Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Senatorial Snake Oil From Massachusetts

A stereotype of the Jew that lingers in most cultures is that of someone who would con you into believing you are going on a cakewalk as he prepares to send you on a mission that is so fraught with danger he would not undertake himself. You are made to believe that the mission will serve both of your interests when in fact it is intended to serve only his. This is the fast one that Israel and its agents are pulling on America yet again. In the same way that they pushed the superpower into the Iraq war by promising a cakewalk, they are now trying to push it into a war with Iran by making the same sort of promise. However, because America is still in Iraq and is also in Afghanistan, the trick about Iran is more sophisticated than before and made to look a little more elaborate. To achieve this, a number of sleights of hand have been added to the presentation, sleights that are every bit as stereotypical of the Jew as the original trick.

You become aware of the trap that is being constructed for America when you see an article written in the Wall Street Journal under a cakewalk-like title such as this: “Want Middle East Peace? Deny Iran Nukes” authored by a US Senator. Of course, it sounds like a snake oil salesman is trying to sell both the oil and the snake but an article was actually published under this title on September 3, 2010 over the signature of the newly elected senator from Massachusetts, Scott Brown, something that happened upon his return from a trip to Israel. He says in the article that attaining peace in the Middle East and saving the world are a cakewalk that rests on the idea of denying Iran nuclear weapons.

But knowing that the modern world is so complex it is possible for procedures to become gridlocked, you wonder if Brown had not come back from the Holy Land with a miracle in his pocket; or perhaps come back deluding himself. He is, after all, a member of the US Senate which is home to the most snarling of all procedures known as the filibuster. And given that America is a single country where there are only two parties, you can imagine what it must be like if you have to contend with a dispute that has festered for decades between two national entities, each made of a myriad of political groupings and factions, all of which are at war with each other and have been for the entire period. But no matter because when Israel wants something, everything is made to look like a cakewalk even inside the world capital of gridlock -- I should say especially inside the world capital of gridlock.

And this is why it is not surprising to know that the Senator insists on the notion that if we just deny Iran the nuclear weapon it seeks, peace can be forged in the Middle East. Well, Iran does not have a nuclear weapon now and there has not been peace in the Middle East for a long time; you must, therefore, conclude that the argument is flawed. Furthermore, peace began to elude that part of the world exactly at the time that Israel was established. Your sense of logic thus dictates that the problem is more Israel than it is Iran. Right? Wrong, says Scott Brown and he gives his reasons.

He begins with this: “I don't pretend to have all the answers on how to end the conflict between Arabs and Israelis ... Now is the time to ratchet up the pressure, to further isolate Iranian President Ahmadinejad...” Here the senator makes a direct link between the current conflict in the Middle East and the current president of Iran and he presents that as the reason for the conflict. He then goes into a convoluted presentation to establish once again the reason for the conflict. To see how he does this, you must jump back and forth all over the article to piece the narrative that holds the reason together. When you do this, you end up with a narrative that goes something like this: there is no peace in the Middle East now but there can be one in the future because the Palestinians have finally agreed to direct negotiations without preconditions. Get it? Up to now the problem has been the Palestinians but from now on the problem will be the Iranians. As for Israel, it was blameless before, it is blameless now and it will be blameless for ever. This is because Israel is the saint that does nothing wrong, period. Okay you say, whatever turns you on Senator, but what about President Ahmadinejad? Was he not the current problem or has he been absolved or is he still to blame?

Well, don't push this logic thing too hard; what's a little weakness of argument between friends anyway. Skip all that and follow the senator for more wonders. And so after going through a long dissertation in which he paints everyone as wicked or near to that while painting Israel as victim, he hits you with a final paragraph that makes you dizzy. It is this: “...let's not lose sight of the real threat to peace in the Middle East: Iran ... armed with a nuclear weapon.” And you are right back to where you started, back to the original set of arguments which is that Iran does not have a nuclear weapon now, yet there is not at this point and there has not been peace in the Middle East since the inception of Israel … and so on and so on and so on in a dizzying merry-go-round that never comes to a stop. And you certainly don't want an explanation anymore because what the senator is saying is what you have been hearing from the AIPAC crowd for decades, and you are sick and tired of it.

When you get to this point you know what to do. You dig deeper into what is being said to find out the true motive behind AIPAC sending a US senator to Israel at this time, and in writing this sort of article in his name. You discover that AIPAC makes a point to the effect that while no condition must be imposed on Israel, conditions must be imposing on everyone else. In fact, AIPAC wants conditions to be imposed not only on Palestine but also America and the other Arab countries. Surprised, you exclaim with a loud voice and you shout a question: Oh yeah! Conditions like What? Well, the first condition is that we must deny Iran the nuclear weapon it may or may not be seeking. You see, the thing is a quid pro quo that must be understood by everyone. It is that Israel will stop raping the neighboring little girl which is Palestine if America will agree to rape the muscular boy that is Iran who lives across the hall. What can be more logical, fair and balanced than this? If Palestine is to be spared, Iran must pay the price, failing which Israel will continue to rape helpless Palestine in consequence of which the Middle East will remain in turmoil, the world will remain in mortal danger and the whole thing will be blamed on the Arabs and maybe America too but not on Israel which is never at fault. Take it or leave it, and if you don't like it, get off the Planet.

And so you ask yourself what is it that makes someone like Scott Brown go along with a set of ideas and a scheme like these? Not only did he lend his name to the article, but being a US senator he is also promising to play a major role if not a leading one in obstructing the business of America while facilitating the business of Israel. That is what the US constitution allows him to do and this is what AIPAC commands them to do. You know he will obey and you inevitably hit on the image of him that if America were his daughter, Scott Brown would sell her to the highest bidding pimp and have an affair with him. And to be sure, it is through characters like him that Israel and AIPAC will keep a tight grip on the American Congress and pave the way to implement the mother of all conditions; the destruction of Iran along with the further reduction of America in return for a promise to vacate Palestine, a promise they fully intend to break. And you throw your hands up in the air and you shout: What can be more Jewish than this!

And here is a sleight of hand that every American who holds office or intends to run for one should tattoo in the palm of both hands lest they forget it. You find this quote near the end of the article: “...presidential candidate Barack Obama ... proclaimed that the world must prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon … also said: If somebody was sending rockets into my house where my two daughters sleep at night, I'm going to do everything in my power to stop that. And I would expect Israelis to do the same thing.” The juxtaposition of two statements that were made at different times within two different contexts gives the false impression that President Obama wants to say he believes that Iran intends to send nuclear bombs to kill children in Israel when the truth is that it is Israel that is killing unarmed Palestinian children and their mothers in their beds in the middle of the night using the most terrible of American weapons given free to Israel as mandated by the US Congress.

The occasion that has allowed AIPAC to come up with this sleight of hand was the senator's visit to a town in Israel where the people of Gaza have occasionally sent homemade firecrackers to signal their anger at the murderous attacks that are conducted on them almost on a daily basis by Israel's air force, its navy and tank divisions, cutting down unarmed civilians like chicken in a slaughterhouse, and doing so not just over one town but over the entire Palestinian territory. The result has been that the scene in Israel, as described by the senator, looks like this: “...my tour included ... viewing ... a bunker-playground. There, throngs of children of all ages were playing games, swinging and practicing their jump-shot ... I was reminded that the playground was ensconced in reinforced steel and equipped with a half dozen shelters and a broadcast system that allowed kids a 15-second warning for incoming [firecracker] rockets.” Now contrast this with the savage, biblical size terror under which the Palestinian children live, having nothing to protect them but the bodies of their mothers, and if lucky those of their fathers if they are not out there trying to stop the American-made Israeli tanks with their bare hands, their bare arms and their bare chests -- with tears in their eyes and fear in their hearts. It is natural to feel sympathy for the Israeli children but if blood does not rush like a torrent to your brain and fills you with anger and the determination to tell those who neglect to mention the Palestinian children that they are sick liars, you are yourself a liar not worth listening to. Senator, you are a sick liar, and you are not worth listening to.

Thus, what every American who holds office or intends to run for one should tattoo in the palm of both hands is this: “Never say anything they can use to distort your views and make you look like a sucker. Better yet, never say anything good about them or anything bad about the enemy they choose for the day.” Let them do their dirty work alone; you are not their boy.

Somewhere in the article Senator Brown makes the point that Iran poses a threat to America's national security. I have news for him, he and the other male and female prostitutes of the US Congress are the real threat to America's national security. If they want to protect their country, they should do away with themselves in any way shape or form they want. No one will shed a tear over their demise.