Sunday, February 1, 2009

Read Your Speeches Before You Read Them

On Monday January 26, the American President Barack Obama stood before the press in America and those around the world to discuss his energy plan and a few other things which he did after reading a short speech containing the opening remarks. As he red the speech, the President stumbled once or twice and thus disclosed that the speech was written by a speechwriter. The President also became visibly uneasy as would someone who just saw a ghost which is not surprising given that speechwriters are ghost writers who express their opinions as much as they do those of the person who reads the speech or worse, those of a third party.

Given that Mr. Obama is a good writer and a great orator, it is easy to detect which speeches or parts thereof he writes and which are written for him by someone else. Naturally, his writings bear a signature that is vintage his own while the other writings bear a signature that is supposed to be vintage the different writers, but something odd has been happening here which merits further study.

Since at least the second term of Bill Clinton and throughout the presidency of W. Bush, the bent of the various White House speechwriters has been one that reflects the heart and soul of Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu. Not only did the speeches and the utterances of the American Presidents reflect the evil that is the spirit of Netanyahu but they carried a dirty message to the world as well. They demonstrated -- and deliberately so -- that the Likud Party of Israel owned the brains of the two previous Presidents and that AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) a division of the World Jewish Congress, operated their mouths.

Sadly, the passage red by Mr. Obama on January 26 also bore the signature of the Netanyahu spirit and thus solidified the suspicion started a few weeks earlier to the effect that those who work for Israel had again succeeded in dragging the symbol of America’s power down the slippery slope of horror. This is the slope on which the superpower had skidded in the past, a time when America’s good name and image began to be dragged in the mud. Thus, if there is one advice I can give the President it is that he should read his speeches before he reads them to the public.

But why was it necessary for any of this to happen at all? Well, no logical argument can be made here as to the why of things but the observation is easily made to the effect that some people believe they have the divine right to be handed everything they desire. And given that what they desire at this time is to embellish the image of Israel, they do all they can to use the goodwill that the world harbors for America and they divert it to polish the image of Israel, to make her shine and make her look better than she is.

And because Israel’s image is muddied every time her army bombs the children of Palestine, the most effective way to dilute the ugliness of these activities is to drag America into the mix. The Israelis achieve this by utilizing the American Weapons of Child Destruction, then letting the world know who is supplying them to Israel. The Israelis make it perfectly clear that America supplies the jets and the helicopters, the smart bombs and the cluster types. These are the weapons that search for, find and blow up the schools like those run by the UN and other organizations. The deliberate destruction of schools was carried out in Gaza not long ago and carried out on the UN headquarter in Southern Lebanon before that.

And, like watching a video game, the spectacle has delighted the Israeli voters and warmed the hearts of Jewish audiences around the world as well as a few non-Jewish crackpots. Hitler too felt warm in his cold grave; and who would now insist that these people have no heart! They accused humanity of hating them because we are all genetically programmed to be anti-Semitic, so they told us to love our enemies. And to give the good example, they fell madly in love with Hitler, their longtime worst enemy. They warmed his heart and gave him the comfort of knowing that in his absence, someone is carrying on with his demonic work.

But in case this will not be enough to dump all of Israel’s responsibilities into the lap of America, the Israeli delegation at the UN in New York always manages to convince the American delegation to give the superpower’s blessing to Israel’s crimes against humanity. In the meantime, and by deliberate coincidence, the speechwriters handpicked by AIPAC in Washington get busy at the White House and they write the speeches into which they slip a few treacherous code words and a number of expressions. This is how the American Presidents are duped into innocently saying the wrong things not realizing what these things represent to an Arab audience or a Muslim one.

One trick the AIPAC people love to pull is to let the Arabs, the Muslims and the rest of the world know beforehand what the American President will say and what he will do then have him say and do just that. And bingo, in the eyes of even a child, the image of the American President transforms from that of a respected man standing proud at the helm of a superpower to that of a parrot kept prisoner inside a cage or worse, a poodle hooked at one end of a leash while the other end is held by master Netanyahu. President Clinton took on this image toward the end of his presidency but did not seem fit for it; President W. Bush took on the image at the beginning and throughout his presidency and looked like he was born for the role.

Another trick AIPAC and Company use is that which they pulled on January 26 when they made the current American President insult the Arabs the moment he mentioned petroleum. Well, in the eyes of the Arab World, the Muslim World and the whole wide World no one is forcing America to buy oil from the Arabs. In the privacy of their thoughts, these people ask: If you hate buying oil from the Arabs why the hell do you buy oil from the Arabs? And when they attempt to answer the question they see something fraudulent about this uniquely American habit.

To try and decipher this puzzle, let us say for the sake of argument that it is a fraud to express a phony hatred toward the Arabs for selling to America what America comes knocking at their door to buy. If this statement were true, the question follows as to who may experience hatred when America trades with the Arabs or the Muslims. Who wants to drive the wedge between these two? And who wants to isolate America as a prelude to owning her lock stock and barrel? To find the answer to these questions you only need to read Tom Friedman’s column in the New York Times and watch him on television. You will realize that it is Netanyahu of the Likud Party of Israel, and it is the Jewish Establishment in America who want these things. When you do, you will also have realized that it is they who author the words spoken by the American Presidents. Bingo, you got it now.

On that January day, President Obama also submitted to an interview with the Arabic satellite channel El Arabiya. He said that he wanted to deal with the Arab and Muslim Worlds with mutual respect. The trouble is that Presidents Clinton and Bush before him wanted the same thing but they made the mistake of doing the opposite not realizing what they were made to do. They were not aware that the words and expressions put in their mouths were loaded with booby traps designed to blow up the moment they reach Arab or Muslim ears. One booby trap being to insult the Arabs for selling oil to America, the very sin that Mr. Obama committed when he stood before the press earlier that day.

But unlike Clinton who is semi-intelligent and Bush who is devoid of intelligence, Obama enjoys a high degree of intelligence. He will therefore understand that those who (in the words of Rodney Dangerfield) feel they don’t get no respect have chosen to make the world suffer that same fate. Consequently, they believe in the depth of their souls that if they get America to show disrespect for others, the others will return the favor and show disrespect for America. Those characters hope that when this disease is injected often enough into the body of humanity, it will spread to contaminate the entire human race. And when disrespect becomes the accepted norm throughout the world, the Jews will no longer appear unique with regards to what happened when the Nazis made them spit on the floor and forced them to lick their own spit.

Powered by this desire, the self-proclaimed Jews of today who inhabit Israel and those who run AIPAC will not rest until the world is metaphorically made to spit on the floor and forced to lick its own spit. The way to achieve this is to begin by making successive American Presidents insult people left and right, which has been happening for some time now. But aside from that routine, the question to ask boils down to this: How far is America prepared to go in giving those sickos everything they wish for? You will see how genuine and how explosive this concern can be when you consider that the AIPAC characters are consumed by another and more gruesome historical event.

More than they resent being forced to lick their own spit, these people are consumed by the fact that lampshades were made from Jewish skin. And like Alan Dershowitz has been advocating for decades, the Jews believe they have the right to do to others what the others did to them or did to each other. And so the question poses itself: Is America prepared to make lampshades from the skin of every group on the planet to make the AIPAC sickos feel better about themselves? And how many skins will that be? Six million? Or must it be a disproportionate one hundred to one, therefore six hundred million skins?

Just remember, Mr. President, once you choose to go down this slippery slope, you will reach the bottom of the pit before you realize what it is that dragged you down there. The way to avoid all this is to say to the Jews at the outset what you would say to anyone: Enough is enough; there is nothing divine or special about you. If you want to be respected, you must work for and you must earn that respect. Do not count on me being instrumental in spending one more ounce of America’s prestige to make you or make Israel look better than what you will make of yourselves. Run along, kid and find a Clinton or a Bush to con because with me, the game stops here and stops now.