Sunday, December 9, 2007

They Are Not Done Playing Games

The intelligence agencies in the United States put out a report to the effect that Iran had ceased to work on its nuclear weapons program a number of years ago and this changed the tone of the debate dramatically. What the report demonstrates is that the agencies caught the drift of the latest Israeli Zionist game, and the disclosure helped to put the brakes on it. This happened just in time as the game was promising to mushroom into a calamity that would have threatened the World and ended America's standing as a First World nation.

The game that the Zionists were playing was a repeat of the one they played with regard to the existence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. The aim this time was the same as before in that the Zionists wanted to drag America into another war in the Middle East where the end result would have been another American made disaster for mankind to clean up.

There were, however, a few differences, one being that the target this time was Iran and not Iraq. Again, the Israeli agents and their non-Jewish cohorts in the media and the think tanks of America started to circulate stories, opinions and fake findings about nuclear weapons being made in Iran. And again, the Jewish-Zionist fear mongering machine was put into high gear as to the potential threat that the fictitious Iranian project represents for the region, Europe, America and the World.

And the moment it began to look like the idea had caught enough traction in America to move forward propelled by its own inertia, the Zionist lobby began to lay the groundwork for taking credit in the event that the war succeeded or blaming the Arabs if it failed.

In that regard, the Zionists were motivated by the memory of what happened with the Iraq fiasco where they took the blame for the failure of the war because they had neglected to lay the groundwork for blaming someone else. What happened instead was that the moment the fiasco became apparent, the Zionists fashioned the argument by which to blame the failure on the Commander in Chief and the Armed Forces of the United States. But the ploy did not sit well with the Americans and this prompted the Zionists to vow being prepared next time.

And so this time, the Zionists started early to lay the groundwork for blaming the Arabs in the event of a failure. They did so by peddling the big lie about the Arabs, who are mostly Sunny Muslims, being afraid of Iran which is mostly Shia. The plan was to the effect that if the war started to go bad, the Zionists would say the Arabs asked America to destroy Iran but things went bad and America paid the price. So go ahead and blame the Arabs.

What makes this game typically a Judeo-Zionist one is that it dealt with fear and hate, the two legs upon which demagoguery stands. In fact, anyone who has followed those characters would know the rule of thumb by now: It is that these people are so devoid of imagination they boil down every argument to one of fear and hate, a trick they lifted out of the Nazi book of cheap propaganda.

In addition to the American intelligence agencies catching the drift of all that and putting out their report, a few developments in the Middle East conspired to expose the Zionist big lie. One development was the meeting that took place in Qatar which brought together Iran's President with the leaders of the Gulf Co-operation Council. These were the leaders of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

Iran and the six Arab nations voiced their desire for a peaceful solution to the stand-off regarding the nuclear issue. The joint communiqué they issued at the end of the meeting said that the Arabs understand Iran's views and will gladly examine that country's offer for a mutual security arrangement and economic co-operation among the seven nations.

Such deal would include Iran into a common market that will improve the negotiating position of the Gulf countries on the international scene. Among the many provisions of the deal there is one stipulating that citizens of every member state will have the right to live and to do business in all the other states. And this will be done in the spirit of strengthening the security and stability of the region which is the desire of all those who live there.

Another development in the Middle East that has been brewing for some time and has matured recently was that Egypt and Iran achieved a thaw in their relationship. That relationship was frozen since the time of the Iranian revolution when the deposed Shah fled to Egypt and was granted asylum there. Political and economic relations which were severed then were renegotiated over the past few months and were sealed last week. These are comprehensive deals that go as far as to set up a jointly owned auto plant in Egypt among a host of other projects. It is worth noting that all this happened during the week that the Cairo-Alexandria Stock Exchange (CASE 30) passed the 10,000 mark, having experienced a phenomenal growth over the past 3 years and growing by more than 40% this year alone.

To avoid developing a morbid fear of each other is the norm to the peoples of the region. In fact, it so happened that while the Zionist and American propaganda machines were calling Iraq a menace to the region and to the World, the people who live there tried to dissuade America from launching a war they did not believe was necessary.

But instead of listening to the Arabs and to the Iranians, the Americans went ahead with the Zionist plan and attacked Iraq in 2003. The result was a mistake that wounded mankind, one that the Americans will have to live with for decades to come.

This is not to say that the Arabs are Pollyannaish about everything regarding their neighborhood. In fact, they were the ones who called upon the reluctant Americans to come and dislodge their friend and protégé, Saddam Hussein from Kuwait, a call that resulted in the first Gulf War at the beginning of the Nineteen Nineties.

This was by all accounts the most successful war in which the Americans had participated, one that brought them into a coalition with the major Arab countries. Not only that but the war cost the Americans very little in terms of lives lost and was paid for by the Arabs who covered the entire financial cost.

When looking at the historical record of the region, future students of history will not fail to see that from the middle of the Twentieth Century onward, America was pulled by two opposite forces concerning the position to take vis-à-vis the Middle East. One force was the influence of the Arabs who tried to persuade the Americans from outside the country, and the other force was the influence of the Israeli Zionist lobby which operated inside the country.

It will be clear to those students that what Israel and the Zionists wanted from America was unconditional and absolute support for Israel without a question being asked. What the Arabs wanted was an America that was less submissive when dealing with Israel and the Zionist lobby. And the result was clear for everyone to see. It was glory and respect for America the world over when the country listened to the Arabs, disaster and contempt for America the world over when the country listened to Israel and the Zionist lobby.

This was inevitable because since the beginning of recorded history, the Arabs have been satisfied with what they had and thus wanted nothing but to be left alone to do commerce and to develop socially and economically at their own pace. They lived with that principle for thousands of years and were extremely successful in everything they did.

On the other hand, the Zionists who rightly or wrongly trace their roots to the landless nomadic tribes of ancient times have always wanted something from someone else and thus raided their neighbors or siphoned off what they could from those they came into contact with.

In this sense, America is no exception; she is just another someone from whom to siphon off what they can. But more than that, they want to use America as a tool to pulverize the Middle East so that Israel can get in there and feed on the resulting bite size pieces. These modern-day Radical Judaists have been evil incarnate since the dawn of history and they have not changed one bit.

Given this history, the safe prediction to make at this point is that the Zionist lobby will lay dormant for a while until the effect of the report from the intelligence agencies is forgotten. After that, the sleeper cells will wake up and try to drag America into another ill fated adventure where the country will lose lives, money and prestige. This will go on until America will have lost everything there is to loose. At this point the Zionist will look for another big power where to peddle their lies and live at the expense of yet another sucker.

The World will say here we go again, and future students of history will ask how could they have been so stupid?