Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Pathetic Parade Of Political Pornography

Eric Cantor who is majority leader in the US House of Representatives has organized several trips to take members of the Republican Party on a tour of Israel. Most of the participants are of the newly elected crop although some are veterans of the House. At the same time, the minority whip who is the Democrat, Steny Hoyer, has organized something similar in that he too will go on a tour of Israel dragging with him a number of newly elected members as well as some veterans of the House. All in all, some 80 members of the US House of Representatives will be going to Israel during the month of September 2011.

While the organizers are Cantor and Hoyer, the brain behind the undertaking is the American Israel Political Action Committee (AIPAC) and the bank-roller is the American taxpayer. Yes, this is how it works in America; AIPAC sets up a phony tax exempt charitable organization called the American Israel Education Foundation and assigns to it the task of educating the American lawmakers on how to worship their Jewish masters at home and how to serve Israel to the detriment of their own country yet feel not guilty or disgusted at their behavior but proud to serve the devil. The Foundation then collects donated money to pay for all the worthy expenses it will incur in this regard. And all the suckers who are privileged enough to get an education under its auspices are sent to Israel on junkets where they spend billions of tax exempted American dollars to buy goods and services in Israel which are subject to Israeli taxation. The suckers then come back to America fully indoctrinated, brainwashed and forever branded as “Friends of Israel.”

Look what Hoyer said even before going to Israel. He said that despite America's current difficulties, he wants to make clear that there will be no adverse effect on America's determination to meet its promise to Israel in the form of military aid or economic aid. What this means is that because the American economic pie is shrinking due to causes beyond anyone's control, and because the promise has been that the piece which goes to Israel will not shrink proportionately, some people in America will be hit twice. First, they will see their portion of the pie shrink due to those causes then see it shrink again when a piece of what is due to them is cut out and sent to Israel to keep the promise and keep steady what goes to that foreign hell hole.

And who will suffer in America? Well, what has happened so far or has been discussed is that the benefits to the unemployed will be diminished. The loans given to students will be reduced. The school lunch program feeding the poor kids of America will be phased out. Teachers and police officers will be laid off and so on and so forth. Now ask yourself, my dear friend: How much more of a low life can a traitor get to be? Clearly, Steny Hoyer is not only the quintessential male hooker – political, social or both -- he is a cancer that is metastasizing inside the body of the American political system; and the sooner he is kicked out of his position the better it will be for America and for its people.

Now that you know how American lawmakers are “educated” as to how they should serve the military and economic well being of Israel to the detriment of their own country, you need to know how they are educated as to how America should spend the political capital, the prestige and the respect it still has in the world to serve the interests of Israel. Look what the Jewish Eric Cantor said even before going to Israel. He said that Israel is a pillar in America's national security strategy because it is the only reliable ally that America has in a tough region. He went on to say that members of the House go to Israel to understand the complexities that Israel faces as well as the importance of the US-Israel relationship.

What Cantor did not do is explain how Israel is a pillar in America's national security when everyone knows – including the American military – that Israel's activities in the Middle East endanger the lives of American servicemen throughout the region and beyond. And every time there is a war in the Middle East or thereabout -- whether it is instigated by Israel, by world Jewry or otherwise -- the Americans find Arab allies who join the coalition and fight alongside them. And the Americans make it a point to specifically forbid the Israelis from coming near to them because they know that to let the Israelis join the battle is to invite the skunk to come along and spray his nauseating fluids all over your undertaking. “Stay out” has always been the word sent from the American military to Israel. Stay out and don't even talk about the subject.

And while this has been the reality of the fictitious but “cordial” relationship that is said to exist between America and Israel, Cantor the Jew plans to meet in Israel with the man he favors over his own American President. Yes, Cantor will meet with the rug pissing Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu and will introduce to him his newly elected loyal American subjects, the submissive members of the American Congress of shame. It is not clear what Netanyahu plans to do to them in the privacy of his office; maybe he only wants to try them for size and make sure there is no daylight between the stiffer of America and the shafted representatives. And they might give him a standing ovation for that; it is their disgusting habit.

In any case, Cantor will then head to Ramallah which is the capital of occupied Palestine where he will meet with the President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas and introduce to him the new crop of American pimps and prostitutes, madams and gigolos who will have been programmed beforehand to warn Abbas in unison not to seek UN recognition for a Palestinian State. They will tell him in no uncertain terms that Israel is not an American colony but that America is an Israeli colony. What Israel commands, they will say, America executes. What Israel wants, America gives. What Israel wishes, America dies to fulfill the wish. Al Qaeda may have its suicidal bombers; Israel has its suicidal America.

Yes, my friend, the Judeo-Israeli strategy for America is clear in some respect but it is also not so clear in another respect. What is clear is that internally, the agents of AIPAC use non-Jews such as Hoyer, Jon Kyl and Sam Brownback to do battle against the needy in America, a country they fleece in broad daylight and send the spoils to Israel. While doing this, those same agents use American Jews such as Eric Cantor and Joseph Lieberman to make the American people believe that to be secure and remain safe, America must arm Israel and allow it to kill those who cannot defend themselves such as the Palestinians. What is not clear is why the strategy seeks to let Israel go on adventures that may at first bloody the nose of the neighbors but then turns into something else. In fact, the neighbors have always recovered after the initial surprise attack. They kicked the ass of the Israelis and booted them out of the lands that the latter occupied for a while. This happened in the Sinai, Gaza, South Lebanon and half of the Golan Heights.

But what's in this for America or even Israel, for that matter? Undoubtedly this is a strategy that was inspired by the ancient legends of the Old Testament but one that has no place in the modern world. Yet, when you think about it, the strategy could not have been imagined or executed if it were not for the fact that a superpower the size of America was there and was willing to let itself be consumed like a candle for the sake of a very sick culture calling itself Jewish but could just as well call itself satanic, pointless and out of synch with normal human aspirations.

If you wonder why all this is happening at this time, it is that the General Assembly of the United Nation meets once a year which happens to be in September. And this year will be the moment when the Palestinians have planned to seek recognition for their state, something that the Judeo-Israeli gang wants to forestall. In addition to this, there is something that a few of us have known for a long time yet the thing remained hidden from the rest of the world. It is the fact that Israel has no economy even though its agents were managing during all this time to make it look and make it sound like the little fart is enjoying a heavenly economy that is managed by divine sages and executed by angelic operators.

Theirs was a demonic presentation that lasted a long time and fooled many people around the world but not those of us who looked at a different set of numbers. We did not take into consideration the numbers published by the Bank of Israel or by the agencies of the Israeli government. Instead, we looked at the natural resources that Israel extracted from local sources, what it imported from abroad, what it used locally and what it exported in terms of finished and semi-finished products. When you do this and you put it all together, you get a result that sounds something like this: We produced no iron ore from local sources, we imported a kilogram of the stuff and we manufactured a ton of heavy machinery. We consumed locally half of what we produced and sold abroad the other half for 10 million dollars. This may sound exaggerated for half a kilogram of iron but we do things so miraculously well in Israel that people pay us 10 million dollars for what they would pay you 10 dollars. You may now convert to Judaism and be part of the miracle if you will contribute a few millions of your amassed wealth. It's called a biblical pyramid scheme of Madoff proportion. Interested?

And so now that they have fleeced America which used to be an economic superpower, and now that the thing can no longer arm them or feed them as well as before, they are panicking. But instead of doing what everyone else does at a time like this which is to rely on themselves for a change and be independent of the others, they try to pick what little meat is left on the carcass of America's body and feed on it for as long as they can. And they plan to live like this until they find someone else on whose body they will feed like the parasitic scavengers they have always been. And they will depend on the Cantors and the Hoyers of this world to help them execute their new strategy.

In the meantime, they are becoming increasingly conscious of the fact that the Evangelical Frankenstein they have created for a reason turned out to be a monster of changing taste. They had trained the creature to love eating the flesh of the Arabs and the Muslims as well as drink their blood. But the thing is now developing a taste for something else, something that promises to be the Jewish flesh and blood. And when this happens, it will not be the first time in history that they created the Frankenstein that ended up devouring them. In fact, this has been the only constant in their long and deplorable history.

Thus, you see that the people who used to emphasize religiosity in politics during the time that Joseph Lieberman was running for the position of Vice President are now re-emphasizing the need to keep the church separate from the state. They see that the same Evangelicals who dominated the Republican Party in the era of W. Bush and who used to advocate the atomization of the Arabs and the Muslims are turning their backs on the same Jews they used to worship like Gods. And the Jews who have any brains at all are beginning to realize what this means in the final analysis. They realize that when someone is fooled for a long time, and when he is made to do things so humiliating as to worship a false God, that someone will eventually wake up from his trance and want to gas or incinerate the false God.

For this reason Eric Cantor was asked to comment on the rise in America of Christians who no longer consider Judaism as the owner, master or teacher of Christianity. Cantor skirted the question and went to express what his hopes and his wishes were in this regard. He put it this way: “We in America believe we have the ability to practice our faith. There is no … governmental entity that will stop that ability … and that's been the constitutional protection afforded to all American citizens … Being a religious minority in this country and being a minority faith within the Republican Party is a fact of life for me and has always been.”

The trouble is that these people never learn the one thing they desperately need to know which is that to avoid the terrible ending they always meet, they must never start the way they always do. But if for some reason they do start the wrong way, they should back off on time and before it is too late. It is obvious, however, that the Jewish organizations and the Jewish leaders are nowhere near learning this lesson, much less master it and make it a part of their culture. They are once again rushing headlong toward the sort of ending that they have been lamenting about for centuries.

If Eric Cantor and Steny Hoyer want to avoid the catastrophe that is awaiting the Jews in America and elsewhere as surely as night follows day, they should cancel the trips to Israel that they have planned and they should tell Netanyahu by mail or by courier that Israel's security and economic well being must be found in the forging of a normal relationship with his Arab and Muslim neighbors not in pissing on their rugs the way that he pissed on the rug of the White House when he visited there not long ago.

Netanyahu must be made to understand that when he behaves like a dog, he will be treated like a dog and so will be the Jews who will not denounce him. It is inevitable, it is normal, it is human nature.