Friday, September 19, 2008

Dershowitz Crucifies New Prince Of Peace

Alan Dershowitz published an article the other day under the title: "Dems Diss Jimmy Carter" He says the former President was supposed to address the Democratic convention but was disinvited in part because of pressure brought to bear on the Democratic Party by guess who. You guessed it, Alan Dershowitz himself.

The author also mentions a book he wrote under a subtitle that reads in part: "Jimmy Carter … Who Stand[s] In The Way of Peace." Dershowitz is here talking about the same American President who brokered a peace deal between Egypt and Israel which made possible the peace deal between Jordan and Israel which paved the way for the Arab League’s offer to recognize Israel and normalize all Arab relations with her which encouraged the start of the peace negotiations between Syria and Israel. An impressive chain of events by any measure.

When someone does something as meaningful as did Jimmy Carter and you accuse him of the exact opposite, the word used to describe your accusation is crucifixion. There is no doubt that Jimmy Carter has been the American Prince of Peace who worked diligently to solve the problems of the Middle East and thus secured the survival of the state of Israel like no one else did before him or after him. But look what Dershowitz is doing; he is crucifying the man as if to enforce the stereotypical view that Jews crucify all those who bring peace to them the way they crucified Jesus Christ.

How can such action be explained? The secret to understanding the mentality behind it all lies in the understanding of the Talmud. This is a book that uses the Old Jewish Testament as a base upon which to construct a supremacist philosophy. And it is becoming increasingly apparent that this philosophy has been the single most important inspiration behind all the supremacist philosophies that came and plagued mankind since the Second Century AD.

Before we delve deeper into this subject, let us look at the Dershowitz article again. This is what the author says: "I must admit … I played a role … to disinvite Carter. I made it clear that I could not support a party that honored … Carter." What Dershowitz is really saying here is this: Look how powerful and how influential I am, so admire me.

But why is he powerful and influential? Well, it is that Jews are powerful and influential, and he happens to be a Jew. In fact, before he talked about himself, Dershowitz had this to say in the paragraph just above: "Perhaps the Democrats learned … from the Republican[s]. [Pat] Buchanan’s speech … may well have contributed to their electoral defeat. Had Jimmy Carter been allowed to speak … the impact on voters might have been considerable."

What Dershowitz says here is that the defeat of Bush 41 by Bill Clinton in 1992 was due to the influence that Jews exerted on the American people and their institutions. But this is not the first time that a Jew has attributed that same defeat to a stand taken by the former President. I discussed this point when I mentioned Tom Friedman in a book whose publication was blocked by none other than the Establishment to which Alan Dershowitz and Tom Friedman, belong. Here is the relevant excerpt.

[Tom Friedman offered Bush 43 an advice that was tied to a reward and a threat. It happened a few days after the tragedy of September 11, 2001 when Friedman went to Israel and stood in front of the Jim Lehrer News Hour camera and told the President he should attack Iraq, not Afghanistan. He warned that if the President did not attack Iraq, he will be defeated in the next election the same way that his father (Bush 41) was defeated for not going all the way to Baghdad during the first Gulf war.]

And so we have it that George Bush 41 was defeated in 1992 by Bill Clinton because he did not go all the way to Baghdad according to Tom Friedman and because Pat Buchanan was allowed to speak at the Republican convention according to Alan Dershowitz.

This is a pattern that is not unique to these two characters; it is common to all Jewish authors of their ilk. But is this a conspiracy? Yes it is because it is a culture and in some sense a culture is a conspiracy. You would not have a culture if you did not have a number of people come together and agree to follow a set of self-serving principles, and this happens to be the way that conspiracy is loosely defined. Thus it is important to ask: How did this culture come to be? And what is the history behind it?

It was in the Second Century AD that a number of self proclaimed leaders who insisted they were rabbis of the Jewish faith got together and invented a movement they called Rabbinical Judaism. They fiddled with the ideas in the Old Testament and then stuffed their newly minted concoctions into a book they called the Talmud with the view to accomplish two things: First, they sought to rebuild the World so as to counter the Christian movement which was beginning to attract followers in droves. Second, they wished to leave a record instructing their followers how to go about realizing the dream they created for their movement.

To this end, every entry made by those leaders and by their successors in the Talmud aims at enforcing the following set of concepts: If you are a part of our movement consider yourself chosen by God to control the World and to fix it so as to make it safe for you and for me. Because you are so chosen, you can never be wrong in what you say or do as long as the aim is to help the cause of the movement. Cheat, mislead, deceive, distort, double-cross, double-deal, betray, make false pretenses, false presentations, have it both ways, confuse the issues and so on and so forth from here to eternity – and you will only be blessed by the Almighty. In fact, the much ballyhooed Protocol of the Elders of Zion is but a pale imitation of the more sophisticated and much more subtle Talmud.

The result has been that the truth in the hands of the Talmudists who earnestly embrace the teachings of their book is like silly putty in the hands of a child. These people give the truth any shape and any form they want when they want it to suit their current purpose. Thus, when it suited Friedman to say that Bush 41 was defeated because he did not go to Baghdad, this became the official history of that event as it was tailor-made for a specific moment. And when it suited Dershowitz to say that Bush was defeated because the Republican convention allowed Pat Buchanan to speak, this became the official history of that same event as it was tailor-made for a different moment.

But when history and the truth are distorted to this degree, reality in the eyes of the agents of distortion becomes confused with their own fantasies. Thus, to be a Talmudist or to be an innocent follower who goes along not knowing what the movement is about, is to live in a fantasy World that ultimately leads to a tragedy such as a pogrom or a holocaust. This is a law of nature that never failed to assert itself century after century almost everywhere on this Planet.

And this accounts for the fact that even though Judaism recruited from all over the World, very few people joined the wacko movement of the Talmudists whose numbers have remained small. By contrast, the other religions recruited mostly from a more restricted pool of local sources yet they managed to attract considerably more followers.

Being consummate shape shifters, the Talmudists have presented their movement as just about anything you can imagine depending on where, when and to whom they made the presentation. But when all was said and done, they proved to have only a limited number of cards to play with. At the top of these cards was the sense of nationalism which manifested itself in Germany at the beginning of the Twentieth Century and led to the mother of holocausts for the Jews and for a number of other people.

That same card is being played in America today but because the word nationalism has become a bad word in the English language, it was replaced by a synonym, and the new word is patriotism. Add to this the ability to confuse the issues that the Talmudists have developed such as when they confuse America’s interest with that of Israel, and you will understand how it was possible for these people to get away with the insinuation that Bush 41 was not patriotic when he refused to go all the way to Baghdad. And to get away with the insinuation that Jimmy Carter may not be patriotic because he refused to stand by Israel despite the crimes she committed even if the former President did not mention the most horrible of those crimes and he deliberately avoided saying negative things about Israel.

What Alan Dershowitz does not realize is that by calling for the crucifixion of the new Prince of Peace, he is signaling that we are at the end of a cycle, therefore at a crossroad. That is, the time has come for someone to define what the legitimate aspirations of the Jews are and to negotiate in good faith or the World will witness another tragedy where we shall all suffer and the Jews shall pay the highest of all prices.

Dershowitz is not the man to negotiate for the Jews and neither is Friedman. Let’s leave out the latter and concentrate on Dershowitz. Even a cursory look at his article shows he means to glorify himself and to highlight the influence he has in the corridors of power. Yet, strewn all over the article are references to anti-Semitism, anti-Zionism and anti-Israeli sentiments as if an attack on any of those were an attack on him personally. This means he defines himself by how he defines a Jew, a Zionists or an Israeli, and it shows he is confused enough to believe in his own lies. This disqualifies him from negotiating on anyone’s behalf yet he goes around behaving as if he were the chief negotiator for all the Jews and for Israel.

Also, those who know something about the man know he does not tolerate ideas that contradict his own. Couple this with the fact that even though he is merely an observer who never formally studied the Holocaust and never suffered it, he believes he is qualified to tell what happened during that chapter of history more than does Professor Norman Finkelstein who is the son of Holocaust survivors and who made the history of the Holocaust the subject of his lifelong study and teachings. Yet here too, Dershowitz has claimed he was instrumental in denying Finklestein the tenure that was owed to him where he taught and where he was deemed to be an excellent professor.

Thus, even though Dershowitz and his colleagues in the Talmudic Establishment never shy away from taking credit for the corrosive and toxic influence they exert on the public and the institutions of America, something they achieve by hook, by crook and by blackmail, they turn reality upside down when they claim that their opponents are dangerous to the principles of Democracy as he does in his latest piece where he writes:

[It is Jimmy Carter who has tried to skew the marketplace of ideas by refusing to debate. So let Jimmy Carter speak…But let others who disagree with him be invited to speak…That is debate, not the kind of one-sided propaganda that Carter insists on. So I renew my challenge to President Carter: Join the marketplace of ideas. Debate me.]

What Dershowitz is saying here is this: Carter was not fit to speak at the Democratic convention even though it is long been traditional for living ex-presidents to be invited to address their party’s quadrennial convention. I declared him unfit and had him disinvited but he can debate me if he wants because this is Democracy Talmudic style. I was not invited to speak at the convention therefore Carter could not speak in that venue either even if the subjects discussed were American subjects and not Israeli. Understand this all of you out there; either you are for Israel or you are against her. And if you are against her you are not fit to speak on any subject - American, Jewish or otherwise. And if you try to speak without my permission, your fate will be the ruin of your life if not worse.

Well folks, this is a supremacist mentality that is begging for the return of the Holocaust. Dershowitz and those like him are not only crucifying every Prince of Peace that tries to bring peace to them, they are nailing to the cross every hand such as America’s hand that feeds them and feeds Israel. And in the process, they are also nailing to the cross every Jew that says: Enough of this madness, I am not going to be a part of this insanity anymore just because I am a Jew and these most pathological of egomaniacs pretend to be Jews with the right to speak for me and for my loved ones. I am through with them.

We need more people such as these to come out of hiding and to speak up because we cannot, as a species, let this tragedy play itself fully one more time.