as a gun problem, one of drug overdose, another of massive incarceration and the inevitable vagrancy, America must strangle Iran to give it a new life, the way that things are done in accordance with Jewish logic, say Wallace and Makovsky.

Do you understand now why it is that in his mysterious way, God chose these people to be his favorite children?