Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Congressional Letters To Two Presidents

The usually gridlocked Congress of the United States of America is on the move again not to do something for America or the American people but do it for Israel and the Jewish causes. Twenty seven Democratic senators signed a letter to Mr. Barack Obama who is President of the United States. And two members of the House of Representatives signed a letter to Mr. Mahmoud Abbas who is President of the Palestinian Authority (PA). Both letters rail against the announcement made to the effect that the PA (which governs the West Bank of the Jordan River) and Hamas (which governs the Gaza Strip) have agreed to form a Palestinian unity government. And both letters remind their recipients of the dire consequences of this decision.

The letter to Mr. Obama says this: “Soon after this agreement was signed, senior Hamas official Mahmoud Zahar declared that 'our plan does not involve negotiations with Israel or recognizing it'. Hamas and other Iranian-backed terrorist groups in Gaza have also stepped up their smuggling of Iranian arms and increased their mortar and rocket attacks against Israeli civilians, firing more than 130 during the past month alone and nearly 300 this year.” This is the kind of attempted fraud you cannot elevate to the level of the intellect by calling it intellectual fraud because it does not take a human brain to commit it; it takes the brain of an alley cat. Look what these purring idiots do. They have a sentence that says this: “Soon after this agreement was signed,” and they follow it with another sentence that says: “Hamas … also stepped up their smuggling of Iranian arms and increased their mortar and rocket attacks...” which they hope will make the reader believe that the smuggling and the attacks happened after the signing of the agreement. And there is even the suggestion that they may have happened as a result of the agreement because the authors do not clearly come out and say that the smuggling and the firing happened before the announcement was made. This is clearly intended to mislead the readers who may not be focused enough to catch the error. But lest the alley cats be caught with their congressional pants down, they quickly go on to say this: “...during the past month alone and ... this year” which gives them cover in case someone objects to the child-like attempt at deception, and gives them the chance to plead innocent at the accidental misuse of this inappropriate turn of a phrase. But they are fooling no one.

They go on to tell the President what stand the United States must take as a nation and what is imperative for him to do as President. And they remind him of the law that was passed by this same body of idiots pertaining to the conditions that were attached to the financial aid which America gives to the PA, and to the relationship that the latter is allowed to have with Hamas. And then they display -- without the slightest hint of shame -- their true color which is that although they were elected by the American people to serve the American people, they are now and they will always remain the slavish servants of Israel and the Jewish lobby. This is how they formulate it in the letter: “...the legitimacy of any peace process must always be weighed against the assurances Israel needs ... as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has stated 'there is no possibility for peace with both.”' And this, of course, is the refrain that is all too familiar to students of Middle Eastern affairs. It has its roots in the infamous blurt: “If you're not with us, you're against us” and it is the one that has turned the American superpower into a slouching giant that slouched by standing with Israel through thick and thin.

After this literary performance you would think the alley cats will want to close the letter by affirming their loyalty to America, suggesting for the record -- if for nothing else -- that their concern for Israel is secondary to the concern they have for America, but you would be mistaken. There was an age, now long gone, when there was a modicum of respect for America's interests in the US Congress. It was a time when lawmakers that pleaded the cause of a foreign entity associated the interests of that entity with those of America and urged the President to do one thing or another because it was good for America and coincidentally good for the entity as well. But not so since Israel became the sole focus of the US Congress. Now the Congressional characters show no reluctance to taking a perverted approach like this: “As fellow Democrats, we … urge you to make clear to President Abbas and the international community the United States’ opposition to a Fatah-Hamas unity government that … will severely harm relations with the United States. The Palestinian Authority need [not] pursue futile and harmful efforts to join with Hamas or seek recognition of Palestinian statehood at the UN.”

The thing is that now, loyalty to the party supersedes loyalty to the country. This is why the signatories of the letter call on the President to do something not in the name of America but in the name of the Democratic Party which they hint they will destroy to ruin the chances of the President being reelected should he refuse to bend to the will of Netanyahu and mobilize what is left of America's diplomatic resources and moral force and do as told. And finally, they mention the Palestinian effort that seeks recognition at the UN because the subject will soon be taken up by the General Assembly. If a resolution favorable to the Palestinians is passed – which is expected -- the occupation of Palestine by Israel will transform into the act of a sovereign that is occupying another sovereign. It will become a whole new ball game where even the American veto will not protect Israel from the consequences of its never ending criminal activities.

As to the letter that was sent to Mr. Abbas, it is signed by two members of the House, one Democrat and one Republican, which the Jewish publications worldwide are trumpeting as being solid proof of American bipartisan support for Israel. The two members begin the letter like this: “We write to express serious concerns about your intentions to seek recognition of an independent Palestinian state at the United Nations and the pursuit of a unity government with Hamas ... We urge you to end these actions and return to ... the only path to a viable and durable two-state agreement.” Right here, the signatories of the letter tell the Palestinian people that unlike Israel which owes its existence to the United Nations, Palestine should come into existence if and only if Israel so decides; and America will make certain that this will be the case because the Congress will commit all of America's resources to frustrate the will of the international community no matter the consequences.

And then the two Congressional characters do something that is neither here nor there as far as the Palestinian issue is concerned given that the Congress has made it clear it will play a destructive role in the matter as we have seen. But what the two characters have done can still serve as a valuable lesson to the students of history who look for a case study that will help them understand how and why the superpower that was America was wrestled down to the level of a politically failed state by its own legislature under Jewish influence. Simply put, what these two have done is scan everything that pertains to the subject and have picked the points that make their case while ignoring anything else that might have balanced their view and might have set them on the road to a possible compromise. Similarly and in more general terms, when you have two opposite sides such as the Republicans and the Democrats repeatedly engage in this sort of behavior, the result is the gridlock that you see holding America in a sclerotic grip today.

Here is how the two American legislators put it to the Palestinian President: “The 1993 Oslo Accords were ... part of ... [the] peace process. In fact, a letter from ... the PLO 'commits itself to a peaceful resolution ... and declares that all outstanding issues ... will be resolved through negotiations.' That understanding enabled Israel to turn over governance ... to an elected Palestinian government.” What they ignore is that 18 years have passed between 1993 and 2011 and Palestine is still under occupation except for the Gaza strip from where the savage and primitive Israeli boots on the ground were kicked out by the struggle of the unarmed Palestinian people who fought and paid a high price in life and in destroyed properties.

They go on to say this: “Since that time, the U.S. … government has provided billions of dollars … to promote economic growth ... fiscal independence ... and meet humanitarian needs.” They say billions of dollars but the actual amount may not reach one billion. In the meantime, they ignore the fact that Israel has been receiving at least three billion dollars in military aid during each of those 18 years in addition to the arrangements by which tax exempt dollars flow from America to Israel like a hurricane, the reason why the occupation of Palestine has endured for this length of time and why the people of Palestine are kept in an American concentration camp with the Star of David flying over it. And make no mistake, Israel alone could not last one year but it remains there as defiant as ever year after year because America maintains it there which makes it so that the crimes which Israel commits are American crimes.

As you can see, the letter of these two is an act of deception but this is not where it stops because after the deception comes the blackmail. This is how they do it: “U.S. aid is predicated on the premise that your government has demonstrated a firm commitment to pursuing efforts to establish a just, lasting, and comprehensive peace with Israel. As you know, U.S. law also requires a commitment ... and ... prohibits ... any power-sharing ... Your current courses of action undermine the purposes and threaten the provision of United States assistance and support.” They say what they wish for is a just, lasting and comprehensive peace with Israel. They don't try to define the words, and they don't try to draw up a balance sheet as to which side has negotiated in good faith and which side has negotiated to gain time while committing every war crime recognized as such by the Geneva Convention. They don't do this because if they did, they would have to mention the continued building of settlements in the occupied territories which is an act of terror that is openly financed with American money.

And then comes the last idle threat of a morally bankrupt stance that has lasted long enough to cause the world more damage than the never erected thousand year Reich of a never fulfilled mad man. Here is how the two characters of the American Congress put it: “We have been strong supporters of aid to the Palestinian Authority ... However, our ability to support current and future aid would be severely threatened if you ... continue with your current efforts.” They are the legislators and they are supposed to create their own ability to do things but they correctly point out that their abilities will be restricted because they know that prostitutes do not own their lives in the final analysis, therefore they do not control what they can and cannot do. Practicing moral prostitution is what they have been reduced to doing by the mother of all evil ideologies that has begotten every evil ideology plaguing mankind since the beginning of time. And moral prostitution is all they do now in the Congress of the United States of America.

My hunch is that Mr. Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority will be so polite as to avoid making them feel that their letter is not worth the paper it is written on, and may even thank them for writing to him. But I don't have to be polite and my feeling is that the letter is not worth the toilet paper it is written on. And so the appropriate thing for me to do is to say to these characters that they can take their letter and their aid and shove them both. Palestine will be better off without them.