Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Why American Zionists Fear Annapolis

Judging by the reaction of some North American commentators with regard to what transpired at Annapolis earlier this week, we are in for a year of vitriol against the very concept of peace in the Middle East. The usual suspects who write in publications ranging from the two-bit rags to the prestigious came out in force to denounce with all the eloquence or the shrill they can muster the idea of normalcy returning to that part of the World.

The interesting part is that the commentators in the Middle East, including most Israelis, were in favor of what is hoped will be achieved during the coming year of negotiations between the two sides. Only a few extremists on both sides of the divide out there rejected the idea completely thus echoing the sounds that emanated from the usual suspects here.

Upon a closer look at those usual suspects, we find them to be the Zionist lobbyists and their lackeys who pretend to come from every faith but whose true religion is to submit to the one who has a deep pocket and carries a big stick. To understand the implication of all this and to anticipate what can happen over the coming year, we need to understand what went on in North America over the past generation or two.

Only a few decades ago the Jewish population in North America and by extension the Jewish lobby had no more clout than any other population of comparable size or any lobby with an axe to grind. Today, however, the Jewish population and the lobby have accumulated so much power that they almost exclusively steer the most important institutions on the Continent as if they operated them with their own personnel. And this begs the question: How were they able to accomplish this much this fast?

If there is one word that can answer the question, the word will have to be capital. However, we must keep in mind that there are different forms of capital. Three of these in particular are relevant to this discussion and they are the following: political capital, financial capital and a capital which goes under the name goodwill. Understanding how the Jewish lobby was able to accumulate and then dispense of these capitals will help us understand how the lobby was able to propel itself to such a level of dominance.

There is the honorable way to accumulate capital and there is the dishonorable way to doing it. Also, there is an honorable way to dispense the capital and there is the dishonorable way to doing it. The honorable ways to doing anything are spelled out everywhere because they are the moral imperatives that everyone preaches and there is no shortage of that. As for the dishonorable ways to doing things, they are a little complicated to discuss and to understand. This is because games are played to hide the rough edges of those ways and of course, the games are played in secret whenever possible.

To accumulate political capital the dishonorable way is to play people against each other. This is the game that the weak have played since the stone age of Biblical times when they faced more powerful rivals. Unable to go against someone by themselves, the weak played dirty pool to drive a wedge between the other parties. The trick they employed was to frame one party, to then produce fake proof of culpability and then incite the aggrieved party to attack.

Of all those who played this game, the Hebrews mastered it so well, they played it repeatedly and they played it flawlessly. Each time, they were able to get parties to fight each other to the point where the parties became so weak, they were considered as good as dead.

And when you get this far, the old rule applies. The rule says that: if you manage to get everybody killed, you become king. Thus, like the ancient Hebrews, he who plays the dishonorable game of turning people against each other and scores a few victories is crowned king. He takes the spoils of a war he did not fight and wastes no time preparing the field for sparking the next war.

The spoils that the king takes is the political capital which used to be diffused among everyone else. The king ads the capital to a chest of monopolies which keeps on growing after every adventure of the kind.

When played in modern times, the game looks much the same as in the old days. The result, however, can be as stark as the difference between the spear of ancient times and the destructive power of modern weaponry. An example of this is what happened in Iraq. Here the Jewish lobby faked the evidence about weapons of mass destruction and incited America to launch a war against the Arabs and against Islam.

Because the invasion of Iraq went well in the first few days, the Jewish lobbyists amassed so much political capital, they could have told the folks in Washington to emasculate themselves in public so as to breed like rabbits, and the folks in Washington would have fallen over each other to reach for the knife.

Well, things did not happen exactly this way but they came close. What actually happened was that on advice from the Jewish lobby, the folks in Washington ordered the "debaathification" of Iraq which was a long held dream of Israel. This act alone was sufficient to emasculate the American military in Iraq and to make it impossible for the most powerful army in history to carry out an operation that should have taken it a few weeks to complete.

The end result has been the calamitous devastation that was heaped on both sides in the war. This was to be expected but the surprise was the fact that the Jewish lobby did not get away with it. When no weapons of mass destruction were found, enough good people mustered the courage to reject the Zionist claim that they were against the Iraq war from the beginning and that responsibility should fall on someone else’s shoulder.

The stand taken by those good people made it impossible for the Lobby to play the second part of the game. This is where the king was supposed to have started the process of dispensing the spoils of war. He would have promised to be good to those who would out-Zionist the Zionists and proved they were friendly to Israel. Instead, the contrary happened in that the lobby began to loose the political capital it was beginning to accumulate at the start of the war.

So much for political capital, now to the financial capital. You accumulate this capital the dishonorable way by playing what has come to be known as the salami method. This game is played somewhat differently in different sectors of the economy but one example that is stark enough to shed light on the method is the way that the game is played in the credit sector.

What you do here is that you encourage all sorts of shaky enterprises to set up an operation of sort. These enterprises issue commercial papers against which you lend them money. To hide the shakiness of the enterprises, you stuff those commercial papers into one envelope as you would when making a salami. You then issue bonds or securities against this salami, each of them being a slice of the whole salami.

You sell those slices to unsuspecting customers who are already sold on the idea that they cannot go wrong because they are buying into a diversified portfolio. But what they ignore is that while diversified, the portfolio is far from being sound because every ingredient in the salami is as rotten as the next.

The result has been a disaster that struck America at least twice in the past twenty years. Something went wrong with schemes of this kind in the Nineteen Eighties and again in 2007. America as a nation lost hundreds of billions of dollars each time, so did several dozen enterprises and thousands of individuals who saw their dreams, careers and future crushed in one short instant. All the while, those who played the salami game stuffed their wallets with riches beyond imagination, riches they launder through Israeli banks.

Then came the time to dispense those riches the dishonorable way. Some of the money was returned to the Unites States where the Zionist lobby used it to pay back the US Congress for making the feat possible and to purchase the Congress anew so as to maintain the system viable for future operations.

And now the part about goodwill which is the simplest one to describe and to comprehend. Having won the game on the political and financial stages, you accumulate goodwill without having to do anything. This is because you will have gained the reputation that you win every time you get into something.

People flock to you and offer their services the moment you mention that you desire something because people seek to be on the side of the winner. And you never run out of foot soldiers who will be eager to march to your tune wherever you lead them.

To be dishonorable in the way that you dispense your goodwill largess, you set up a system of smoke and mirrors so as to keep moving the illusion that events are following each other when in fact you are doing no more than peddling and recycling stone age ideas wrapped in a modern day envelope. It’s not old wine in a new bottle but vinegar in a Champagne bottle.

Thus, if the Annapolis process manages to bring peace to the Middle East, Israel will be integrated into the fabric of the region and the Zionist lobby along with its lackeys will be out of business. Therefore, it is to be expected that the Zionists will attempt to disrupt the process with savage fury the more it becomes apparent that progress is being made towards a final and durable settlement.

Those who emasculated America before will try to do so again. They did not get away with it completely the last time and they are hungry for a big victory now. They are especially adept at buying the US Congress and getting it to do the dumb things, and they will use the Congress again to do dumber things still aimed at disrupting Annapolis.

We should be on the look out for those attempts, should analyze them, discuss them and unmask them whenever we can.