Sunday, June 1, 2008

When Bad Company Leads To Tragedy

The American President George Bush went to the Middle East not long ago and stood at the Davos World Economic Forum in Egypt to extol the virtues of democracy and to criticize the countries that have not yet looked at his brand of democratic light. This is a tragedy and you will know why when you try to answer two simple questions: What does George Bush know about democracy? What does America know about democracy?

Nothing happens in the American Administration, the Congress, the Military or the Treasury without the approval of the media, and the policy of the latter has been to ignore the Middle East. Except for a few instances, the media are under order from the World Jewish Congress and the North American affiliates to maintain a kind of “radio silence” about the region. The silence can be broken only to praise Israel or to say something tragic, demeaning or insulting about everyone else, especially Egypt.

For example, during Bush’s stay in the Middle East he attended the Economic Forum, and the New York Times was forced to mention the visit in one of its editorial. But the paper never saw fit to say in this editorial or in any other that the President was in the region, among other things, to attend the Economic Forum in Egypt because to say so would have meant to associate the two words Egypt and economics. And this would be a sacrilege the paper was not prepared to commit and risk the wrath of the World Jewish Congress. What kind of a democracy is this?

At about that same time, a Canadian company that wants to build a chemical plant near a fishing and tourist town in Egypt was met with protest from the local residents. The people did not want the plant in their backyard and the stock of the company was going up and down on the stock exchange in tandem with the rumors about the situation. The Canadian media reported the news but, to comply with the orders of the World Jewish Congress, they did not mention the word Egypt even once. What kind of a democracy is this?

And to show that this is not something new, four paragraphs follow which are reprints from a book I wrote and whose publication was blocked by that same notorious World Jewish Congress. Read, gasp and exclaim: What kind of a democracy is this?

“This being the year 2004, my friend asked if I was going to watch the Olympics in a few weeks time. I said he should know I am not much of the sports type and he cut me off with: But it’s on the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation). So I asked: what’s the big deal?”

“He said that he learned from an insider and he was able to verify that during the live broadcast of the opening ceremonies during at least the past two Olympics, the Jewish masters at the CBC organized for the network to cut to a commercial at one or two seconds before the entry into the stadium of every Arab team, and to return to the broadcast after the team had gone out of view. He said that when you watch the ceremonies you never realize there are twenty two Arab countries on the planet, not even one Arab country. As far as the CBC is concerned, the Arab countries do not exist. He added that on orders from Netanyahu of Israel, they were planning to do it again during the 2004 Olympics. I said I’ll see what I can do to watch it this year.”

“Then came the day of the ceremonies and I watched. Lo and behold, the thing unfolded exactly as my friend said it would. There were no Arab countries on this planet according to the CBC.”

“I thought to myself that long before anyone had wiped Israel off the map, the CBC had wiped 22 Arab countries off the Globe, and had been doing it for at least 3 Olympics. Wow! How can an organization of this stature which stands as the beacon of Canada’s independence and one that considers itself the flagship carrying Canada’s freedom of thought be so slavishly led by the nose to perform degrading acts of servitude on command from a foreign entity located thousands of miles away? How can this be?”

To answer these questions, we need to go way back to the beginning.

A phenomenon that parents and teachers find most dreadful is the sight of a good kid getting involved with bad company. Most of the time the good kid would have been swept off his or her feet by someone they consider an idol but is in reality a devil in disguise. The good kid falls under the influence of the bad one and seems incapable of snapping out of it.

If that is a level one tragedy, it gets worse when the relationship moves to the next level. This would be level two which is especially difficult to watch because you see the good kid steadily go deeper under the control of the bad one. You feel powerless to do anything about it because the more you try, the more you antagonize the kid you want to save and the more distance you put between the two of you.

Worse than that is level three of the tragedy which is reached when the bad kid succeeds in turning the good kid against the parent or teacher that is trying to help. This happens when the bad kid convinces the good one that parents and teachers are the enemy. The more devilish of the bad kids are so sophisticated at this, they have developed a way to demonstrate their theory to the kids they dominate. What these devils do is predict that a parent or teacher will react in a certain way to an event, and advise the good kid that such reaction, if and when it comes, will be proof that the parent or the teacher is a bad person. Then they provoke the event.

To give an example, the two kids go to a teacher at the suggestion of the bad kid and ask that they be allowed to write the exam later on because they will both be working on the day that the teacher has designated as exam day. When the teacher says no, as predicted by the bad kid, the good kid takes this as proof that the teacher is a bad person.

This tragedy does not happen to kids only. It happens to adults too, as for example, at the office where someone naive may become anxious about something and seek advice from a bad colleague. A self-serving devilish soul would take advantage of the situation and push the anxious person to do something idiotic or something that serves the interest of the colleague.

It can also happen to a country that becomes too dependent on another country for its well being or survival. A case in point was Cuba when it fell under the influence of the old Soviet Union and went so far as to become a surrogate for the latter. As such, Cuba sent soldiers to fight in Africa to help spread the communist ideology there. Cuba had by then hit level three of the tragedy.

Now, for the sake of argument imagine turning the table and making Cuba use the Soviet Union as surrogate. Imagine the Cubans achieving control over the Kremlin, the Soviet military, the treasury and the media. Imagine the Russians fighting a disastrous war in South America to spread the Che Guevara ideology there and pave the way for Cuba to go in and take over the whole Continent.

You will be forgiven to think this is so absurd nothing like it can ever happen. But what if you discover that something similar is happening right now in the relationship between Israel and America? What if you learn that the Israelis who depend on America for their food, fuel, development and defense are in total control of both sides of Pennsylvania Avenue, the Pentagon and the US treasury? As absurd as this may sound, it is the reality, and the World is flabbergasted by the unseemly spectacle.

The reality is that Israel has managed to get America involved in a level three tragedy by pushing the mindless giant to fight a surrogate war in the Middle East where the original aim was to cut up the region into bite-size pieces and make them available for Israel to devour one by one at her leisure.

Furthermore, when the Israelis felt they had scored a spectacular success subjugating America, they upgraded an ancient dream of theirs. They turned the dream of grabbing the land that extends from the Nile to the Euphrates into a dream where they would grab the entire Middle East and control it tightly.

Then they upgraded this dream too and fantasized about going to a place where no dreamer has gone before. This would be a place where the locals will hail the Jews and their American surrogates as liberators and will shower them with flowers and kisses. Did someone ever say that the power of self-delusion has no limit?

The burning question now is this: How did Israel manage to bring the American giant to its knees? And the answer is: It started with the promise that if America guarantees the survival of the state of Israel, the latter will be so grateful that Israelis and Jews everywhere will work to guarantee a Middle East free of Soviet influence.

But as time went on, it looked like the promise was bogus because no scenario could be imagined where Israel or the Jews will be called upon to play such a role in the Middle East. The promise was then altered to claim that Israel can guarantee the Americans a cheap supply of oil if the latter would guarantee to help Israel maintain a supremacist status in the Middle East.

Supremacy is a theme that is lifted from the Old Testament, a document that is itself the compilation of all the metaphors, half truths, legends and fantasies of a people who never had a land of their own. To compensate for this insufficiency and to justify the evil they were committing, they created stories about a land that was promised to them by the Almighty.

But why would the Almighty do that? Well, He chose them to be His favorite children, you see. While this answered the question why, it also made the Jews superior to everyone else. And as they waited for God to fulfill His promise, the Jews wandered the deserts, raided all those they encountered and stole their foods and possessions not because they were thieves and vagabonds but because they were superior. Get it now?

These people bragged about the gore they inflicted on the others as they looted them, and they bragged about the destruction they wreaked on anything they failed to grab and run with. And they recorded all these horrors in the Old Testament to put humanity on notice as to what they stand for. And to this day, no writer has been able to write horror stories more horrifying than the existence that these people have lived over the millennia.

Those who call themselves Zionists have inherited that despicable mantle and they are today carrying on with the same pattern of looting, destroying and bragging as if it were a matter of religious duty. But to go with the times, they have formulated a new discourse which they run parallel with their activities. They are now saying they want peace and security because they have been pogrommed and holocausted enough already. To achieve their goal, they asked the Americans to help them maintain peace through strength.

The Americans responded by giving Israel all she asked for which was complete support that ranges from the verbal encouragement to butcher Palestinian children asleep in their beds to giving Israel the helicopters and the bombs with which to carry out those deeds. But no one in the region knuckled under this kind of primitive savagery, not even tiny Palestine.

And this was the thing that the Jewish organizations had predicted might happen and whispered about it in the ear of the Americans. Like the evil kids who play the game to dominate other kids, the Jewish organizations had suggested that to resist knuckling under when Uncle Sam roars is proof that the Arabs are a bad people and that they are a threat to America. And so America roared, the Arabs failed to knuckle under and America felt threatened. See how it works when the devil incarnate whispers in the ear of the gullible?

In a situation like this, the rule is that you get the unintended consequences more often than you get what you wished for. Yes, everyone in the region suffered their share because of what was inflicted on them, but the Americans suffered the most because only they chose the company in which they found themselves.

As it turned out, no one in the region was intimidated enough to give the Israelis reason to feel superior. But something entirely different happened in the relationship between Israel and America. Having served the interests of Israel to the detriment of their own interests, which is what the domestics of old were supposed to do, the Americans felt inferior to the Jews while the Jews felt superior to the Americans. This mind-boggling situation reached a point where most religious leaders in America started telling their flock to go out, find a Jew and worship him as your God. Literally.

So I ask again: What does George Bush know about democracy? What does America know about democracy? And the answer to both questions is absolutely nothing. In fact, when America lectures to the World on democracy, it is like a witch doctor lecturing to neurosurgeons on brain surgery. It is a sick joke. A very sick joke.