Thursday, September 3, 2009

Phantom Erection Of The Eunuch (2 of 2)

For a reason that is not yet clear, a Middle Eastern method of self identification was picked up by the Jewish organizations and spread throughout the West, especially the English speaking part of it where it was force-fed to members of the print and the audio-visual media. It is a good idea for the readers to know something about this method because it will help them determine the degree of control that the Jewish organizations exert on a journalistic outfit.

To see how the method works in the Middle East today, imagine two people meeting for the first time. Assume that both have what is called a common name, meaning that both names are neither overly Christian such as, for example, the name George nor overly Muslim such as Mahmoud but are names that can be used by both religions such as Fouad which in Arabic actually means heart but is also used as a proper name. Thus, to identify himself as a Christian after a few minutes of talk, one would say, for example: “The other day I spoke with a Christian and a Muslim…” By putting the word Christian first and putting Muslim second identifies this person as a Christian. It goes without saying that the Muslim will reverse the order when the time comes to identify himself by his religion.

This rule was transplanted into the English media and is being enforced with a brutality so savage that if a guest or host make a mistake - say on television - and utter something like “the Palestinian-Israeli conflict” instead of uttering “the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,” you see the poor thing turn panicky and tremble with fear as if terrorized by someone hidden from view. The host or guest will then peek at the camera with a depressed expression and a look on the face that begs forgiveness as if to say to every Jew who may be watching: “I shall be more careful next time and I promise never to make this mistake again. It will always be Israel first and then the others but please do not destroy my life and my career because I have a spouse and children to feed.”

What exactly the Jewish organizations are trying to accomplish by imposing an import such as this on the English culture is not yet clear but this is what freedom and democracy have been reduced to in the English speaking world. This is America today, Great Britain, Canada and Australia, and this is what is most pathetic about the English media as they are practiced in this day and age. With a free people like these engaged in a free press like that, the world does not need a Stalin, a Hitler, a Mussolini or what have you. Israel and the Jewish organizations, together with their lackeys in the English media, are more than capable of completing the unfinished work of the charlatans, a work whose aim was and still is to reduce the human person to nothing in favor of creating a master race of the imagination such as the Nazi-Aryan concoction. And consciously or unconsciously, someone is now trying to brew a Judeo-Zionist mix that will rival the Nazis while ignoring the fact that the end will inevitably have to be the same.

But while the imposition of the foreign import onto the English culture may be thought of as a great achievement by the twisted minds of the friends of Israel, it does not rise to the level of the psychological erection because it does nothing more than make you realize how much a culture can be weakened, even if that was the same Anglo-American culture which once stood confident and commanding as it conquered the world with a prowess that was linguistic, cultural, economic and military rolled into one.

Meanwhile, the Israelis and their friends in America still fantasize about the political and military successes that Israel never had, and they still rely on a distorted vision of reality to plan for future adventures. After all, it was their domination of the media that allowed them to fully control the US Congress and partially control the rest of the US government -- so why not carry the success further still. Yes, they turned the Congress into an Israel-worshiping body of the criminally insane who would vote and sign letters to blow up and terrorize the children of Palestine rather than vote or sign letters to provide health care and to heal the children of America but the questions that the world is now asking cast a serious doubt as to the merits of the vision that still grips the Israelis and their friends.

Those questions sum up like this: If the Israelis and their friends in New York and Washington succeed in pulling another one of their stunts, will they lead to another ill-fated American adventure in the Arab or Muslim lands? And if this happens, will it net Israel anything more than the satisfaction of seeing America destroy itself trying to destroy a people that the Jewish organizations chose to be their enemy of the day? And if this happens, will it not forevermore cement in the minds of human beings everywhere that the Jews started every war and caused every calamity that have plagued this Planet since the beginning of time? Only someone sicker than Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini put together would think of this as an accomplishment worth bragging about yet this is what the Israelis and their friends do all the time as they live with the fantasy of being in full and constant erection mode.

When you see on television a spectacle where the word Israel is consciously and doggedly put first for fear of doing otherwise, or when you read in the print media something to this effect, you will be able to tell who is under the thumb of the Jewish organizations and to what degree they are being stage-managed. This done, you will know which lens you are looking through and how to interpret the information you are consuming. For example, when you consistently read negative reports about the Arabs in a magazine such as the Economist, you will dismiss them as Judeo-Zionist propaganda and hold the view that the opposite of what you are reading must be true.

After all, contrary to what the Economist has been propagating over the years, the Arab economies are not stagnating. In fact, the Arab countries that have no petroleum to speak of are ahead of those countries in Southeast Asia which have been called the new miracle economies. As for the Arab countries that have large reserves of petroleum, well, these ones are bailing out such vibrant, free, capitalist and liberal democratic economies as the United States of America and Great Britain. And the question to ask is not what is wrong with the Arabs but where has the Economist been all these years? On what planet have its editors lived to miss all this?

You might say that with stagnation in the style of the Arab economies no one needs resiliency in the style of the Anglo-American economies. You might also say that the Economist should keep their lesson on Economics to themselves because the Arabs are telling them this: Thanks for the lesson but no thanks. And now the Arabs have a good reason to add the following: By the way, you editors who edit the Economist, you must learn to distinguish between Arab self-deprecation and the views of the United Nations because they are not the same thing. To write about the Arab world as you did on July 23, 2009 shows that you remain as confused as ever while the Jewish organizations continue to stage-manage you, having turned you into comical journalistic puppets long ago. In fact, to manipulate the feeble minded is what these organizations are good for but there is nothing good about their handicraft of which you are one wretched example.

And it is in the midst of this volcanic eruption of confusion, distortion, misinformation and disinformation created by the Israelis and their friends that they are once again turning to the impressionable Americans and asking for a quid pro quo. Get this now -- they are “negotiating” to get something horrible in return for abstaining from doing something equally horrible they have been doing for some time now. That is, they are promising to stop robbing the undefended people of Palestine if the Americans will bomb for them the defended people of Iran. Think about this my dear reader; it is like the pedophile who promises to stop molesting the little girl next door if the Americans will rape for him the boy across the hall. It is filthy, pure and simple, and there is nothing you can say that will overstate how disgusting this is. Indeed, the habit of asking for a payout in return for doing or not doing something is so Talmudic you can smell the stink a thousand miles away.

If the Americans take the bait, they will pay a heavy price and find themselves severely damaged. As for the Jews, they will have brought on themselves Hitler’s Final Solution because they will not be saved by a Messiah regardless of what they do but by the truth which they will have to confront sooner or later. They will also have to end the habit of gazing at their navel or below it because it generates an illusion of potency, the kind that gripped Hitler during his final days. This was a time when he imagined moving armies he no longer had just before he committed suicide and thus ended his own misery as well as what he inflicted on the world.

To conclude, the Jewish organizations must now raise their heads, look ahead and see what a wonderful world the Arabs are offering them to replace the fantasy of grandeur that no one has ever achieved. They must pull up their briefs to hide their nakedness and start doing some serious thinking because they are called upon to be useful to their people after millennia of doing nothing but commit horrible crimes in their name. If they are a people like they say they are and not a political ideology powered by the desire to conquer the world or fail and weep the Hymn of Victimhood, they must seize this opportunity and put an end to the habit of triggering a conflict here, there and everywhere they go.

The Jews know that while the Arabs are no saints they are a good people; and they are the most self-criticizing people that ever lived because they always strive to be even better. And no matter the odds, the Arabs will prevailed as they always have despite the antics of the Jewish organizations, the moral eunuchs that run them, the English media that marvel at the size of their fake potency and above all, despite a US Congress whose only accomplishment has been to turn a military and economic superpower into a Judeo-Zionist banana republic in less time than it takes to grow a banana tree.