Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Furniture In The Oval Office

What would you say about a bunch of people who cannot point to one thing they are proud of which they might have done when they were in office but take credit when their successor performs admirably at which point they pounce on what he did and make the claim that they were the first to do that very thing when they were in charge? This is how some people are behaving these days in a futile attempt to build a record of achievement for a GOP Administration that did nothing admirable when they were in office; nothing that history will deem memorable or will want to honor. And so I predict that this bunch will abandon the trip they just embarked on because they will not be able to sustain it much longer and because they find themselves on a similar trip already; one they took earlier and have not yet abandoned.

That trip is the case of George W. Bush who is better known as the W. He is the one who was given the title of President of the United States but sat in the White House like a piece of furniture and left the running of the country's affairs to a bunch of charlatans who claimed to be of the GOP stripe but could really have been of any stripe -- from the tigers of Asia to the zebras of Africa to any jackass you may find in Europe or find in America. These people tried to run the superpower that was America but managed only to transform that nation into a pale image of the W himself. And this is why the removal of the thing from the seat of power in the Oval Office came as a relief to all of humanity. The trouble is that the people who live with the nostalgia of an era when the intellectual landscape of America looked like a wasteland more than it did the handicraft of an advanced civilization -- now invoke the name of the W with fondness as they yearn to return to the dark ages of his time in office. However genuine these sentiments may be, there is no denial that these people also do what they do as an attempt to make it look like his reign was not the total loss that it was and their participation in it was not the waste of time that it was.

What these people are doing is not completely original in that it is reminiscent of what they were doing when they “governed” America or thought they did. Just as they did then, they are now swimming in a miasma of contradictions not knowing if they are coming or going or if they are standing still. On the one hand they ask everyone to let bygone be bygone and leave the memory of the man alone who is himself keeping quiet; on the other hand they pounce at every opportunity to point to something his successor is doing to take credit for it. They do this by claiming that what the successor is achieving was inspired by the philosophy of the W who did something similar while in office or would have done it were he still President. And to this, I have one thing to say: Make up your mind guys. Do you want to talk about the W and let everyone do the same or do you want to shut everyone up and shut up yourselves? You can have one or you can have the other but you cannot have it both ways. If you want to come, by all means do so; if you want to go, by all means do so otherwise stop making new rules with regard to the mention of history every time the truth hits you in the face concerning the desolation that was your time in office.

To be fair to the man, however, it must be said that he did not himself create the negative things that have dragged America into the gutter. To be honest about it, he did not have the brains to invent such things anymore than he had the brains to invent one positive thing. What happened was that in the absence of the capacity to generate the positives that would have offset the negatives, the latter sprouted unimpeded and permeated the system which is what dragged America down. These were the negatives that had been growing organically over and around the American political culture for decades but were kept in check by men and women who could generate a few positive things. A rough balance between the two was maintained until such time the W came into office and the checks disappeared along with the ability to generate positive things. The most important of the negatives that were generated, I would say, was America's over reliance on the domestic and foreign charlatans who pretended to be what they were not or pretended to know more than they did. They offered advice or rendered services for a fee thus got something for nothing. In some cases, these people even got paid to mislead America, sending it deliberately onto the path of a ruinous descent toward the abyss in an attempt to fulfill the agenda of a foreign country most prominent of these being Israel.

Many of the charlatans were and still are motivated by ideology in addition to having an ax of their own to grind. Rather than advise America on how to avoid stepping into minefields that had the potential to hurt it grievously, they sent America into the fields they wanted to blow up or wanted to see cleared at any cost. If and when this happened, it was one more step toward the implementation of the grand strategy they kept at the back of their heads. When one step was taken and done with, they went on to conspire, plot and orchestrate for the next step. The adventure in Somalia that ended with a Black Hawk Down was one such example, an event that took place even before the W had come into office. And this explains why it was important for these people to have a piece of furniture pretend to be president come and take control of the levers of power in America. The move gave them a daily access to those levers which they utilized to implement the grand strategy they had at the back of their heads. However, this being a way to interfere in the affairs of the other nations, America made many enemies around the world during the W years but was told not to worry because all that the country needed to stay supreme and reign supremely were the military and economic powers it already possessed. Thus America needed no new friend aside from the one it already had which was Israel. And the people who made such claim quickly added that the powers America possesses must now be placed in the capable hands of the Israelis and their Jewish cohorts – those that reside in America and those that reside elsewhere.

The trouble was that nothing actually worked as promised which is why America lost many of its friends and allies abroad. In addition, America saw the luster of its military power dim and witnessed the supremacy of its economy wither away. It then became obvious to anyone with an IQ higher than a piece of furniture that America's salvation was to be found in retrenchment. Thus, rather than go around the world and poke everyone in the ribs to move them this way or move them that way – which would have satisfied one special interest group or another in America – the new Administration wisely adopted the philosophy of live and let live by letting things take their natural course. The alternative would have been to stand in the way of the nations of the world and pretend to direct a traffic that no one in his right mind should try to figure out because no one knows in which direction the traffic will want to flow next. Thus, the approach taken by the new Administration has saved America from being crushed such as it was in the cards for it had the country insisted on staying the course of the W following the world financial crisis for which America was responsible to a large extent. This was the crisis that was prepared for and triggered by the characters who thought they governed the country when the W occupied the Oval Office and his presence blended nicely with the rest of the furniture.

The one area where the W has displayed a sign of life is that he was able at times to generate what sounds like human utterances. Take for example the time when Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel went on a private visit to Spain. To make something out of nothing such as the Israelis always try to do, Netanyahu conspired with his AIPAC buddies in Washington and New York to have the W give him the best gift that an Israeli official can dream of getting. It is to have the President of the United States say something nasty about the Arabs. Of course, there are many ways to do this, some being nastier than others. The nastiest of the ways is to come out of the blue, without warning, provocation or apparent reason and say something false or ignorant about the Arabs with the intention of hurting them for the apparent pleasure of doing so. And this is what the president/furniture at the White House did to please the Netanyahu of Israel. To wit, the W blurted the opinion that was stuffed in his mouth, something to the effect that the economies of the Arabs are so stagnant, Spain alone had a GDP that surpassed the combined GDPs of all the Arab nations put together.

But given how the W ran the economy of America and what the consequences have been for Spain and a few other nations on the periphery of Europe, future historians have been handed a gift on a platinum platter that will explain how an empty skull and a runaway blabber mouth have combined to ruin the world almost imperceptibly until the last moment when the Arab and the Asian sovereign cavalries were called upon to hurry up and come to the rescue. Everything can now be explained with clarity, the details of which will undoubtedly come out in time and in due course. In the meantime, I can here state in brief the following simple truth: In the same way that it happened with Enron -- which was worth less than zero but was made to look like billions through the use of creative accounting – you can make a nothing GDP of a nothing country look like it is worth something. Israel has a fantasy economy that is worth nearly nothing but is made to look like it is worth something by the magic of that same sort of creative accounting. Indeed, the economy of Israel would look like the nothing it is if and when America stopped feeding it which is something it must seriously consider. In the meantime, a similar sort of accounting but not as extreme was adopted by the economies of the European periphery including Spain, and the approach is now plaguing these countries as they struggle to get out of their bind. Whether or not Netanyahu knew all this at the time he visited Spain is immaterial. The main thing is that he called it a superior economy for one reason only; to make a false comparison and denigrate the Arabs. To this end, he found the right dummy to utter the words for him as he gave the W a temporary voice with which to mouth-fart the Netanyahu gas. The W did and the world stank for a few moments.

What the diehard followers of the W need to do now is listen to the good people of the Earth tell them what to do for a change. Here is my contribution in this regard. You cannot reverse the damage you have done to America or to the world anymore than you can reverse organic mutation. And neither can you force mutation or the course of history to go in the direction that you choose for them. What you can do is let nature take its course while you take advantage of the opportunities that nature offers to you on its own. The Jewish rabbis who have been around for centuries understood this reality but they will not tell you about it. In the meantime, they have used the proper tools to work harmoniously with nature and have thus achieved many initial successes. But then they failed each and every time at the end of every adventure for a reason they never understood but you will now understand.

The rabbis failed because their approach contained something troublesome and totally illegitimate. It is that their aim has always been to commit something evil and never to do something good. Nature has responded to this situation the way it always does which is to take its time before turning the table on those who abuse it. And this is why things have ended badly for those who thought of themselves as the Jewish people each and every time, having started brilliantly for them. What you need to do now as followers of the W is to use the tools that the rabbis have used but you must work with nature to achieve a goal that is different from theirs. The most important of these tools is well known to everyone; it is the education of the public. However, instead of educating the people to worship the Jew like the rabbis were advocating, you must educate the people on what transpired when you were being recruited to implement the agenda of the rabbis and of Israel. You need to do this so as to tell future generations how they can avoid falling into a trap such as the one in which you were dragged and pulled down.

You need to tell the people of America and the people of the world that you were made to believe you were serving a good cause when, in fact, you were serving the cause of the devil himself. Do this and explain in detail how it all happened, and you will have participated in the salvation of the human race. To serve humanity may have been the sentiment that motivated you to join a group that pretended to do so. To denounce this group now that you know how evil it turned out to be is something you must do because it has become your solemn duty to do it.

Do not be shy or intimidated, my friend; just do what you have to do and feel good about yourself for doing it with courage and determination. And may the “Force” of the stars be with you.