Saturday, August 28, 2010

Time To Cut The Umbilical Cord


In a piece titled: A Palestinian Victory and subtitled: The Arab world’s dirty secret, the Wall Street Journal published an editorial today, August 28, 2010 in which it mentions Lebanon’s amendment of a clause in a law that was used to bar Palestinians living in the country from taking certain jobs. It goes on to say that 400,000 Palestinians will be affected by the amendment. The Journal then takes the opportunity to remind us that because the Palestinians sided with Saddam Hussein in his occupation of Kuwait, the Kuwaitis expelled 400,000 Palestinians from the country. What the Journal fails to say is that when tempers cooled, the Palestinians were allowed to return to their high level, well paying jobs.

In fact, before it became fashionable to speak of Arab mistreatment of the Palestinians, it was the fashion to say that the Palestinians were the most educated and most advanced groups in the various Arab countries; and every Jewish psychiatrist and his cousin in America had an opinion as to why this was the case. Maybe, some said, it is because the Palestinians feel like the new Jews of the world having to constantly prove themselves to be accepted. Maybe, but instead of mulling over this little factoid, the Journal generalized by saying that all Arab countries mistreated the Palestinians to use them as propaganda against Israel. Hell no, the Arabs do not need a prop to do propaganda against Israel, the leaders of Israel are eminently more qualified to do so and they never miss an opportunity to do it, and here is the proof:

What better way is there for the Israelis to make fools of themselves than to recruit feeble minded editorialists like those at the Wall Street Journal to echo idiotic pronouncements that for ever contradict each other! For example, because the size of the American population is larger than that of Israel, when an incident happens in Israel for which people get adversely affected, the Jewish propaganda machine springs into action and says it is as if this many people were adversely affected in America. Well, applying this logic to Lebanon whose population is 4.23 million, the Palestinian refugees among them would be like having 29.31 million refugees descend on America. As for Kuwait, whose population is 3.52 million, it would be like having 35.23 million guest workers descend on America and side with Hugo Chavez in his war against America.

I have a simple advice to give to the editorial writers of the Wall Street Journal; it is an advice that every teacher gives to hopeless students: think before you start banging on the keyboard of your computer or don’t bang at all. At least have someone smarter than you review what you bang before you publish.


Negotiations are about to start with regard to the horror that was inflicted on the people of Palestine. This is a horror that has stricken not only the land of Palestine but also the Middle East, America and the whole world. It is a criminal scheme whereby an artificial concoction called Israel was made to replace a people who lived on their land since the beginning of time and did nothing to hurt anyone. The Palestinians were first uprooted by force of arms and by a terror of biblical dimension brought to their shores by savage hordes fleeing European rivals of equal savagery as the two of them -- the Nazis and the Zionists -- fought each other in a futile quest to dominate the world.

After the terror that the Palestinians were made to suffer on their soil and after their expulsion to refugee camps, they were subjected to the incessant generation of defamation, deception and derision made about them in America. These were false representations tailor-made to influence the marketplace of ideas in the new world, something they did like a tsunami that has the unique quality of echoing, regenerating and amplifying itself. And where the Nazi submarines and the Japanese imperial navy were never able to take the Second World War and maintain it for more than a day or two, the members of the Zionist movement took the war to America and have maintained it for several generations, at times calling it the Third War; at other times calling it the Fourth War.

It was in America that freedom of speech was supposed to ring true and spawn all other freedoms but where the opposite actually happened. It was there that all the freedoms were flushed down the toilet along with the Constitution containing the First Amendment that was meant to protect the chain of freedoms. In fact, America was the country -- the only country in the world -- where the threat of career destruction was made openly and made frequently to silence the people who argued against falsehoods like calling Israel the only democracy in the Middle East when in fact it was and still is the only openly apartheid country in the world today. And the souls in America that refused to be deterred by the threats made against them did see their careers destroyed upon which they were silenced for a time or silenced for ever while everyone else was censored or intimidated enough to refrain from voicing their honest opinions. The net result has been that the American Constitution was used like a toilet paper not in the places where people were given a reason to dislike America but in America itself where the Zionist organizations imposed on the media a self-censorship like no Hitler could impose on Nazi Germany, no Mussolini could impose on Fascist Italy and no Stalin could impose on Communist Russia. What America experienced was a savage censorship so effective that Goebbels and Tokyo Rose turned green with envy in their graves and then turned over. And why all this? To obtain continued American support and maintain the ongoing crime that is still ongoing in the land of Palestine.

It stands to reason, therefore, that because Israel depends this much on America, the troubles in Palestine, in America and in the world can be erased in a single moment at the meeting that will be held to launch the negotiations. This can happen if the American representative acknowledges in his or her opening remarks that America was dragged sleepwalking into the maintenance and the nurture of that horrible crime in Palestine. He or she can also pledge to do what will be necessary to repair as much as humanly possible the aftermath of the crime beginning with the severing of all economic and military ties with the evil regime that is Israel. And just as important, the American representative can pledge to rescind all the binding and non-binding pieces of legislation that were passed by the US Congress of moral prostitutes on behalf of Israel. These were bills that mouthed the words or bills that put into effect the idiotic moves that benefited Israel and annoyed its chosen enemy of the day while doing nothing for the people of America except demonstrate to them to what extent the system by which they are governed has been trivialized and has become a childish little farce.

Following the American presentation, the Israeli representative will have no choice but to admit the truth which is that the establishment of the state of Israel was a mistake and the Zionist movement a crime against humanity that must never be allowed to happen again anywhere on the planet. He or she will apologize to the people of Palestine and to the world for the horrific idea that is Israel, and will offer a special apology to the American people for bringing to their country activities and concepts so toxic, they made it lose its status as a superpower and rendered it a second rate slouching giant in the blink of an eye. Following this, the Palestinian representative will speak of the expectations that his or her people have, expectations that were voiced on many previous occasions and were deemed to be reasonable despite the savage treatment that these people were made to endure by the only collection of savage behavior to come down the ages since biblical times.

Failing to take this approach at the launch of the negotiations, the world will be subjected to more of what we have been witnessing for decades. If America refuses to acknowledge that it has the key to instantly solve the calamity that is Israel, it will deny the reality that Israel cannot do what it does without American participation thus deny that the way to stop the ongoing horror is to make Israel stop walking all over America and stop it from abusing America's flimsy system of governance. Yet, there is only one way that Israel will be made to stop its manipulation of America, it is for America to stop supporting it, stop now and stop cold. If this does not happen, the world will still survive as it has always done but America will continue to smell like the Israeli stink it has smelled every time it went to a gathering and defended Israel's right to commit crimes and offend the world as a matter of Jewish right of birth.

How do I know all this? Simple, the Israelis and AIPAC have been bragging all along to America and to the world about their ownership of America. We know how to resolve American disobedience, said Netanyahu or something to this effect. He said it to his people and to the world after which: yes master, said America or something to this effect under its nose. This is the sort of moment that makes the world understand the Israeli and AIPAC messages. But why it is that the implication of those messages is never understood by the political brass in America still baffles everyone on the planet. But when all is said and done, if the Americans go to the negotiations while ignoring those realities, they will fail as they have failed for generations to achieve anything positive for themselves and for the world. And you should prepare to see America being further degraded to third rate from the second rate where Israel and AIPAC have taken it already.

Moreover, because it is natural that when you own something you want to turn it into your image, Israel and AIPAC have slowly been turning America into a giant pale image of Israel. The main feature of Israel's existence being that it is isolated from the rest of the world yet leads a life of high consumption, America is being cut off from the rest of the world, being monopolized by Israel and made to lead a life of high consumption. The difference between the two, however, is that Israel has America on which to feed and lead a comfortable parasitic life but America has only China from which to borrow money but not on whose body it is allowed to feed like a parasite. The net result has been that America is now struggling to stay on its feet while the Israelis are hanging on to it as they hitch a ride through a life of plenty in Israel while exercising dictatorial powers over America and its people. A reality to make a sane person as mad as hell.

Meanwhile, those who have appointed themselves leaders of the Jews are doing what they have done for centuries which is to pave the way for moving on to somewhere else and try their luck there the moment that America is declared to be of no further use to them. Their greatest challenge will be to move to China and establish a parasitic relationship there such as America could never establish. To do this, the Jewish leaders will begin by learning the Chinese language as they leave behind the language they taught to the American media and the political brass. In fact, they have managed to teach their language by the method of repetition because in the same way that children learn a language by hearing it incessantly, the Americans were made to hear the Jewish propaganda mouthpieces speak their peculiar language without ever stopping. The mouthpieces repeated such things as “The Arabs hate America,” to mean “Israel is preparing to crap all over America.” And they repeated “Israel loves America,” to mean “The Arabs have again forgiven America for violating all norms of decency by paying for Israel's criminal activities against them.” Thus, the Jewish propaganda machine has created an upside-down picture of reality in the minds of the Americans, a picture that no one was ever allowed to turn right side up. Now imagine an America sitting at the negotiating table mediating a discussion between the Palestinians and the Israelis with an American brain that is bolted upside down in its skull. Horrendously funny and horrendously flabbergasting!

For this reason and for everything else, the Americans must not go into the negotiations without first ending their support of Israel. If they fail to do so, the negotiations will fail because they will move according to the familiar Israeli method which is to rob you of something and negotiate its return in exchange for something else. As asinine as this is, if you still agree to some kind of exchange, they will take what you offer and not return what they stole in the first place even though it is what they just agreed to do. And if you ask: what kind of philosophy is this? They will tell you it is Jewish wisdom that is rooted in a unique sense of justice and balance that only the Jews possess; which is why they are the chosen children of God, worthy to dominate the world. And they will want you to give them the world or at least support their right to take it. As to how this translates into daily life, check this out: when they see something bad in themselves, they accuse others of being that thing. When they see something good in others, they attribute that thing to themselves. This is what has kept America eternally confused, always disoriented and continually doing the things that hurt it while adding to the phony glory that the Israelis and their supporters crave. You do not want to be a part of this anymore, America. You just don't want it anymore.

Anyone with half a brain can see that the liberation of Palestine is also the liberation of America. The Second World War ended in Europe and Asia when America triumphed on these two continents but then America was possessed by the people it liberated from the concentration camps over there. Now the American people find themselves imprisoned in the concentration camp of moral prostitution such as their Congress and their media are inflicting on them day in and day out on orders from AIPAC and the Israeli propaganda machine.

Cut that umbilical cord, America, before the relationship cuts you down to a size that will fit Netanyahu's small pocket. It is claustrophobic inside there; you will not like it.