Monday, October 11, 2010

The Talmudization of American Culture

If you want to know why very little that is useful happens in American politics today, be it local or foreign, read someone like Elliot Abrams who is now senior fellow for Middle Eastern Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations and who was in charge of Middle Eastern affairs at the National Security Council during the W years. Abrams wrote an article on the subject closest to his heart which is where you should be introduced to his style of writing if you are not familiar with it already. And this will also be a good place for you to start probing into what ails the totality of the current American discourse as you will come to realize that the culture has been highjacked by those who make the Talmud their book of reference with regard to the governance of the ship of state and the practice of the moral life. In short, America is being Talmudized to serve interests that are anything but American, and nothing is being done to halt the trend or slow it down because no one that has the power to do something about it has any idea what is going on.

The Abrams article is titled: “Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks Are Suspended. So What?” and was published in the Wall Street Journal on September 29, 2010. The Journal gave it a subtitle that summarizes its content like this: “What matters is growth and state-building in the West Bank. Yet the Obama administration is still fixated on settlements.”

You can see in the title something almost iconic about the style of the exchange that has developed between those who promote the Jewish causes in America and the rest of society. One of the most notorious moments where this style was used came years ago in the title of a book that sounded something like this: “Hollywood is dominated by Jews. So What?” Let me explain why this is important to note at this time and how it is pertinent to this discussion. If you see something pertaining to Jewish matters and you make an observation without the appropriate preface, the chances are high that you will be labeled anti-Semitic. To avoid this label, you must preface your observation with a comment that praises the Jews or condemns the enemy they chose for the day. For example, if you are not Jewish and you realize that Hollywood is dominated by Jews, you must not say so without first declaring that you hide no ill will toward the Jews. Thus, you may express your observation like this: “It is a good thing that Hollywood is dominated by Jews,” or something along this line.

This manner of expressing oneself, when discussing Jewish matters, came about because the early advocates of the Jewish causes were the rabbis who -- as they stated it themselves -- set out to educate the public and to sensitize the people as to the needs of the Jews, their fears, their aspirations and their taboos. To this end, the rabbis used the media to intervene and to preach their lesson each time they saw someone fail to follow the politically correct course. Eventually they succeeded in making this sort of intervention a steady event; they made it an acceptable interference even something to be expected at regular intervals. And this is the point at which the Jewish organizations took over and pushed the envelop down the slippery slope and into the black hole of infinite excesses. To paraphrase an old saying, they were given a finger and they took the whole arm then the shoulder and after that took the whole body and looked for more bodies to take. To do this, they employed an army of professional bellyachers who went around and whined about the Jewish sensitivities being violated with every word, every nuance and every insinuation that was not clarified in advance and expunged of the toxic meaning it carried. And the bellyachers did all this even where no hidden meaning was intended and no toxicity was there to be expunged while their comrades-in-arms were running around accusing everybody of infringing on the principles of freedom of speech for simply asking what artistic merit can there be in showing the crucifix immersed in a glass full of urine.

And while the public was being sensitized about Jewish matters and Jewish taboos, the Jews that were taught from the book they call the Talmud were being imbued with enough chutzpah to be motivated to throw around whatever weight they had and throw it in the style of the in-your-face sort of discourse. Chutzpah replaced timidity with a vengeance not because the North Americans were intimidating the Jews but because the Jews had come to North America in a naturally timid state and they hated themselves for it. And so the teachers of the Talmud set out to transform the self-loathing Jew into the refashioned jerk, and this is how some Jews were able to do things they did not dare do in previous generations. They were able to express their observations in a defiant style and throw them in-your-face as did Elliot Abrams in his article. They began, in effect, to express what used to be taboo in a way that was taboo no more; they began to express their observations in the form: “yes … but so what?”

But make no mistake, despite graduating to a different level, the Jewish organizations have not abandoned the weapon that is the bellyache and probably never will because it serves them so well. You can see how truthful this statement is when you see someone get fired from his or her job for making an observation about Jews that does not come attached to a praise for the latter or attached to a condemnation of the enemy they have chosen for the day. The latest example in this regard is the firing of Rick Sanchez who used to have a show on CNN. This man made an observation not on his show or even on CNN but on a radio show while flogging the book he wrote. The observation was so innocuous, it may have caused a few people to smile had it not been for the fact that the network fired Sanchez for what he said during a nondescript interview given to a nondescript radio show.

And you can be certain that if they fired Rick Sanchez today for saying that CNN is dominated by Jews, someone will write a book someday under a title that may go like this: “CNN is dominated by Jews. So what?” And that someone will probably describe a scene in the studios of CNN we are accustomed to seeing these days where the host is Jewish, the two or three panelists assisting him are Jewish and the two or three guests invited to speak on the show are Jewish, all discussing not a Jewish subject but Arab and Muslim matters without there being a single Arab or a single Muslim to take up the other side of the discussion. And the author of the book will take pride in stating in-your-face that no other ethnic or religious group can arrange for a spectacle like this and get away with it, the suggestion being that the spectacle looks divine in their eyes and you must learn to love it even if it has the look of a bordello style journalism in your eyes and the eyes of the civilized world.

But what is the end game? What does Elliot Abrams want from all this? Well, to someone like him who has been close to the seat of power where history was made, to write the Jewish part of that history is to write the Bible. And when we say Bible, we do not mean the Old Jewish Testament to which was added the New Christian Testament, we mean the Old Testament, the writing of which continues under the name Talmud. Christians must not be fooled by the fact that Jews are getting close to the Evangelical Christians whom they use to gain control of what is left of America's power, wealth and influence. The fact remains that the Jews have not forgotten and will not forget the Inquisition or the Holocaust both of which were perpetrated by Christians on them in the name of Christianity. Consequently, the Jews view the Christian New Testament as a dangerous document and they treat it no better than a Nazi document or a crucifix in a glass of urine. To them there is only the Torah and its continuation, the Talmud, where every Jew that wants to be a somebody strives to be published or at least be mentioned. And Elliot Abrams is one of those.

And so when he and those like him write something, they see themselves write Jewish history they hope will someday make it into the Talmud. And like the history they read in the old Testament where miracles abound, they spin the things to make them look like miracles being made today. This is important to them because they know that if they fail to do this, future generations will see a sharp break between the Old Testament that is full of miracles and the newer Talmud that is devoid of them, and those generations will begin to doubt their faith. But there is a side effect to all this: when every event is written in such a way as to look miraculous, it can impress the feeble minds that are close to the seat of American power. These minds are to be found in the legislative and the executive branches of government, and when they are awed by what they perceive as being the miraculous prowess of the Jews, serious consequences follow. Instead of working to fashion checks and balances that can moderate the activities of the Jewish organizations, they choose to be on the good side of those organizations by doing the opposite of what they should be doing. They facilitate matters for them, and this results in the latter just walking in and taking control of America as easily as the pimp who walks into his private toilet and relieves himself by crapping the woes of the day.

And so we see that after Elliot Abrams began his article by expressing what he felt like relief to him: “The sky is not falling”, he took a few paragraphs to describe what he considers to be the historical woes of the Middle East. This done, he gets into the meat of what he wants. And what he and the Jewish organizations want is that America give them what belongs to someone else. They want America to allow them to use American money and weapons to take more of Palestine and build Jewish settlements on it. This mode of operation is the process by which the nomadic Hebrew tribes have lived since time immemorial. It is their religion and their obsession; it is what the Old Testament is all about. The operations they mounted then, and those which are mounted by their phony heirs now consist of finding a “God” or someone powerful who will give them what belongs to someone else or allow them to loot the place. If someone tries to stop them -- having obtained God's permission to do what they do -- they fight savagely and consider their belligerence to be self-defense as they view the legitimate self-defense of the victim to be a bad thing. In modern times they found it convenient to call terrorism the self-defense that is employed by others even if no one has the will, encouragement, weapons, money, backing and veto protection of America to terrorize the innocent like they do.

So then, what does Elliot Abrams do after that? Well, judge for yourself. This is what he writes: “...negotiations between Israel and the PLO ... broke down when the Obama administration made settlement construction the central issue … and its continuing obsession with a settlement freeze ... has cornered Mr. Abbas.” As you can see, instead of addressing his own obsession or that of Israel, he accuses the Obama administration, hence America, of being obsessed. This is not the first time that the Jews have quarreled with the one they appointed as God, temporary or otherwise; the Old Testament is full of such encounters. You see, in Judaism God is a useful creation that the mortals invent when they need someone to authorize them to do unspeakable things. And when they are finished doing these things, they want that same God to keep his mouth shut while they try to mothball and shelf Him, something they sometimes fail to do hence the quarrel. In this case, having justified their robbery of the Palestinians by claiming that an invisible God gave them the land, they have appointed America as the visible God who will help them add more to the robbery and finalize it. Britain, the now defunct Soviet Union and France preceded America in this role but their appointment did not last long enough to complete the job. And while the current drama is still unfolding, Israel and the Jewish organizations such as AIPAC want America to bloody well shut up and not express an opinion on the subject. But they want America to continue bankrolling Israel and continue arming it so as to keep doing the thing about which America is supposed to remain silent. Well, my friend, this is the kind of chutzpah that would call on any self-respecting nation to kick some asses, and the question now is whether or not America has the necessary self-respect to kick the AIPAC ass and that of Israel. The world doubts it and so do I.

In the meantime, it is Elliot Abrams who is telling America what to do. This is how he puts it: “Mr. Abbas has once again decided to hide behind the Arab League. When Arab foreign ministers next meet … he will seek the league's cover … either for continuing to refuse talks or for returning to the table … This is where American influence should be focused now: on getting the Arabs to give Mr. Abbas the green light.” Not only does Abrams tell America what to do, he tells America to tell the Arabs what to do which is to tell Mr. Abbas what to do. Come to think of it, kicking asses is not enough in such circumstances, and this is probably why my Jewish friend used to throw his hands up in the air and cry out: Light up the oven!

The Palestinians are suffering because American foreign policy is dictated by the laws of the Talmud. But the American culture is also changing as a result. Those who implement the change believe that things are going their “way” so nicely, they will remain safe no matter what they do. What these people ignore is that they are following the path taken by previous Jewish organizations in places such as in Europe. These were the paths that pushed the Europeans too far along a “way” they steadily grew to hate. And the people of Europe responded by turning against the Jews, inflicting terrible pogroms and holocausts on them. No one can tell exactly how the attitude of the American people will evolve with regard to the control of their country by Jews. All we know is that the control of a country by the culture of a minority, especially one that is as savage as the Talmudic culture, is never a good thing. And you must expect that the end will be a savage one whichever way it comes about.

As for the Palestinians, there will come a time when they will be worshiped in America where the methods of their victimization were amplified by several orders of magnitude, were nurtured and were maintained for a long time while America was transforming from a beacon of freedom into a pile of laughable talk about a phony liberty that the people can only practice in a state of genuflection in front of a Jewish master they hope will turn out to be a benevolent thing. Morally reduced to live in chocking constrains in their own country, the Americans will look to be inspired by a Palestinian struggle they will come to idolize.