Saturday, April 5, 2008

How Durban Destroyed The Superstition

Try to have a discussion with a radical Judaist and you will quickly realize you can never tell where these guys stand on any issue because you will see them skip all over the map depending on how the discussion progresses. One singular issue you will never resolve with them is whether they take the words of the Torah literally or figuratively. This is because if they say they take the words literally, it would mean they believe that the Torah is the word of God. If they say they take the words figuratively, it would mean they believe that the Torah is a book of superstition more than anything else. But given that they want to have it both ways, they will oscillate between God and superstition like a tennis ball in a match between two players.

In any case, engage these people in a serious discussion and you will hear them make the following statements: The reason why Israel deserves to exist at all is that God promised the land of Palestine to the Jews. And the reason why Israel deserves to be protected now more than ever is that God said those who bless Israel will be blessed and those who curse Israel will be cursed. Thus, if America, which is God's lighthouse to the World, wants to be blessed even more she must protect Israel more than ever.

Keep on talking to them and they will eventually come around to doing what they do best which is to unleash a bitter diatribe against everyone. For example, they will say that the Palestinians are not as dispossessed as they claim to be because they have money pouring to them from every corner of the globe. To illustrate the point, they will tell you about a moment when the Palestinians breached the wall between Gaza and Egypt and went on a spending spree during which time they blew 300 million dollars on luxury items in a matter of days.

Those radical Judaists will then contradict themselves by blasting the oil rich Arabs whom, they say, are not doing enough to help the impoverished Palestinians. This is one contradiction they will make but it will not be the last because the whopper will come when you remind them of what they said the Torah is saying, and compare that with what they describe as the reality on the ground.

Reason aloud that if the Palestinians have some money and the Arabs have lots of money therefore it must be that they are blessed by God if we are to believe what the Torah is saying. This makes the Palestinians and not the Jews the chosen children of God, and makes Arabia not America God's lighthouse to guide the World to an everlasting Nirvana. Consequently, if they believe in what they say, either the Torah is a pile of superstitious falsehoods or God is on the side of the Palestinians and the Arabs not on the side of the Jews or the Americans.

I cannot guarantee what will happen next because it all depends on the temperament of those whom you engage in the discussion. My advice to you, therefore, is that you proceed with caution and do so at your own risk. But to understand what happens when you try to have a serious discussion with a Judaist disciple of Zion, you need to look at a few pointers.

There is the story of the kings in the old days that killed the messenger who brought them the bad news. In a parallel fashion, those who run the Jewish Establishment today will kill you figuratively if you question the assertions they make especially if the assertions contradict each other and expose the arguments they are advancing as bogus.

This attitude should not come as a surprise when you consider the biblical story of Adam and Eve in Paradise. It is the story of the devil that appeared in the form of a snake and told the couple to eat from the forbidden tree as this will give them the knowledge that God has. When the couple succumbed to the temptation and ate the forbidden fruit, God became so incensed he kicked the hapless pair out of Paradise. The lesson here is that knowledge is bad for you.

But in this day and age knowledge sits no farther than the finger tip of anyone who has access to a computer. So, why do these characters get upset when you display some knowledge? The answer is that knowledge as bits of information left unorganized is no more useful than a box of tools that no one knows how to use. But the moment you question those who try to pull a con job, you display the ability to effectively use the tools. And this is when alarm bells ring at the inner sanctum of the Jewish Establishment.

Something that is brewing these days and will be brewing for a while is known as Durban 2. When it takes place in 2009, it will be a follow up to Durban 1 which took place in the city of Durban, South Africa in the Fall of 2001. What happened at that time illustrates how organized knowledge can move things. You can never tell in advance in which direction things will move but move they will, and this is usually better than paralysis.

The following two paragraphs are a reprint of an excerpt from the book I wrote and whose publication was blocked by the infamous Jewish Establishment. They tell the story of Durban 1 and put the tale into its proper context.

"The month of September 2001 saw two events that shook the world. One was highly publicized and the other highly suppressed except to the thinking Jews who are serious about the fate of their people. The publicized event is of course, the tragedy of September 11, and the suppressed event is the UN Conference on Racism which ended only 3 days before. What was earthshaking about this conference was not so much that Israel and the United States walked out of it the moment that people began to present evidence Israel was a Nazi-like racist state but what happened shortly after that, only a few days before the events of September 11."

"What happened a few days before the occurrence of the Afghanistan based terrorist attack on the United States is that members of the World Jewish Congress and their supporters in the United States and Canada were going around telling their audiences about the Nirvana-like condition which the State of Israel and its citizens were enjoying. What sort of Nirvana is that? You won’t believe this, dear reader, unless and until you see it for yourself. Those characters were going around - and they went on the Jim Lehrer Newshour - to proudly proclaim for everyone to see and hear that Israel is now and they want it to remain a regime like Iran and Afghanistan. Yes, this happened, folks. The ardent supporters of Israel, members of the World Jewish Congress said that Israel was like Afghanistan and Iran, and they want it to remain as such because they approve of those regimes. And that’s why they walked out of the UN Conference in South Africa and dragged the US delegation out with them. And it all happened just a few days before the events of September 11, 2001."

If the events of September 11, 2001 had not happened, the Jewish organizations would be going around today lauding the merits of theocracies and presenting Israel as the theocracy par excellence because "it is the only Jewish theocracy in the Middle East." But the events of 9/11 killed the superstition that the Jewish organizations were warming up to after Durban 1, and they stuck with their old refrain "Israel is the only apartheid democracy in the Middle East." So love it for what it is.

What the good people of the World did at Durban 1 was to show that Zionism is a form of racism because it gives more rights to one people than to another. What the reaction of America and the Jewish Establishment did was to demonstrate to the American people what the rest of the World has always known which is that Zionism is not only a form of racism but a full fledged crime against humanity as was the creation of the state of Israel.

As the people of America come to realize that Palestine was not given by God to every quack who calls himself a Jew, and realize that America was never the lighthouse to guide the World to Nirvana, they will understand the enormity of the crime against humanity that was committed with the creation of Israel, and the responsibility that their country must bear for participating in this dreadful act.

They may then want to do all what is in their power to reverse the crime. It will be easy to do so because the World has the model of South Africa to follow. This is a country that went from apartheid to a reasonably well run democracy without the political or economic convulsions that the pessimists were predicting. The same can happen to Palestine, and everyone will be better off for it especially those who are suffering the most from the present situation.