Sunday, August 10, 2008

Meal In The Eye Of The Scorpion

First, I wish to congratulate the Chinese people and their leaders for the opening ceremony of the 29th. Olympiad; it was a performance that stunned the world by its power and beauty. Second, I wish to register my sadness at the fact that President George W. Bush of the United States of America used the occasion to make the remarks that he did in Thailand on his way to China with regard to freedom of religion in that country. Sad also was the spectacle of the American religious individuals who created a scene in Beijing by dropping to their knees and shouting slogans of the same phony cause.

I thought it would ease the pain that the Chinese leaders must have felt and ease the bewilderment that the Chinese public must have experienced because of those incidents if the leaders and the public were given an explanation as to why some individuals from this continent go to Asia, more specifically to China, and do what they do. Here is my explanation as concisely as I can make it.

Apparently there are scorpions in nature that would kill and eat a suitor whose manner of courtship they do not appreciate. First, the partners engage in a mating dance but if one of them does not perform properly, the disaffected partner stings it to death and eats it. The aggressor does so not to appease its hunger but out of frustration.

This metaphor more than anything else represents what is currently taking place between two groups in America, each of which has assumed the mantle of an existing religion but not its principles or tenets. One group says it represents Evangelical Christianity and the other says it represents Rabbinical Judaism.

What must be said about these two made-up religions is that they call themselves religions of the Book. And what is remarkable about them is that they are based on absolutes. Unlike the dozens of existing religions where the Gods resemble human beings to a great extent, the God of the Book is one that is spoken of only in superlative terms. For example, it is said that He always was and will always be. He is all knowing and powerful without bounds. He is infinitely perfect and good without limits - and so on and so forth.

Thus when you worship this God, you allow no room for compromise and you do not tolerate half-way measures. Everything you do in His name, you take it to extreme and defend it with fanatical zeal. You do so knowing that He approves of your actions and that He will protect you in this world then reward you in the next.

While the two fake religious groups in America are engaged in a metaphorical mating dance, the Christians believe that when the day of the Rapture comes, the Jews will see the light and convert to Christianity. As for the Jews, they believe that on the day the Messiah will reveal himself, the Christians will realize that the Jews are the chosen children of God, preordained to rule over humanity and thus let them rule.

In the meantime, knowing what the phony Jews fantasize about, the phony Christians call them the apple of God’s eye to stroke their vanity. But this is an apple they would love to devour because they believe the Jews crucified Jesus who was a Messiah that has come and gone.

On the other hand, knowing what the Christians fantasize about, the Jews call them the children of the new promised land to pump them with fake pride but these are children they would love to devour because they believe that the Christians persecuted them throughout history based on the belief that the Jews crucified a Messiah that is yet to come and go.

True, false or exaggerated, those historical situations have taught the Jewish leaders known as the rabbis that to keep control over their flock, they must create a constant climate of fear to the effect that, as a people, they are about to be annihilated. This in turn created the hate which is the other ingredient needed to make the glue by which to keep the flock together.

What the rabbis have learned over time did eventually transform into the valuable skills they incorporated into a book they call the Talmud. This is where parts of the old religion are constantly being mixed with the new realities for the purpose of creating new tools to deceive, to con and to make believe without appearing to be unbelievable. And the whole became a new religion that is constantly changing its face.

The rabbis called this new religion Rabbinical Judaism and they brought it to America along with their skills, wasting no time to make that country live in fear and hate as they still do with their flock. Of course, the goal of the rabbis has always been to make America susceptible to fall under their control as if the whole country was but a small part of the flock.

This done, the plan is to use America as a stepping stone to go after the rest of the world given the power and prestige that have concentrated in that country since it was founded a few centuries ago. And the diligent work of the rabbis is beginning to pay off as can be seen by America’s submission to every wish that is labeled Jewish or Israeli.

To wit, try to do something for America or the American people and you see the Administration, the Congress and the Press split half for the thing and half against it. But try to do something for Israel or the Jews and you get 100% approval from all sides. America is democratic when it comes to American needs but authoritarian when it comes to Israeli and Jewish needs.

When you have a situation as demonic as this, you need a powerful tonic to keep it going, and there is no tonic more powerful than perpetual demagoguery. Therefore, the two religious groups have cooperated to create the perfect nemesis to fear and to hate, a nemesis which may surprise some people to know are not the Arabs or the Muslims but all of humanity.

In fact, the phony Christians and the phony Jews have declared war against the entire human race. Asia being home to a large portion of this humanity, the two religions have targeted the continent for their demagogic activities. This is why Bush was made to do what he did which is demagoguery on a presidential scale.

In the final analysis it can be seen that what the two religious groups want is absolute dominion over the planet. Given this mindset, they must be regarded and treated not as religions but as political movements that have managed to harness the force of religion to advance their agenda with the fanatic devotion that is due to an absolute God.

And to advance that agenda, they are now at a stage where they routinely use the President of the United States of America as megaphone to threaten anyone who would dare to challenge them or stand in their way. The first President to be fully mobilized for this purpose was Bill Clinton whom some people have called Netanyahu’s mouth-farting instrument because he had a large capacity to blow off the gas that Netanyahu of Israel was formulating all the time.

But Clinton has now been outdone by Bush who is beginning to look like an orchestra of wind instruments forever playing the Netanyahu symphony of farts. Slated to go down in history as the mouth-farting president of America, Bush got there by surrounding himself with the speechwriters that put into his mouth an ample supply of Netanyahu’s gas. And the man still has some of that gas in reserve.

In fact, if the world is beginning to stink, it is because America is being emptied of its gas supply by the phony Christian and the phony Jewish elements that rule it. And what the rest of us can do now is hold our noses and wait for the assault on our nostrils to pass which will happen when America will have run out of gas and Netanyahu of Israel will have run out of farts and will fart no more.