Thursday, July 28, 2011

Muddled Thoughts Of The Ambiguous Mind

If seventy five years ago Joseph Goebbels had known what Irwin Cotler knows today, Hitler would have gained control of the world and we would all be saluting the Swastika. It is that Goebbels had an evil agenda; he thought clearly about it and he expressed himself on the subject with equal clarity. Like him, Cotler has an evil agenda; he may or may not think clearly about it but he definitely expresses himself on the subject in a muddled manner. And yet, despite all this, Goebbels proved to be ineffective in what he tried to accomplish for his boss whereas the Cotler method was able to turn so-called democracies into legislative and executive brothels. And Cotler, together with his cohorts in the English speaking world, were able to put these joints into the service of the Judeo-Zionist agenda. Eat your heart out Goebbels for, you could not deliver political chopped liver to your boss whereas Cotler and his cohorts dine on caviar and champagne everyday as they enjoy the pornographic spectacle of the pimps and the prostitutes, the madams and the gigolos who genuflect to the Star of David.

Let me explain all this. In the introduction to the fraudulent report they call “Canadian Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Antisemitism” published in 2011, you encounter something that is truly astounding. The report itself is nothing more than the personal manifesto of Irwin Cotler where he is listed as an ex-officio along with a few other members who form what is obviously intended to be a committee to impress. In fact, these characters are all there for one reason only, to make the manifesto look like a legitimate report, something that may or may not impress you. And when you read the sickly rambling document, you encounter in it, among other things, this odious sentence: “Let it be clear: Criticism of Israel is not antisemitic, and saying so is wrong. But singling Israel out for selective condemnation and opprobrium – let alone denying its right to exist or seeking its destruction – is discriminatory and hateful, and not saying so is dishonest.” Great show, you say to yourself with a tinge of sarcasm because what comes to your mind is the following:

From Toronto to Ottawa and from New York to the District of Columbia the Jewish organizations have for decades been spitting a verbal substance that is so foul, they managed to stink our good planet several times over. In fact, everywhere people looked, they saw these organizations spit the bitter complaint: “You are singling out Israel; little innocent Israel.” Yet, these same characters also ran around mouthing at the same time and in the same breath the following assertions: “Only Israel has … Only Israel is … Only Israel can … Only Israel, only Israel, only Israel,” to which the world responded with this: “Okay guys, it is only Israel as you say. And yes, it is only Israel that is now colonizing a neighbor. It is only Israel that is annexing stolen lands. It is only Israel that is in violation of countless UN resolutions. It is only Israel that is killing people with napalm bombs. It is only Israel that is killing people with fragmentary bombs. It is only Israel that is poisoning people with phosphorous bombs. It is only Israel that is pinpointing people in their bedrooms and blowing them up with American-made smart bombs.” And the list goes on and on and on. The Jews chose to single out Israel and call it the best of God's creation but the World said: no, no, no, if you're going to single out Israel, call it the worst of God's creation because it is that and nothing else. Otherwise let us point out Israel's shortcomings so that the miserable thing can reform itself, decide to join the civilized world and live like every other nation.

When the world responded in this manner and made it clear that it only wished to treat Israel the same way it treats everyone else, the sky fell in the eyes of some people. As it turned out, bestowing praise on the Jewish entity when deserved and leveling opprobrium against it when necessary was totally unacceptable to them. These were the professional bellyachers of the Israeli-Yiddish coalition who came out of the woodwork not to thank the world for being impartial but to bellyache a new and different refrain. This time they cried their eyes out of their sockets and they burst their entrails out of their bellies as they bellyached the demand that Israel must be singled out for praise even when it proves to be less than mediocre. And they demanded that Israel be lumped with everyone else when it commits a crime that proves to be so horrifying, it sets Israel apart from everyone else.

And when the world asked why adopt this double standard? The prepackaged answer came out to the effect that the Israelis enjoy having on their side a moral force that no one else has. Oh yeah! The world exclaim. What could that moral force be? it asked. It is that the American Congress treats Israel with a preference it accords to no one else, came the response. And the world realized that the word moral as defined here meant to convey the notion that everyone must follow the infamous American congress without asking the appropriate questions. Apparently, this is the only moral force on which the Israelis now stand according to the Judeo-Yiddish coalition which adheres to the Irwin Cotler philosophy. And this is why, according to the coalition, the Jewish organizations can make all those fantastic claims about Israel and feel justified.

But how did Cotler or his likes in America manage to turn what used to be the “greatest deliberative body in history” into the greatest agglomeration of useless bums? The answer is that the Jewish organizations did not succeed on Capitol Hill overnight. They worked at it steadily like building a monument one brick at a time. Not only this but they relied on the experience that their ancestors had gathered in the course of many centuries while doing the same sort of thing in many places all over the world. In fact, Cotler and those like him in the Israeli-Yiddish coalition were handed diabolic plans that told them what to do every step of the way, what muddled trail to pursue and what ambiguous statement to make at each and every occasion. But these were not sure-fire plans that always led to success as the world has witnessed.

In fact, something always went wrong with these plans in the end, and the ordinary innocent Jews were the ones to pay dearly in the aftermath. Still, say the Jewish leaders, all indications are to the effect that something like this will not happen in North America. And why not? you ask. Because these plans proved to work like a charm when the locals trusted Jewish leaders like us, they responded. And they further elaborated with this: All things remained calm and everyone was safe because trust was maintained between the general public and the leaders who were like us. And the expectation is that a similar situation will be maintained in America at perpetuity. And you scratch your head and you ask yourself how many times during the centuries such assurances were given to those who listened to the leaders and ended up in the proverbial gas chamber as the leaders converted to another religion and fled the scene taking with them all the treasures they could carry.

But the nagging question that remains unanswered is this: How did these people construct the instruments that allowed them to have it both ways most of the time and get as far as they did? To answer the question we need to look at the following. The Jewish move into North America began with their organizations stating that the Jews were different from the other peoples because they have different sensitivities and different needs. They argued that in consequence of this, the Jews should be given special consideration and should be treated differently from the other people. To achieve this goal, they asked for and were given the green light to embark on a campaign to “educate” and to “sensitize” the public. And this is something they promised will foster greater understanding between the Jews and everyone else without causing nefarious consequences and without diminishing the rights of anyone. Thus, the rabbis spearheaded a campaign that flooded the North American media with material that portrayed the Jews as trustworthy saints whose only intent was to do what was good for humanity because the Jews suffered so much throughout history, they could not stand to see anyone suffer.

But we know today that the truth has been very different from that. In fact, we know that the truth has been the exact opposite of the assurances that were given and the promises that were made. We have learned the hard way that the Jewish intent was and still is very much tied to the weird sense of balance that powers the Jewish mentality. Simply put, the intent of the Jewish organizations has always been to do to the world what the Jews believe the world has done to them throughout history. Thus, while they sought to win the trust of the people around them with false promises, the Jewish organizations always plotted to punish those same people for the suffering that they imagine their ancestors have endured for no reason but that they were the chosen people. And contrary to the claim that they only wish to spare humanity the horrors that the Jews have suffered, the plan has always been to search for the defenseless and hit them where it hurts the most. In this way, they were able to inflict unimaginable pain and suffering on countless people who did nothing more than stay home and mind their own business.

And this is the place where Palestine finds itself today given that America was manipulated by the Jewish organizations into stripping it of every clout it could have had and every means of self-defense it ever had. Denied by America's maneuvers and by the American veto to possess the clout that would have allowed it to stand up to Israel, and stripped of the means to defend itself, Palestine now stands like the iconic mother who was seen holding a child under one arm, and using the other arm to throw stones at the American-built Israeli tank that came to demolish her house. This was the house that was built by an ancestor of hers, the house that had been in the family for generations, the house she hoped to bequeath to the daughter under her arm who will never again have a decent roof over head, a roof under which to grow up like all the children of the world. Yes, the Israelis look like evil incarnate in this iconic picture but so do the Americans who look like the low life evil imbeciles to which they have been transformed without them realizing what they have become.

Yet, this icon was never allowed to be shown in North America where the truth was suppressed and the big lie was plastered all over the places. The lie won out on this Continent and was absorbed by the public in the absence of any truth hitting the airwaves or hitting the printed pages of the press. And while all this was swirling around it, the public came to believe that every Jew was a saint and that every saint was a Jew. Having accomplished all this, the Jewish organizations began to draw parallels between the Jews as a people and Israel as a nation. Then, slowly and carefully they brought the parallels together till they merged into one and the same line. This made it look like the Jews were Israel and that Israel were the Jews. And the merged entity came to represent the saintly creature that Cotler and his likes want us to believe is God's favorite creation. And this fake fabrication of a pure fantasy is still propagated in the North American media with a determination which makes it so that to criticize Israel is now regarded as a deliberate exercise in antisemitism despite the muddled way that Cotler claims otherwise in his manifesto.

Unable to digest all that was thrown at them and having no other choice, the people of North America went along with it. Being normal people and having normal impulses, they tried to treat Israel as they do every other country. At times they even compared Israel with someone else which is how people usually reason things out in real life. But this was the act that brought the rabbis and their assistants to their feet and caused them to bellyache yet again. They cried out the refrain: “You can't compare.” In fact, they brayed this refrain each and every time in the face of anyone that tried to equate Israel with another country. They objected strenuously at such attempt on the grounds that Israel was different from all the other countries because Jews are different from all the other peoples. And for a time, everywhere you looked you heard them blurt that you can't compare Israel with this country or that country. It was a repetitive and monotonous refrain which they pronounced: “You can't compaaaare, you can't compaaaare, you can't compaaaare.”

If Irwin Cotler and those of his ilk do not want us to single Israel out for the acts it commits, then why do they not want us to compare it with someone else which is something that people normally do in order to put things in perspective? Look again at the quotation from his manifesto and strip it of the noise that hides the ambiguities it harbors. It will sound like this: “Let it be clear: Criticism of Israel is not antisemitic ... But singling Israel out for … condemnation and opprobrium ... is discriminatory and hateful...” No, we say, it is not clear. In fact it is muddled and it is ambiguous. These people have shoved down the throat of George the W (who was supposed to have been President of the United States at some point in time) this kind of intellectual rubbish calling it moral clarity and they convinced him to classify every act of Palestinian resistance as terrorism. This done, Israel launched waves after waves of terrorist attacks on civilians, killing them by the thousands while, in self-defense, the Palestinians only killed a handful of Israeli soldiers. Despite all this and in the name of moral clarity, the Palestinians who defend themselves are still called terrorists, and the Israelis who attack and rob them are still called saints in the books of America. And this is how every muddled Jewish ambiguity has become an American moral clarity.

Yes, the Palestinians are suffering, and people everywhere in the world are angry at America. But the big losers are the American people themselves whose losses are truly incalculable. Look at it this way: The Jewish organizations have managed to paralyze every media activity that may pertain to Israel or to the Jewish people, allowing for publication only what praises the Jews and glorifies Israel. The result has been that a fake portrait of the Jews and of Israel has emerged. Not knowing that another side even exists, three American generations have already been raised believing that the natural thing to do is to worship the Jew. In fact, it is claimed that there is at least 50 million Americans who call themselves Evangelicals. And these people are told by their pastors in the churches and on television to worship the Jew as their God – literally their God. Not since the Stone Age have people been so duped. Horrendous yet so true.

And this is happening despite the part of history which is well known to Jews that says when people discover they have been duped into worshiping false gods, the people turn against the gods and gas or incinerate them. If Cotler and his followers do not want to see this history repeated, they should stop doing what they are doing. They should instead let the Jews live in harmony with their neighbors like everyone else, and they should let Israel develop in harmony with its neighbors like everyone else. Israel or the Jews cannot be singled out for praise, and human nature cannot be condemned for the horrors that Israel alone is capable of inflicting on the defenseless. This may cause Irwin Cotler to become wealthier than he deserves but such will only come at the expense of Jewish and non-Jewish lives. He may not worry about that but the rest of us do.

Throughout history, people came to see the Jews as diabolic because of the activities of their leaders. The people of the world now begin to see Israel as satanic, and the view is spreading. To Israel's neighbors, this artificial concoction is a pain in the ass. To the people of Palestine, it is nothing less than the hell that has descended on them. Look for a reason as to why this picture of the Jews came to be painted and you will not find it in the genetic makeup of the human race contrary to the claims which are constantly being made by Cotler and those like him. Only the Jews and their leaders are the cause of this happening and only they should be held responsible for it now and forever.

If it happens again that someone will seek the final solution, don't blame it on him entirely but blame it on the main contributors who are the Jewish leaders themselves. By nature, humanity is an innocent lot. In fact, we are genetically programmed to preserve the self and preserve the species. The Jewish leaders are evil by virtue of their professional training and they are the guilty ones. The Jewish people who remain silent in the face of all this also bear some responsibility in the matter. To absolve themselves, they should act now and stop their leaders before it is too late.

And we should all say in unison: Enough is enough.