Friday, January 1, 2010

The New And Disproved Jewish Narrative

To those who follow the teachings of the Talmud, foremost among them being the rabbis, adapting the old concept of Jewish supremacy to the contemporary scene is of utmost importance because without it, they cannot hold together the narrative that will appeal to the people they wish to influence and bring into the belief that the Jews are a people so exceptional, they stand superior to all the other races and other religions.

What is most vexing about this style of narrative is that it relies as much on putting down the “other” as it does on self-aggrandizement. The Yiddish language which is not really a language but a compendium of insults, calumny and defamations is the iconic offshoot of this mentality. Those who speak it use it to defame everyone else while those who do not speak it concoct a similar construct in the other languages and use that for the same purpose. And all this effort is aimed at establishing what has come to be viewed as a demonic form of political rule appropriately called Jewmocracy. This name was given to the rule when it was discovered that its invention was meant to fool the good people of the earth into converting to the worship of the Jews as a form of political suasion. Powered by the belief that every Jew is a God in his or her own right, many people succumbed to the ritual of sucking up to them whether or not they expected to get something in return.

It is therefore not surprising that in pushing America to hang itself in Iraq then do the same in Afghanistan, the followers of the Talmud came up with successive reasons for the invasion of Iraq and for the return to Afghanistan. The reasons they gave for starting the Iraq adventure filled the gamut from the existence of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) in that country to the need to transform the Arab world into an Anglo-Saxon style Jewmocracy. As for the reasons to leave Afghanistan then return to it, the excuses they gave ranged from the completion of the mission in Iraq to the folly of neglecting Afghanistan to the need to liberate the women of that country the same way that the feminists are said to have liberated the women of America.

But having succeeded in dragging America into all those misadventures, what do you do for an encore if you are a dedicated Talmudist and you want to do more for the causes you are championing? Simple, you choose the path of least resistance which is to drag America into another misadventure. And this means you must stitch together a whole new narrative. To this end, you rake your brains long enough until you get lucky and remember that before you recruited the Christian hoaxers of the televised church to do the dirty work for you, you were blaming Christianity for the persecutions that the Jews have suffered throughout the ages. Aware of the fact that the Christians held you responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus, you considered Christmas, which is His birthday, to be a sad day for you and your kind not a day for celebration. And so you fought savagely to do away with Christmas.

As the thing turned out, however, your plan was met with stiff resistance from the good people of the Christian faith who refused to part with their most cherished of traditions. And so you thought to yourself that in the same way you succeeded in making the characters of the televised church teach their flocks you are the new God of America and the Western Jewmocracies, you must now succeed at using Christmas like a tool to stir up and wrench the guts of the Christians whenever you can. You will make these people hate the Muslims, hate the Christian Arabs, and hate everything and everyone that is not dedicated to the glory of Israel and to all the Jewish causes. And voila, you will have put down the foundation for a new narrative which will fit nicely with the contemporary scene and help you implement your demonic scheme. How do you say Eureka in Yiddish!

To put your plan into action, you mobilize the network of agents you have planted in the Jewmocracies of the world especially the English speaking ones, and you instruct them to come up with stories that speak of the hardship which the Christians have encountered at the hands of those god-awful Muslims as the good Christians tried to celebrate what you now call the wonderful day of Christmas. But as your agents get busy fabricating the lies that will perpetuate your brand of hypocrisy, you must remember to instruct them that they must be careful not to lead their audiences by accident to a truth they may not even know exists.

And the truth is that the Christian leaders of Palestine, both Arab and non-Arab, got together and wrote a document they called “Kairos Palestine-2009: A moment of truth.” In it, they appeal to Christians everywhere to wake up and pay attention to the dismal way that Israel treats the Palestinian people and treats the holy places in occupied Palestine. The religious leaders of Palestine sent a copy of the document to all the churches in the world, including the televised churches where the flocks are told to worship the Jews as their gods, in addition to viewing Israel as heaven on earth and to seeing the Palestinians as terrorists. And why were the Palestinians so savagely defamed? Because they refused to move over and cede the place to the converts that are brought into the Judaic fold by the low life preachers of the tube. This is more than the dismal treatment of people; it is a crime against humanity.

But there is a twist in this saga that we must not overlook. Being the ones who taught the low life preachers the nonsense they spew every Sunday, the Talmudists knew they could not trust these characters to do the right thing without further instruction. And so they instructed them to shut the hell up and let the professionally trained agents in the media handle the matter with the finesse that it requires.

And the matter is that these agents must now come up with a contemporary narrative that will use Christmas as a tool to help them drag America into another misadventure in the Arab and/or Muslim world. To accomplish this feat via the Yiddish method which is their preferred way to operate, the agents will throw insults, calumny and defamations at the people they set out to destroy while getting everyone under their influence to create the appropriate background noise that will accompany their activities. In this way, they will all stir up and wrench the guts of the gullible Americans, and will get them to adopt the Judeo-Israeli mentality of killing the innocent for the glory of Israel and for all the Jewish causes.

But will the plan work? Some people say it will work because it has been so nicely orchestrated up to now. And there is no doubt in the mind of these people that everything will fall into place on time and on cue. And when all is said and done, and the plan will have accomplished what it set out to accomplish, the planners will cover their tracks as neatly as they have orchestrated the scheme. And there is no reason to think they will fail in this endeavor because they never failed in similar endeavors before. After all, they have managed to convince a gullible world that the Protocol of the Elders of Zion was a fake document because the Jews never had elders who thought they were of Zion, let alone elders who wrote a protocol advocating the takeover of the world. Thus, in the same way that the old planners left no paper trail that was authentic enough to be traced to them, we must assume that the new planners will do the same thing and succeed.

But there lies a false assumption because we now live in the age of information; and when you live in this age, the thing you do meticulously is record the information that is generated at every moment. In fact, this is the age where everything about everyone is recorded and left for posterity not just because people are fascinated by each others’ antics but because everyone is fascinated by their own antics. As for those who appoint themselves to lead the Jews, they have the added handicap of believing that their work is inspired by God and must, therefore, be given a prominent place in the great Hall of the Antics. Thus, the correct assumption to make is that the deniers of the Protocol will not be able to deny the Scheme which was put together by the Jewish organizations to take over the world by taking control of America. Indeed, it will be easier for someone to deny the Holocaust than for them to deny the Scheme.

Still, in a world that is made of billions of individuals, opinions are generated on every topic and they fall into several categories; and this topic is no exception. Moreover, lost among the multitude of categories, there exists at least one group of people who prefer to sound the alarm and let the innocent Jews know what their self-appointed leaders are doing in their name. Being a member of this group, I can testify that the intention here is to have the ordinary Jews rise up and tell the charlatans that enough is enough, and take control of their own destiny. What I and the other people are battling, however, is a group that believes the Final Solution is a welcome thing as much as it is inevitable. And so, these people want to speed up the process by giving the Jewish leaders all the rope they want to hang the little people they pretend to protect. And this being the age of information where nothing will be lost to posterity, no one will be able to claim that the “Jews” did nothing to merit the punishment which was heaped on them given that everything will be in the record. Not only that, but the record will show that the punishment was brought on them by those who knew exactly what they were doing as they were warned beforehand.

And then there is a group of Jewish leaders who derive comfort from the thought that they can get the gullible suckers in the media and elsewhere to do the dirty work for them while they remain in hiding. But what this group does not understand is that when something is not orchestrated, it falls into a pattern that is recognized as being random. Thus, when a number of things happen and they do not fit the random pattern, they reveal not only that a hand was behind them but also give clues as to the identity of that hand. A little more investigation will then determine whose hand that was. And what these characters are doing is so relentless and ubiquitous nothing can scramble it enough to make it look random. In short, these people will not escape their fate and will be hunted down like they hunted the Nazi criminals.

In consequence of all this, the savage media blitz of sick lies that was made to explode this Christmas season to harm the Muslims and the Christian Arabs is something that will undoubtedly affect the intended victims but the blitz will also help to speed up the advent of the Final Solution because savage media blitzes of sick lies are the stuff that final solutions are made to stamp out. And this solution will not come at the hand of the Muslims or the Arab Christians who are by nature a forgiving lot, but will come at the hands that hand the hanging rope to the Jewish leaders.

You have been warned, people. Don’t come and cry on my shoulder when it happens.