Thursday, April 8, 2010

Buzz Netanyahu The TV Programmer

The buzz word these days is normalization. North Korea wants to have normal relations with America, so does Iran with Europe, and Israel with the Arabs. This quest for normalcy is a deeply ingrained human trait but while the young of each species establish normal relations among themselves with ease, such is not the case among grownups or between the nations. This is the reality of our modern world because while the young respond to a biological need to be in the company of their kind, grownups and nations respond to a host of exigencies that run against that biological need. And one of these exigencies is the fact that some people do not know how to live with others without making life unbearably venomous for everyone.

Let us take an example and discuss it to get a sense of what is involved here. Sometime in the Nineteen Fifties or early Sixties, a bomb exploded inside the American embassy in Cairo, Egypt. It took the Americans little time to find out that the culprits were Israeli agents sent by the government of Israel to commit a crime so horrible as to create a discord between Egypt and the United States of America thus cause a deterioration in the cordial relations that were budding between those two countries. The Israelis did what they did in response to the rapprochement between the US and Egypt that was beginning to develop as demonstrated by President Eisenhower’s order to the British and the French to get out of the Suez Canal Zone which they invaded in response to Egypt’s decision a few months earlier to nationalize the canal.

What must be noted here is that the Israelis committed a horrible act against the Americans in Cairo at the same time as they were mounting a massive effort in Washington to establish close relations with those same Americans. And what this says is that the image of the Jew as being someone who will flash a smile in your face while planting a dagger in your back is more a reality than it is a stereotype. And this prompts us to ask two hard questions: Can you attribute to a country the character traits you discern in its people? And can you attribute to a people the behavior of their country as you see it play out on the international stage? When it comes to Israel and the Jews, we do not have to rake our brains trying to answer these questions because the Jews themselves, everywhere they are, have made the point over and over that the Jews are Israel, and Israel is the Jews. You cannot separate the two, they insist, and you cannot speak of one without speaking of the other. So be it.

Thus the pertinent question: What do we see Israel do that we may consider to be Jewish behavior or see the Jews do that we may consider to be Israeli behavior? The answer is that we see the constant scheming to infect the neighborhood where they find themselves with negative influences through the use of lies, deception and the driving of wedges between peoples and between nations. Unlike the perpetual motion machine that does no more than perpetually move, these people form a perpetual pissing machine that keeps on pissing on top of your shoes, your rugs and your lawn. They never take a breather or give you one but keep burrowing into whatever hole they happen to be working till the edifice you both occupy comes crashing over their heads and yours too. And this is what prompted many people in the West for several centuries to proclaim that a good Jew was a dead Jew, and then shut the Jews out of many professions. In doing this, they gave themselves a few welcome moments during which they could breathe the fresh air of living without having to protect their backs from the Jewish dagger; and what a relief it must have been for them while these moments lasted!

One profession in which the Jewish pissing machine is now burrowing actively is the media. I was told a story, most of which I was able to verify and thus vouch as to its veracity. While I could not check that 100% of the details in it were correct, I can ascertain that the gist of it is authentic. The story is that the Jewish organizations in charge of manipulating the North American media were congratulating themselves not long ago for a deceitful coup they were able to pull without leaving much of a trace that could lead to the discovery it was all an act of despicable treachery.

What happened was that the North American investors began to realize there are great opportunities beyond the BRIC nations; opportunities to be found in the group known as the Next Eleven which comprises Egypt. This happened at a time when one Jewish money man after another started to stream in and out of Israel to warn the folks down there that the Jews in the Diaspora were running out of money and that they will no longer be able to bankroll the current Israeli level of consumption. This caused the Jewish organizations that manipulate the media to apply their twisted logic to the situation, and so they decided to “balance” things out in the style of the Talmud by hitting at the Islamic Shariah Financing. To do this, they got their hands on a man who says he is a Muslim, they pumped gallons of flaming venom into his belly and they put him on a CTV business show in Toronto, Canada where he puked the venom with such forceful disgust that the host of the show predicted she will receive many requests from people who will want to refute what the man has said and that she will accommodate such requests.

This set off the alarm bells as far away as Israel where the order was issued from Netanyahu’s office who is the real programmer for North American television that such thing must not be allowed to happen. The Jewish organizations in Toronto got to work immediately, and they arranged for that segment of the show to be repeated the next day on a different program; one that was hosted by two of the most trusted women. However, the Jewish organizations which played the role of the editors did two important adjustments. First, they had one of the women say -- as if speaking in the name of CTV -- that this segment demonstrates the pitfalls of Shariah financing. And second, they cut out the part where the host of the previous day predicted that she will receive requests from people who will refute what the man has said and that she will accommodate such requests. And guess what; many requests came to the station but they were all denied as ordered by Netanyahu’s office.

So then how were the Jewish organizations able to pump so much venom into one man’s belly and have him puke it on television? This is where the information I possess was pieced together from many sources, information I can say is true on the whole because I could verify it from the congratulations that I saw circulate among members of the Jewish organizations. The story is that the man has a severely handicapped child whereby his Jewish handlers promised him long ago that the Christian miracle workers who make people walk (as seen on television) will make his child stand up, walk and play like a normal child if he did what they told him to do. He has been in their grip ever since without seeing any results but they told him that things will happen this time if he agreed to go on television with fire in the belly and slam Islam with all the vigor that he can muster. He did as they told him to do and he is now waiting for the delivery of the promised miracle which was delivered to him straight from the Promised Land.

These then are the people who want to establish a normal relation with other peoples and other nations. And the most deceitful thing about them is that to adapt to the changing realities as they find them throughout the ages and among the different cultures, the Jewish identity was made to morph by its leaders from being one thing into another much like the proverbial shape shifter. They are a tribe when it is convenient to be one or a religion when times change or a movement or a political force or anything that they want their identity to be when they have a scheme they want to implement at a specific time and a specific place.

But what remains constant in all of this is that they never lose sight of the ultimate goal which is to lead a parasitic life at the expense of everyone else as they get into a position to command the people on whose backs they feed. To verify this, the reader can ask anyone who has a relationship with Jewish friends or has Jewish close relatives or distant ones. Such reader will be told that the difference between the Jehovah Witnesses and the Jews is that the Witnesses will proselytize to convert you to their religion but the Jews will spin you to make of you a tool they can use to do the dirty work they need a sucker to do in their stead. Of course, not everyone has a handicapped child on whose back they can climb to make fake promises but everyone will develop a weak moment at some point in life, and this is when the Jewish organizations will jump in and take advantage of the situation under the guise of extending a hand of friendship. But what can be said under the circumstances is that having an extended hand of friendship like this one, no one needs to sample the kiss of death.

In the meantime that poor man is still waiting for the miracle to happen or he may turn against the Jewish organizations that deceived him. I suppose those organizations will have to think of something else with which to compensate him, and do so in a hurry. To this end they may have to give Netanyahu a buzz and get him to authorize something that is big enough to give the man a reward equal in value to his act of treachery. But what they will never be able to do is that neither they nor Israel will be able to do enough to win back the trust that humanity has lost in anything they stand for. The Jews were given this opportunity right after the Holocaust when they had the sympathy of the world but they squandered it, and not even another holocaust will restore it now.