Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Today's fake Promises seed tomorrow's Rancor

Who else but the editors of the Washington Post would be so eager to make the wrong choice, they printed an article that will do the opposite of what it promises?

Without making a critical judgment as to the usefulness of printing Carl Gershman's article without revision, the editors of the Post went ahead and added one more reason for anti-Semitism to increase and be expressed more in-your-face. On May 27, 2019, those editors allowed the printing of: “Ukraine is where the Holocaust began. It should properly memorialize the victims,” without making changes to the text.

What is dreadfully idiotic about this article is that it threw subtlety out the window, and flagrantly made the kind of promises that sent the Jews to their doom throughout the ages. After telling all about Ukraine's current challenges, which include poverty, corruption and a Russian aggression, and after telling all about the difficult history that the Jewish population endured in that country, Gershman turned positive … sort of.

He mentioned what the government of Ukraine might do in recognition of what the Jews suffered in that country during the first half of the twentieth century, but then ended the article with this promise: “If Ukraine can take these steps toward properly memorializing victims of the Holocaust, it will become a stronger and more unified country, and will contribute to the moral renewal of our troubled world.” Note the promises that Gershman made: Ukraine will become stronger. It will become unified. And it will contribute to the moral renewal of a troubled world.

How will that come about, you ask? It will come about, says Gershman, when the government of Ukraine will memorialize the victims of the Holocaust. Well, you don't need to hold a PhD in logic to figure that the flip side of this argument comes down to saying that today, Ukraine is weak and disunited; and today, the world is suffering from moral stagnation because Ukraine has not yet memorialized the Jewish victims of the Holocaust. But the moment that Ukraine does that, the country and the rest of the world will instantly transport, as if by magic, into a universe of eternal bliss. This is so very Jewish! So very flabbergasting!

But it is in keeping with the Jewish habit of promising that if their never-ending demands –– such as being given East Jerusalem, chunks of the West Bank, the Golan, cash to promote interfaith understanding, weapons galore, laws that establish their supremacy, bylaws that strengthen their favorite status, and so on and so forth –– the world will instantly move from being in disarray to being a well ordered nirvana. The difference between what the Jews have been doing up to now, and what Carl Gershman has done, is that he disregarded all manner of subtleties, whereas they used to be a little more subtle than him.

Still, there is no doubt that the Jewish behavior over the decades, contributed to the increase of what their leaders call expressions of anti-Semitism. This being the case, what Gershman has done will undoubtedly add a great deal more to the resentment that will lead to an increase in acts of anti-Semitism. And that will be expressed more forcefully than ever before to match Gershman's forceful assertions.

History being our guide, we cannot ignore the reality that whenever a new chapter was started concerning the relations between humanity and the Jews, things quickly escalated till they reached levels that went beyond comprehension. For this reason, we should expect that if-and-when the government of Ukraine will seriously start to shove Jewish matters down the throat of the population, expressions of anti-Semitism in that country will quickly escalate to reach levels beyond comprehension.

In addition, we must always be aware that the copycat element exists in all human beings. This is how children learn, a quality we retain even in old age. What happens with some young people, however, is that they pick up on the destructive activities of others, and they try to outdo them just to prove they can do better than someone. That's how expressions of anti-Semitism can escalate even without being fed additional fuel. But when someone like Carl Gershman comes along and says the sort of thing he did in the article; he does the equivalent of pushing the acceleration pedal to maximum rancor.

In fact, it is already happening that visions are floating about the day when Holocaust memorials around the world will be turned into sites that teach visitors: “This happens when someone tries to con the world.” This being a reversal of what the memorials were meant to teach, the blame for the turnaround will be directed at the Jewish leaders who clumsily turned the “never again,” into a “yet again”.

In short, instead of bringing moral renewal to the world, Carl Gershman has made a mighty contribution for maintaining the old morality he desperately wants the world to reject. What a miserable failure!