Friday, October 10, 2008

A Mirror Image That Is Upside Down

You can scarcely read an article these days or watch a television show that does not attempt to explain what led to the financial difficulties the World is facing at the present time. However, the trouble is that the pundits who contribute their two cents worth of blabber do so by explaining the mechanics of the collapse and by calling it the root cause of the problem.

This is like explaining a car crash by saying the car was going too fast on this stretch of the road and the breaks failed to slow it down. The two things caused the car to skid and slam into the tree. What the pundits do not say is that the driver was drunk at the time of the accident, and this was the only reason why the car crashed.

The reality is that there has been a long history behind the situation that the World is facing today, a history that goes beyond the usual histrionics. It is a human story that is more clearly told through the incidents which make up its elements. However, because I never thought that a day will come when I shall be telling these things, I did not keep adequate notes at the time that the incidents occurred.

My memory is failing me when it comes to some details, especially the names of some of people I mention. Nevertheless, I am pulling the stories out of the drawer I call "do-not-tell history" to do the opposite of what I intended. I shall tell what I can reconstruct from a sketchy memory and a record that is less than complete. I shall then draw the corresponding conclusions with the understanding that I may not have everything exactly right.

It happened in the early Nineteen Nineties that a bank which I believe was called "Bank of Credit and Commerce International" failed. It had a small branch in the US and the failure was barely mentioned in the American press. It also happened that the biggest loser in this incident was an Arab prince whose name I do not remember and who lost something like fifteen or twenty million dollars in the deal.

The finger of blame was pointed at a man of Pakistani origin whose name I believe was Agha Hassan Abeidi and who may or may not have been an American citizen or holder of a green card. In any case, the Arab prince was the victim in this mess and nobody disputed this fact. Nobody, that is, except one person who made a big issue out of a small incident.

That person was a CNN broadcaster who, if memory serves me right was doing the weather, the sports or both. One day this man broke out in apoplectic rage at the end of his regular broadcast and he lashed out at the foreigners - meaning all the Arabs not just that one victimized prince - who mess up with the American banking system and thus endanger America’s prosperity and the wellbeing of its people.

That weatherman/sportscaster characterized the incident as the biggest financial scandal to hit America and he derided those with the power in Washington who should be doing something about it - perhaps hang all the Arabs in a public square - but were not doing it. I believe that person was Bill Schneider of CNN but I could be wrong.

Compare this with what is happening to the financial system in America today and ask why it is that no one of the same ilk is turning apoplectic at the "Friends of Israel" who managed in eight short years to ruin the once economic superstar that was America, and turn it into an economic basket case thus endangering not only the people of America but all of humanity.

The answer is simple, those who took control of the American financial system first took control of the media and used it as a stepping stone to get to the political apparatus which gave them full access to the wealth of the nation. From their positions inside the apparatus, they worked on the financial system itself in a quest to turn it into a cash cow that would serve the never satisfied interests of Israel.

Thus, if we want to understand how the history of America’s demise unfolded, we must study a tangled web that is as Byzantine as the story of the sportscaster who used the time allotted to sports and to the weather in order to make commentaries that served the interests of Israel and to beat up on the Arabs. And he did all this without giving the latter the opportunity to defend themselves or to respond to what he was spewing.

History will not be kind to that man or to such characters as Michael Milken, Ivan Boesky, Robert Maxwell, Andrew and Lea Fastow, and all those who milked America and transferred much of the wealth to what they called charitable causes in Israel. They were the who-is-who of two infamous lists, one called the list of those who cheated America, and the other called the list of those who were and may still be friends of Israel.

I shall let history deal with these people in the manner that it usually does and turn my attention to something that history normally forgets. What preoccupies me are the little things that paint a big picture when viewed from the human angle. The following incident tells one such story as eloquently as anything can.

Robert Scully is a Canadian broadcaster who does shows in French and in English. He used to do a show called Scully Rencontre for the French division of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC). The French title of the show translates into Scully Meets With.

Sometime before the death of Robert Maxwell, Robert Scully met with him and had a discussion that was carried on Radio Canada which is the name given to the French division of the CBC. A week or two after the airing of the show, letters from viewers commenting on it came to Scully.

This was a time when the notorious Jewish organizations were known to engage in organizing letter writing campaigns promoting their never ending causes. Of all the letters that came to him, Scully read on the air the one that said Robert Maxwell was so excellent in that interview, he demonstrated why Jews must be allowed to take control of and to run the World.

And there goes the whole sordid story as told in a nutshell. Not only was Robert Maxwell defined as someone who would rob his grandmother of her false teeth, so vile was the man, he was also a natural friend of Israel and a character so impressive to the letter writing campaigners that they tried to make us believe he should control the World and all of humanity.

Now we have a true picture of what the CNN man and those like him attempted to accomplish then and still do now. Their cause is not that of reflecting the world through a mirror where the left hand becomes the right hand and vice versa, it is one of reflecting the world in a mirror that turns the whole World upside down.

We also get a clear picture as to what is ruining America and threatening mankind today. By repeating the accusation that a criticism directed against a Jewish organization or against Israel is a mutated form of anti-Semitism, the self-styled Jewish organizations were able to hide behind the suffering of Jews to do the thing that led to that suffering in the first place. Such organizations were the architects of their own demise, and with their deeds paved the way for the pogroms and holocausts of the past.

And to understand why no one of the same ilk or any ilk dared to speak against the friends of Israel, we must understand that by shielding themselves against criticism, these organizations put themselves beyond all checks and all balances. This done, they acquired and then monopolized the powers that the system denied to everyone else, powers they used to obliterate every opposition.

But in a country like America which used to pride itself on its system of checks and balances, a Congress that never strayed too far from a 50-50 vote on any issue yet voted nearly 100% in favor of the Jewish causes began to look like a Congress of prostitutes operating at the bottom of toilet bowl. Still daring to call itself a democracy, the American regime began to lose the esteem of the World and more importantly the esteem of its own people.

Normally, the strategy employed by the Friends of Israel works at the beginning until such time that the people affected respond to the human stories it creates, that is, when the situation hits them where it counts the most, their livelihood. This is happening now and the future does not bode well for the Jews at large. In consequence of this development, a few brave souls began to speak up which, at last, is a hopeful sign in this entire sordid saga.

These souls can use all the encouragement we can give them and we should all rally to their cause.