Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Olympics, The CBC And Me

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation or the CBC as it is better known in Canada, is the biggest and most powerful radio and television network in the country and it is funded with the money of taxpayers some of whom are Arabs of the Christian and Muslim faiths.

It is important to note at the outset that the Canadian character is such that when you are funded with taxpayers money, it does not mean you are accountable to the public but that you are something special. Consequently, you do not develop humility in the face of a public that is your benefactor but develop a complex of superiority to which everyone bows.

Thus, when the CBC sets the tone, everyone follows and he who manages to take control of the CBC takes control of the cultural life in Canada. Well folks, Netanyahu of Israel has managed to take control of the CBC in the same way that he took control of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) in England.

The next four paragraphs are excerpts from a book I wrote whose publication was blocked by the notorious Jewish Establishment which works under the direction and reports to no one but to that same Netanyahu.

[Late in the decade of the Nineteen Nineties I moved from Montreal to Oakville where I started a small local newspaper and published in English. I did not bother hooking up to a cable company and I did not try to get in touch with my friends and acquaintances in Montreal. They did not try to track me down either for several years until one day I heard from one of them.]

[This being the year 2004, my friend asked if I was going to watch the Olympics in a few weeks time. I said he should know I am not much of the sports type and he cut me off with "but it’s on the CBC." I said this settles it because I don’t have cable and without cable I don’t get the CBC’s main channel because it’s on the VHF band which gets me only two channels from nearby Hamilton. But what’s the big deal anyway?]

[He said that he learned from an insider and was able to verify that during the live broadcast of the opening ceremonies at least in the past two Olympics, the Jewish masters of the CBC had organized for the network to cut to a commercial at one or two seconds before the entry into the stadium of every Arab team, and to return to the broadcast after the team had gone out of view. He said that when you watch these ceremonies you never realize there are twenty two Arab countries on the planet, not even one Arab country. As far as the CBC is concerned, the Arab countries do not exist. He added that on order from Netanyahu of Israel, they were planning to do it again during the 2004 Olympics. I said, I’ll see what I can do to watch it this year.]

[I arranged for this to happen and watched the opening ceremonies. Lo and behold, the thing unfolded exactly as my friend said it would. There were no Arab countries on this planet according to the CBC. I thought to myself that long before anyone had wiped Israel off the map, the CBC had wiped 22 Arab countries off the Globe, and had been doing it for at least three Olympics.]

My encounters with the CBC are too numerous to mention in their entirety but there is one more encounter I wish to discuss before I go into something else. In 1993 or thereabout, Prime Minister Brian Mulroney wrote me a letter asking that I get involved in the debate concerning the Accord, a project he undertook that was to be voted on in a referendum and whose objective was to bring Quebec into the Canadian Constitution. I responded positively to the request.

But because I was called a loose gun on the deck and a maverick who belongs to no one, I was blacklisted and therefore could not be published. Thus, the folks in the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) came up with an ingenious way to use my thoughts and arguments without mentioning my name or giving me credit for the work I did and the insights I generated.

What these folks did was to set up a committee of "Prominent Canadians" who took up my thoughts and arguments, and articulated them as if they were their own. Eventually, the referendum took place and our side lost even though the polls were pointing to a big time success up until a few days before the vote. But the polls changed suddenly and we were hit with a stunning reversal that seemed to come out of the blue.

Now, the reason why I did not object to the arrangement concocted by the folks in the PMO was because "mining" my work by thieves at every level of the Canadian publishing industry had been the story of my life for 25 years prior to that time. At least these guys asked for my permission to rob me, which they said was for the good of the country and I could not say no to that.

Fast forward to a few months later when I received a phone call I had not expected. Prime Minister Mulroney was just about to go on television and announce that he will be resigning before the end of his term so as to give his Party the time to choose a new leader who will run the country for a while before calling a general election. This is how things are done in the British-style parliamentary system such as we adhere to in Canada.

The caller did not tell me who he was but asked if I wanted to join a comedic group called: "Just For Laughs." I responded with a question of my own: "What should I do?" He said someone will call me and tell me what to do. We both hung up. I thought this was my reward for participating in the effort to keep Canada united. And since the group in question was associated with the CBC, I thought that finally the blacklisting of me was going to be lifted.

Alas, nothing of the sort happened because it is now fifteen years later and that phone call has not come yet. I learned in the interim that a debate ensued in the PMO behind Mr. Mulroney’s back as to what to do with me. A "council" representing the Jewish Establishment at first refused to reward me but then relented and settled on the comedic group because they wanted to fashion the impression I was not a serious thinker but a comedian.

But then the council got cold feet again when someone mentioned that rewarding me at this time may just be the breakthrough that will open other doors for me. And so the council decided to keep me invisible for ever lest I "burst" onto the scene and blaze the cultural trail out of their control.

As to why we had a reversal in the polls and why we suffered the loss in the referendum, it can all be attributed to one radio broadcaster called Rafe Mair who was and still is based in the Western Province of British Columbia. To understand what Mair did, we must meet another British Columbian, the Minister of Constitutional Affairs, Moe Sihota. This man did not like the fact that I was kept invisible during the negotiations and he wanted me to come out in the open because he said he felt like he was negotiating with a ghost.

Rafe Mair picked up on that and pointed to the fact that the group of Prominent Canadians who were allowed to steal my thoughts and arguments to the exclusion of everyone else were all from the Eastern Establishment of Ontario and Quebec. He led a revolt in the West and thus managed to sway public opinion against the Accord.

And in a classic example as to how the unintended consequences can take over the unfolding of events, Moe Sihota tried to reassure Rafe Mair that the situation was under control because the Premier of Quebec, Robert Bourassa, was outgunned by the maverick "ghost." In turn, this reassurance motivated someone in the Bourassa entourage to leak a conversation showing that the man caved in to the demands of English Canada. In turn, this revelation infuriated the people of Quebec who began to oppose the Accord as well. Thus, opposition was now coming from Quebec in the East as much as it did from British Columbia in the West. Ontario and Alberta followed suit and the result was disaster for our side.

The stunning thing is that the group of Prominent Canadians saw what was happening and they had a few days to save the situation and realize the dream of bringing Quebec into the Constitutional fold. All they had to do was lift me out of the blacklist which would have calmed the nerves of those guys in the Western part of the country. But no, the Prominent Canadians could not do this because the Jewish Establishment would rather see Canada remain fractured or even blow up than give me the chance to exercise my right to speak freely.

And within a day or two after the defeat of the referendum, the CBC produced a documentary under a title that sounded something like: "Anatomy of a Failed Accord" or some such title. The network did so in haste to quell the rumors which were bubbling about the "ghost" who played a key role in the events that had just unfolded. And of course, the documentary never mentioned the ghost.

When I was told about the role that the Jewish council played to scuttle my joining the "Just for Laughs" group, I was also told that the council did not like something else. It is that some rumors were circulating to the effect that calling on me to participate in the debate may have been the dice which Prime Minister Mulroney said he rolled when he decided to take up the Constitutional file. True or not, the council of Jews thought that such talk will give me an importance they will never be able to crush if I were taken off the blacklist and allowed to speak my mind.

In the end, unable to call a ghost "Newsmaker of the Year," the Canadian media establishment gave the honor to the referendum itself, an idea to which the CBC concurred wholeheartedly. And it is in this manner that events always begin in Canada, take shape, die and are buried. And if Canadian History looks and sounds boring on the surface, it is because the falsification of history and the recording thereof are done by a committee of mindless stiff upper lips at the very moment that the events are unfolding. If those guys cannot rob you and make themselves look and sound interesting brandishing the trophy they just looted, they will bury you along with the truth.

Finally, there is nothing the CBC can do now to give me back the life it has robbed me of in participation with others but there is plenty it can do to make things better for the Christian and Muslim Arab communities it has insidiously and incessantly maligned over the decades both by omission and by commission.

I shall be watching the opening ceremonies of the Olympic games that will take place in a few days to see if the top brass at the CBC are beginning to free themselves from the grip of Netanyahu of Israel who is manipulating them from afar, the one they have adopted as publisher in lieu of the Canadian public which is paying their salaries.