Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Democracy By Subway Token

NOTE: Something has gone wrong with the system whereby the paragraphs are not being separated. I apologize and hope the system will soon be fixed by BLOGSPOT. ________________________________________________________ ________ There was a time when the fear in America was not that the Arab political influence was successfully challenging the Jewish influence but that the Asian organizations, especially the Chinese and the Indian, were crowding out the Jewish lobby in the halls of American power. When the fabricated fear had reached the level of hysteria as it did at one time, the media centers were flooded with instructions on how to unleash the ritual of shrieking out the phony cries of horror thus warn that something was happening in American political life that was not kosher from head to toe, passing by the belly button and a few sensitive parts of the body. The ritual was carried out as per instruction and the end result was that a number of investigations were held. They were not held to shed light on what was happening – everyone knew what that was – but were held to intimidate the people who naively believed that the American system could still be relied upon to change from within even though the Jewish organizations had taken control of the whole enchilada and were feasting on it alone. _____ What the gullible individuals who tried to lobby for a foreign country other than Israel did not know was that in the same way the autocrats of the Third World do not allow another election to be held once they get elected to the highest office in the land, the Jewish organizations do not allow another voice to be heard in America once they take control of something. This was not new to those of us who suffered from the Jewish practice of blacklisting the people who can challenge them and win. But there was one thing that did surprise us when the investigations got rolling. What happened was that an Asian witness honestly described the American political system as being like the gate at the subway station. He went on to explain in a matter-of-factual tone of voice that to gain access to the people at the top of the system, all you need to do is insert a token in the right place and the gate opens for you. Well, my friend, if you find this to be disgusting you will ask yourself: How did America get to be like that? ______To answer the question we first try to understand what democracy is and where it starts. Moments after a human child is born, it cries to communicate that something is bothering it. This says that as a species -- unlike all the other species – we, humans are born with democracy imprinted in our genes. Free communication is a part of us, pure and simple. For a few years after birth we are taught by our parents, our teachers and the other caregivers to speak according to the rules of the language in which we are immersed. After that begins a long period during which we learn -- often the hard way -- that there is a time to speak and a time to remain silent because we are made to understand that loose lips can sink ships. But democracy being the gift we are born with and the foundation upon which will rest all the freedoms we shall seek and enjoy through life, the rules to guarantee our right to free speech have been entrenched in most constitutions. This entrenchment being the line of defense that protects us from those who would abridge our right to speak up when we have something to say, the question is whether or not that line is doing an adequate job defending us or whether it needs to be fixed. ______ Unfortunately the saying that answers the above question more accurately than any other is the posing of another question. It is this: “But who will police the police?” The reality is that the people who are supposed to make sure freedom of speech is maintained for everyone are the people who abridge that freedom more readily than anyone. They are the people in the media who constantly seek and do obtain absolute freedom for themselves at the same time as they allow absolutely no freedom for those who have the talent to challenge their position. And you will find that these people are able to behave in the manner that they do and get away with it because they are better placed than anyone to deny equal treatment to a potential rival. Like pedophile priests, pyromaniac firemen and murderous police officers, they know all the ropes and have all the means to commit the crime and remain above suspicion. More than that, those who deny to others the freedom to communicate are protected by the system they are supposed to keep an eye on and prevent it from being corrupted. And while the bad priests, firemen and police officers do slip once in a while and are caught when they go too far, the people in the media who violate the principles of democracy are never caught because there is no limit as to how far they can go and still enjoy immunity. They are truly the police that cannot be policed. _______They are collectively referred to as the proverbial “editor” but they are also the publishers of the print and the audio-visual media as well as the directors in charge of the television studios. Their job is to look for and discover the worthy ideas that other people hold in their heads and bring these to the attention of the public. But while the position has given the editors the tools to bring ideas into the open, the profession has evolved in such a way as to give them the power to determine what will go out and what will remain hidden. The reality is that while the first amendment of the American Constitution is a good amendment, it has been misinterpreted to mean that the editor alone has the absolute power to make all the decisions. And this development is what gave a handful of editors the power to do what no dictator can in a Third World country. They trample on the rights of everyone without raising as much as an eyebrow when the sort of mischief they commit would have raised a storm if committed by a traditional dictator.________ It is easy to see how the traditional dictators can wreck the countries they rule; it is harder to see how the proverbial editors contribute to the wrecking of a country that calls itself a democracy. But wreck they do except that they are never held responsible for their actions. We begin to understand how this can be when we realize that there is a difference between a business executive or the leader of a political jurisdiction on the one hand and the proverbial editor on the other hand because there is much that differentiates the profession of editor from all the other professions. In general every hierarchy, be it in business or in politics, has its rules where discipline is maintained and the aim is to produce a result that is seen by everyone and can be measured by anyone. Those who run a business or run a political jurisdiction use powers vested in them by the system to which they are accountable and so they give clear instructions to their underlings who try to execute them with precision. For this reason, the business executives and the political leaders put together and maintain a policy that is disciplined and coherent as best they can. _______By contrast, the proverbial editors labor in a profession that is neither disciplined nor coherent. It is an improvisation where they paste together a collage of parts relying not on the solid grounds of some tried and tested rules but on the quick sand of their intuition which is battered and shaken by what they do to each other. Such is the state of mind and such are the thoughts that the editors communicate to their underlings directly and through body language. And this is what the underlings will communicate to their own subordinates now and later on in life. As a result of this kind of subculture pervading every workplace of the media world, the people in the profession end up doing the opposite of what they say they are doing. In the long run, they end up chewing up the good talent of the nation in every field of endeavor while promoting the mediocre. They achieve this odious goal by censoring the talented individuals who have the ability to challenge the order they protect and by giving exposure to the individuals who, devoid of the means to get anywhere without their help, remain dependent on them and, of course, loyal to them. And this is how a superpower is made poor in every field of endeavor especially in the political and cultural fields. ________To see what the media is like from the inside and to understand why it is the way it is, let me begin by telling you about the encounter I had with a publisher years ago. A publisher of books called me one day saying he liked a piece I had sent to him and thought we can work together. I went to see him and after a minute of small talk we cut to the chase whereby he started to explain what he wanted. It quickly became clear to me that this publisher had no idea how creativity works and I wondered why he was not doing something else -- but I did not communicate this last thought to him. The man saw writers not as creators but as machine-like hacks who can be instructed to perform a function which he expects them to execute like a robot. What he wanted me to do was to write a book for children that will tell the little ones all there is to know about death and dying. This being a subject that is so far removed from my temperament and creative ability, I knew that I could not write a paragraph about it and sound credible. And I said so to the publisher. ________As if he expected this reaction from me, he instantly countered with an offer to supply me with tons of material that will help me understand the subject and appreciate it. But I still could not accept the offer because I felt I could not bring myself to internalize a subject of this nature. And I knew that unless I internalized a subject and came to like it, I would not do well putting it on paper. And so I suggested that I write educational material aimed at making the children curious about math and science, a book along the line of the piece I had sent to him; the one that he liked so much he called me upon reading it. But instead of probing this idea further, the man became visibly angry with me and expressed the thought that while he was giving me a chance to be published and get paid for my troubles, I was rejecting a good offer because of what he called a weird notion I was holding in my head about the creative process. ________We argued for a while longer during which time I became convinced that this man did not know what his job entailed him to do and what not to do. It also became clear to me that he was a control freak who acted capriciously and wanted things done his way because he said so and not because he had a passion for the subject he wanted to see developed into a book. On this day his whim pertained to a book about death and dying but it could just as well have been about selling shoes or hunting pheasants as it might be tomorrow or the day after. In short, the man was an autocrat that was no less motivated by the love of power than a Third World dictator. But he was not the only one like that; I met other editors who were more or less like him. In all, I met people I could not work with and did not; I met people I could work with and did; and I met people I could work with but never had the chance to because they feared the Jewish organizations that wanted me to remain on the blacklist and warned that they will punish anyone who would help me get off it. ________So now you ask these questions: Is there a remedy that can work on this kind of problem? And what might be this remedy? Of course, there is no way by which you can force an editor to publish what he or she does not want to publish for any reason, be it that they are a lackey of the Jewish organizations or that they fear them. But some people and some organizations have so much power, a law must be enacted to make it a crime for them to get in the way of an individual or a group that wants to express themselves. It is necessary to have a law like this because these people and organizations, most of which are Jewish, not only refuse to publish what is contrary to their views but interfere with the publication of the material by someone else. Moreover, they put the people who have the ability to challenge them on a blacklist and work like the dickens to ruin their lives while keeping them isolated and out of sight. Worse, the courts in most English speaking countries see this behavior not as an infringement on the right of the people to express themselves but as the legitimate prerogative of the editor, a prerogative that is protected by the freedom of the press. Mind boggling, asinine but true. _______Here is a hypothetical case that will shed more light on that point. You work for an engineering firm and quit to work for another firm. The people of the first firm contact the people of the second and badmouth you. You learn about this and sue the first firm. The chances are good that you will win big. Now contrast this situation with a real one that happened to me in Canada. I sued a newspaper that acted like a henchman for the Jewish organizations in that it contacted everyone who was rumored to work with me or was about to and warned them to back off. I got the evidence that was never refuted by anyone and I sued the paper expecting to win as did many people familiar with the case. But guess what; the judge ruled against me because he said that freedom of the press gave the editors of that paper the right to do what they did. Mind boggling, asinine but true.________ In consequence of all this, I urge that a law such as the one I describe above be enacted as soon as possible. It should make clear in its preamble that because freedom of speech is considered to be so serious as to be protected by law, the interference with freedom of speech for the purpose of negating it to an individual or a group should be considered to be a crime just as serious and must therefore be punished by the same law. And any judge that fails to understand this principle and rules against it must be forced to retire before he or she has had the time to preside over another case. We must understand that these judges are too dangerous to the democratic system by the magnitude of their incompetence, and the sooner we are rid of them the better. _______If we do not address this deficiency in the English speaking world and fix it, we shall continue to brag about us who respect freedom of speech and continue to chide them who live elsewhere for not respecting freedom of speech. We shall continue to brag even after we discover that they practice freedom as much as we do except that they practice it a little differently. We shall discover that the freedom they practice is one that cannot be separated from their being because it is imprinted in their genetic code, the reason why no dictator can crush it and no invader can erase it. Years and decades can pass, generations may come and go but these people always rise and fight for their freedom if and when they must. And this is how their culture has survived for thousands of years and this is why it shall live for thousands more. _______On the other hand, the freedom we have here is one that we use on a daily basis to do practical things. We wear it like an ornament on our sleeve to brag about, we carry it in our pocket like a subway token to open the gates of the political system and we sell it to the highest bidder come election time. It is the kind of freedom that is ephemeral as much as it is flimsy. It is a freedom that is so much removed from our genetic code, we no longer cry “give me liberty or give me death.” Instead, many among us cry for being left out when a strongman or a strong organization rolls into town to recruit the season's quota of ass-kissing lackeys and political prostitutes of both genders. _______ To test the validity of this point what you need to do is send to the legislature a two-bit lout disguised as a lobbyist for a dictatorial organization called AIPAC and you will see the representatives of the people line up to offer their services like prostitutes jostling each other for position -- all trying to be first at serving the one and same client. When you have a situation like this, you can be certain that no dictator will try to crush it and no foreign invader try to erase it because it is everything that dictators and foreign invaders dream to see. In fact, these people will congratulate you on your glorious democracy and urge you to maintain it for ever and ever. Want proof of this? Listen to the AIPAC and Israeli mouthpieces talk about your democracy right after they get what they want. ________Mind boggling, asinine but true.