Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The beloved Protector became the hated Pariah

Every neighborhood loves to be protected from the lawless, be they local thugs or raiders from the outside. Since the beginning of time, people of the neighborhood organized themselves to look out for danger and try to repel it if and when it materialized.

If the neighborhood is so big as to be a country, it will have a military to protect it from malign foreign forces. It will also have local police forces to protect the neighborhoods from local thugs and outside raiders. If despite all this, a neighborhood feels it is not protected well enough by the country's police, it will organize itself into watch groups, and will exercise self-protection. It may even turn itself into a gated community to add an extra layer of defense.

Since defense is such a big concern in our lives, why not devise a system of protection on a global scale? As a matter of fact, the first time that a conflict was so widespread as to merit being called World War One, it became obvious that the planet can face danger not only from being invaded by aliens from outer space, but also from the folly of its human inhabitants. They never cease fighting with weapons that keep getting more lethal with time, killing more people at a time and killing them at a longer distance than ever before.

That is why humanity came together and formed the League of Nations, an organization dedicated to having the nations discuss their differences rather than fight over them. When this global institution failed to do a good job, resulting in a new World War only two decades after the first, the United Nations (UN) was formed to replace it. The idea was that the UN will become the police force that will protect the neighborhoods of the globe from the cross-border predators, and in some extreme cases, protect the communities' weak and defenseless from their own destructive rulers.

The United States of America being the force that prevailed both in the first and second world wars, it was looked up to as the force that could deploy quickly and save a neighborhood from an immediate danger. This would be done while the UN was busy organizing for a more permanent peacekeeping force to take over, and while probing for a political solution that will endure.

The plan worked for a while, but then something happened to America. It was invaded by the perpetually hate-producing and hate-purveying human machine that has been plaguing the planet since the beginning of time. It was a group calling itself Jews. Using bribes, blackmail and dirty tricks, the Jews worked themselves into the strategic positions of America, purging those that opposed their schemes, and replacing them with sycophantic moral prostitutes who would kiss an ass a day for a measly dollar an hour. In a relatively short period of time, America was transformed from being the protector of those who needed protection to a hated pariah even in the eyes of those who were raised never to hate.

In time, many of America's good people became so alarmed by what they saw was happening to their country, they shrugged off the lethargy that had enveloped them, and began to push back against the Jewish schemes that were taking them on a slippery slope to the Jewish cesspool of no return. And so, instead of the schemes being a one-way trip to ruin, they became a struggle that pitted the destructive power of the Jews against the American patriots who labored to save the Republic.

You can get a hint as to how complex that struggle has become when you read the article that came under the title: “Responding to Iran, avoiding another disaster,” written by Abraham Wagner and published on May 23, 2019 in The Washington Times. Here is a condensed version of its pertinent passages:

“Trump has taken heat from the hating Democrats and the media over military deployments. Bolton has been called out as looking for a war with Iran. The critics should think about Iran's sordid history. It has been punctuated by Obama's love affair with Iran, which produced the nuclear deal. The deployment of bombers and other aircraft, as well as a battle group in the Persian Gulf sent a signal to the Iranians. We appreciate the attention Bolton gives to the situation; he is one of us. Iran's Zarif is a shill for those who threaten to destroy Israel. Trump has offered to talk to the Iranians, who refuse any dialogue unless sanctions are lifted. This would be a major error. The Iranians should stop threatening to attack Tel Aviv. An attack on the US or Israel should mean the end of Iran, that cannot be permitted to develop nuclear weapons. The US is serious and will eliminate the program. The Iranians are making a big mistake”.

This shows how the Jews are coming near the end of the cycle they repeated hundreds of times during the thousands of years they roamed the planet searching in vain for a way to make it their own and become masters of everything.

Alas, the lesson of history they never learned was that the cycle always ended with their people paying a heavy price for hanging on to a promise no God ever made to them as a reward they never earned for deeds they never accomplished.

Abraham Wagner ended his discussion with these words: “The Iranians are making a big mistake.” Someone should tell him it is the Jews who are making a big mistake. It is the mistake they made hundreds of times over thousands of years … and they still haven't learned a thing from their own history.