Wednesday, May 6, 2020

When Fanaticism trumps Reason, Reason dies

Whereas the laws are defined by society to let us know the boundaries within which we are allowed to move in our moment-to-moment behavior, we each have an internal marker that sets limits as to how far we can go on the spectrum that's limited by reason at one extreme, and by instinct at the other extreme. This stands as long as we remain within the confines of the laws set by society.

We each have an internal system of values that makes our character what it is. Even if the system is expected to conform with the laws of society, there are moments––more often than we care to admit––when we breach the legal boundaries in one place or another, at one time or another. We may or may not get away with it, but when we don't, we pay a price.

What's significant about the internal system of values, is that it affects not only the life of the individual that lives by it, but everything with which he or she interacts. And the more authority the person has, the more forceful the impact on what they influence.

Most of us appear moderate in the way that we behave or do things or say them in the course of the day, as long as we avoid talking politics or religion. But the moment that we step into either of these realms, we risk revealing the extremes we may harbor within our system of values. We may also risk provoking the extremes in those with whom we interact. Most of the time, the verbal exchanges that result from such interactions, remain verbal. At times, however, the verbs do transform into action.

Those who react impulsively and spontaneously to what is said, accomplish little or nothing, whether they react peacefully or violently. On the other hand, those who organize themselves in such a way as to take advantage of the human disposition to act on what is said, manage to move mountains, so to speak.

The Jews have developed impressive, almost hypnotic skills by which to take advantage of the motivational energy that causes human beings to act. They refer to such energy as “fire in the belly.” You can see what the Jews do with the fire in someone else's belly when you read the article that came under the title: “Globalist Democrats decimate America's aluminum jobs,” and the subtitle: “Liberal elites in Congress are out of touch with the forgotten men and women of America.” The article was written by Mike Huckabee and published on May 4, 2020 in The Washington Times.

Despite the fact that Mike Huckabee says, “President Trump and his team are fighting to create and keep manufacturing jobs in the US”; despite the fact that Huckabee knows that Trump has renegotiated the NAFTA agreement with Canada and Mexico, and praised the outcome as a win-win-win deal; despite that there is no such agreement between America and China, which led Huckabee to observe that, “when we depend on countries like China, we get wiped out –– nevertheless, Mike Huckabee went on to moan the following complaint: “In recent days, 700 American manufacturing workers lost their job in Washington state due to an unprecedented surge of aluminum from Canada.” He did so without telling what Canada conceded in return for America's concessions that resulted in NAFTA becoming USMCA.

This shows that Mike Huckabee has a fire in the belly. But was it directed at the Chinese whom Trump accused of taking advantage of America? No. It wasn't directed at the Chinese; it was directed at the Canadians who negotiated a fair deal with the Trump Team. So then, what's wrong with Mike Huckabee? Well, here is a clue as to why this man's logic has gone topsy-turvy: “It is shocking to see congressional Democrats support unfair trade policies that hurt American workers.” Did he say congressional Democrats?

Yes, he did. And what this means, is that whereas Israel benefits from having good relations with China, it has lousy relations with the congressional Democrats who are fed up with the Jews pissing all over the American constitution to maintain the autocratic rule by which America's business is blocked, and Israel's business is fast-tracked in a Senate of braindead zombies. For this reason, the Communist Party of China was placed on the Jewish list that's titled, “the good ones” whereas the Democratic Part of America was placed on the Jewish list that's titled, “the bad ones”.

But how did these machinations work on Mike Huckabee who is a man of the cloth? How did they turn a minister of the Evangelical persuasion into a dim-witted fanatic? You'll realize how this happened when you get to know something about Huckabee; something he likes to keep semi-secret. It is that once in a while, he takes a plain-load of young and healthy Americans to Israel for the sole purpose of having them donate blood out there, even if they never donated blood in America, and do not intend to. And once Huckabee was persuaded to do this for the “love of God,” the hellish doors of extremism were opened to him, and he walked in with the cross in one hand and the menorah in the other.

But what do the Jews of Israel do with blood when there is no war, and they have no need for blood? The answer is that they throw it away.

As to why they would do such a thing, the only thing that comes to mind, is that they want to start rumors about the Jews misusing Christian blood. And the reason for this can only be that they aim to create a new trope of “Blood Libel” so that they may howl: blood libel, blood libel, blood libel … gimme money, gimme money, gimme money.