Sunday, May 10, 2020

A self-feeding Paranoia maintaining the Misery

Sean Durns wrote a piece under the title: “Rashida Tlaib Uses Coronavirus to Lobby for UNRWA,” published on May 8, 2020 in the online Jewish publication, Algemeiner.

Whereas Jews of Sean Durns's low caliber usually shoot themselves in the foot once as they try to build a case on a foundation that's so weak, the case crumbles before your eyes as you read it, Durns shot himself in the foot twice trying to badmouth a constellation of impeccable individuals and organizations doing the kind of good work that separates us human beings from the animals. The self-injurious acts committed by Sean Durns, boil down to the following:

First, without elaborating, Durns has accused someone of writing a worthless account of past events. He did so while delivering a short account as to the worthlessness of what he is himself saying. In other words, Durns has said something that sounds as follows: That person said bad things and I'm not going to elaborate why they did so. But you must believe me because the thing about me, is that I always elaborate on what I say.

Second, throughout the article, Sean Durns has tried to strengthen his argument by resorting to the literary absurdity that goes like this: You must believe me because I am giving you half a dozen sources where you can go and check the veracity of my assertions. And nothing can be more credible than these sources, given that they are from the mouth of none other than reliable me.

Here is how Sean Durns accused someone of writing a worthless account of past events: “For the Washington Post's global opinion section, it's been another opportunity to publish a poorly-sourced polemic in what is supposed to be a forum for thoughtful opinion pieces.” As it happens, what Sean Durns calls 'polemic' is a piece that was written by Congressional colleagues, Rashida Tlaib and Alan Lowenthal, in which they asked the Trump administration to release funds already appropriated to the Palestinians so that they may combat the coronavirus pandemic that's hurting them as much as everyone else in the world.

Even though Durns accused the Tlaib and Lowenthal opinion piece of being poorly-sourced, he tried to demolish their argument the only way that a fanatic Jew knows how to do these things. Here is a sample of that: “Tlaib doesn't believe that the Jewish state should even exist. She claims to support the right of all people, yet her track record on Israel and antisemitism suggests otherwise.” To prove his point, he unleashed a polemic of his own that went on paragraph after paragraph, in which he slandered every individual and organization he mentioned, accusing them all of plotting to destroy Israel and the Jewish people.

And here is how Sean Durns shot himself in the foot for the second time, doing it by trying to strengthen his argument with the literary absurdity of quoting past assertions made by the self to prove the veracity of current assertions made by the self. Here are a few passages you'll find interesting:

(1) “As the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis (CAMERA) has documented, Tlaib and Omar did … (2) As CAMERA has documented, UNRWA's definition of a refugee has helped to perpetuate the Israel-Palestinian conflict … (3) As CAMERA has highlighted, Israel [claims] to have provided the Palestinians with tests, other supplies and disinfectants … (4) [And by the way,] Sean Durns is a senior research analyst for CAMERA”.

What can be more the expression of a self-centered Jew than that! Whereas this kind of performance is laughable and would be dismissed as rubbish even by a high school student, the fact that the self-appointed Jewish leaders have grown desperate and daring enough to take on members of a Congress they try to impress with their polemics, is a sign that we are entering an era that remains unpredictable at this time.

What is troubling, however, is that the Jews are entering this era the way they entered every era before it. They are still inciting America to keep killing the people of Afghanistan in their own country. They are pushing America to continue the economic destruction of Iran despite the pandemic that is already costing Iran many lives. And they are advising the current American administration to keep arming Israel and keep encouraging it to rob the Palestinians while at the same time starving the Palestinians directly, and starving them by squeezing UNRWA that wants to help the Palestinians stay alive, stay healthy and give their children a decent education. No human has ever been like that. It is unbelievable what these characters are saying and doing. Also unbelievable is the reality that someone listens to them, even obeys their directives.

There is no doubt that the Jewish grip on America would be squeezed less tightly by now were it not for the fanatics of the Evangelical movement who play out an agenda of their own; one that's no less weird than the Jewish agenda itself, and is in fact harmonized with it.

Will this situation come to an end by itself and allow America to flourish the way that it did for two decades after the Second World War? Or will it take a calamitous event to release into the open a pent-up anger among the citizenry with a destructive power that is too frightening to imagine?