Friday, July 1, 2011

At The Crossroads Of The Future

The world is changing. It is not today what it was yesterday. And when tomorrow will come, the world will no longer be what it is today. America is the dominant power in the world of today. It leads in several fields but when compared to the other nations her dominance is seen to diminish in almost every one of these fields. Eventually, there will come a day when America will be challenged in all of the fields by nations that may or may not be friendly to her at all time. Consequently, it will be a good idea for the Americans to start now and prepare for that day. They should prepare themselves mentally and then take the measures that will help them get along in a world that is remaking itself for a tomorrow that is reshaping itself.

The way things normally unfold with the great powers whose influence begins to diminish is that they remain a dominant military power on paper for some time; and so it will be with America. Like the military might of Russia which continues to retain the status of superpower in theory but not in practice, the military might of America will look impressive on paper but treated like a paper tiger in real life. Of course, there was a time when the Chinese used to say that this was the case already but nothing happened then to prove or disprove the claim. If, however, that claim was a prophecy as to what the future held for America; well, it can be said that the prophecy has now been fulfilled. But why did this happen? Well, America's military prowess is diminishing because the country did itself in when it launched numerous wars against smaller powers and lost. Though small, these powers proved to have a steelier desire to withstand the American onslaught than America had the punch to administer a fatal blow to them. Their tenacity and their stoicism handed them the victories they sought and handed America a series of defeats that made her friends near and far shake their heads in disbelief.

But while America's military will come to resemble that of Russia, America's overall standing in the world will come to resemble that of England. This is a country whose language was adopted by most of the world despite the fact that the place itself has diminished considerably when compared to the heydays of the British Empire over which, it was said, the sun never set. Yet, despite its descent to a lower status and despite the memory of its colonial past, England still commands a degree of respect among the nations of the world; still engenders nostalgia in many quarters and still enjoys the affection of people in a few places. And so it will be with America that still enjoys a reservoir of goodwill held for it throughout the world despite the warlike attitude it has displayed in the recent past. It is that America has dazzled the world during a century that was its own with a cosmopolitan culture that spoke to every taste, a full gamut of industrial products that everyone wanted and an array of achievements in science and technology that captured the imagination of the young and the old.

Thus, while maintaining a mental image of their country as a superpower that is transforming into a hybrid combining a Russia and an England, the Americans should prepare for a future of duality. Like it or not, they live in a country that is dancing around a dichotomy which conveys a sentiment that says with increasing clarity: We love you, America, now that you have been cut down to size but oh how much we wish you were tall and strong and shiny again like the good old days. Seeing their country as a second rate industrial power protected by a massive military that is mostly unusable and surrounded by a world that loves them and hates them at the same time, the Americans will wonder how they got to this point. Well, the short answer is that they have been living a contradiction; the long answer is given below.

The theory I constructed rests on the idea that America has surrendered to the influence of the Judeo-Yiddish culture which I see as enjoying a parasitic existence at the expense of the American host culture. And because the parasite is a model of advanced schizophrenia, it has contaminated the host with the sense of duality I discussed earlier. The way I view the situation is that America started to exhibit this symptom a number of decades ago and continues to this day to behave as if troubled by a split personality. And this reality has led to consequences that affect the country in every field of endeavor.

So let me discuss the schizophrenic nature of the Judeo-Yiddish culture. I begin with two events that have unfolded with much uproar. The first goes to the time when, a decade or so ago, arguments were made to the effect that AIPAC had gotten too powerful for its own good. Recall the savagery with which the non-Jews who participated in this debate were attacked and accused of harboring all sorts of anti-Semitic sentiments. Now multiply this savagery by ten and you will get an idea as to how bad things were for the people who were attacked during an earlier example. In fact, things were near murderous for the non-Jews who twenty five or thirty years ago uttered the words: “Hollywood is dominated by Jews” or made a remark that went in this vein. To completely kill this sort of discourse and to remove it from the realm of legitimate debate, the mere allusion to the possibility that the Jews dominated Hollywood was labeled an existential threat to the Jewish people. Those who still dared to participate in this kind of debate were accused of advocating the annihilation of the Jews and were treated like criminals by the media and by the courts.

Then one day, a Jewish author published a book with a title that went something like this: “Hollywood is dominated by Jews, so what!” Before going further with this discussion, we need to reach deep in our memory and recall that when this saga was unfolding, the accusation that someone was denying the Holocaust had not been used as a tool to assassinate the character of good people. In its stead, the mention that the Jews dominated a field of endeavor was the accusation they used to blow to smithereens the career of a non-Jew who was talented enough to refuse going under their influence. Left and right, good people were made to vanish by character assassination until the day when that Jewish author published his book; and the inferno in the belly of the Jews, especially the mediocre ones, abated a little. But it did so for only a short period of time.

To understand what was happening at the time we must begin with the realization that the Judeo-Yiddish culture does not make a distinction between fact and fiction at the practical level. The people of this culture see history as being made not of a succession of facts but a succession of perceptions. And what matters to them is not what is said but the motivation that accompanies what is being said. Thus, if a non-Jew begins a discourse by saying that Hollywood is dominated by Jews, the people of the culture who may be in the audience will wonder: Does he mean it is a good thing or a bad thing? Here you see that the mention of the event itself, whether true or false, is of no consequence to them. What is of consequence is how the messenger intends to use the message he just revealed. And so, if you are a guest speaking at a forum where Jews are present and you want to be safe, you begin your presentation by declaring your good intention early on to avoid being viewed with suspicion.

In consequence of this, rather than say Hollywood is dominated by Jews, you begin the discussion the way that most people do nowadays which is to say it is a good thing that Hollywood is dominated by Jews. You see here that as a historical fact, the event remains the same in either version. But because in the eyes of these people every event is a tool that can be used to praise them or condemn them, prudent gentiles use the second version more often than the first. And when you couple the risk of being misunderstood with the rule that says if you're not with them you're against them, you see why the choice of the second version becomes critical to the people who occupy precarious positions in life and cannot afford to be misunderstood by the Jews or considered hostile to them. These include the people who labor in the media and in politics.

When this manner of speaking was first adopted in the English speaking world, it was considered a fad that will quickly disappear. It did not. Instead, it lingered on and became the norm. It was then followed by its own corollary which is that the enemies picked by the Jews for the day are automatically condemned at the start of every conversation. The poignant thing about all this is that society has tolerated a trend that would be mind boggling if it happened in a place like North Korea; but for it to happen in a so-called democracy is simply beyond words. In any case, it is helpful to go to the origin of the trend and see where it came from.

The truth of the matter is that we are facing a tradition which is entrenched in the cultures of the Middle East, especially among the Semites; among those who pretend to be Semites and those who wish they were. What is surprising is that the tradition was brought to America and used in a way that is totally out of place. Let me explain. In the same way that Arab and non-Arab Muslims do not mention the name of the prophet Mohamed without following with the words peace be upon him, they do not invoke the name of Allah in vain but praise Him each time they speak of Him. And neither do they mention the name of the devil without cursing him. And it is in this style of a discourse that the Jewish parasite has trained the American host to praise him as if he were a god; and curse his enemies as if they were the devil incarnate.

The net result has been that 50 million evangelical Americans have been trained to worship the Jew as if he were their God. In this, they are demonstrating that idolatry can be made a thing of the modern era as much as it was a thing of the primitive epochs in the distant past. It all happened because the Jewish parasite was able to convince the leaders of the evangelical movement to take their flocks down this road, and the leaders obeyed without question for a reason that remains beyond comprehension. These televised characters of the cloth also ran around the country preaching the new gospel and recruiting more suckers to serve under the banner of Christians United for Israel. And no one in America has dared to ask for an explanation or push back against this mushrooming insanity.

This is how America quietly surrendered to the influence of the Judeo-Yiddish culture. Now imagine being a Jew who sees millions of Americans throw themselves at your feet to do one thing only: genuflect. They prove to you what you have been taught since childhood, mainly that you are a God of some sort. Concurrent with this, you are taught that your life is in danger of being extinguished by a human race that is hostile to Jews because it suffers from a genetic defect called anti-Semitism. No question about it; you grow up to be schizophrenic. This is what used to happen to the young Jews who were subjected to a fundamentalist Jewish education. Now that the genuflection is prevalent and practiced in the open, even moderate Jews find themselves having to fight hard not to succumb to the temptation of believing they are Gods. Worse, young non-Jewish Americans who never lived during a time when the Jews were not worshiped, grow up to believe that this is the normal thing to do. They may walk erect like homo sapiens but psychologically they remain on their knees awed by the artificial glow of the fake Jew.

As for the generational Jews and the new converts to Judaism who have decided to milk the existing situation and bask in the glow of its perks, they expect to always be praised no matter what they say or what they do. And they expect to be handed everything that is given away whether they earn it or not, whether they need it or not. And to be sure that they will not be extinguished by an anti-Semitic race of humans, they want the world to work on the development of a deterrence that will scare away any possible attacker.

Being the parasites that influence their host, the real Jews and the fake Jews transmit their schizophrenia to the American host which, in turn, begins to believe it is so exceptional the whole world is ganging up on it. The parasites then follow by convincing the host to defend itself and defend them, something that the host does by getting involved in wars it loses and wars it cannot win. It loses wars to smaller powers and ruins its economy in the process. And before you know it, the superpower that was America starts to diminish in one field of endeavor after the other. With time, its overall condition starts to look like a hybrid combining a declining Russia and a declined Britain.

So then, how do you prepare for the future when you are at this stage? In fact, things have gone so far and the baggage on the back of America has become so heavy, the country has very few options to choose from because what remains are only two packages to choose from. Package number one says: Inflate your importance to the size of a Yiddish bubble and see the world blow you away like a soap bubble. Package number two says: Search for and rediscover your muscles. Work out quietly and let the world see what a good shape you're in. This is how you were in the good old days, America, and this is how the world would like to see you again.

But to get there you must cut off the sick and disgusting relation you have forged with the demonic Israel in the Middle East and the satanic Jewish organizations in America. Cut loose these two halves of the same parasite, break away from them and sail freely to where you deserve to go. The rest of us are going there with or without you. Join us if you wish or sink with the Judeo-Yiddish culture to which you are hitched, one that has remained a perennial loser for three and a half thousand years.

Don’t be a loser, America, you deserve better than that.